I used Maptitude's TIGER/Line Import function without any problem. The
TIGER Version is 2000. Feature to import is "Census Urban Areas." I
converted the projection to NAD83. Now, I have to join all 9 Counties
together and get pertinent Census 2000 Block or Block Group demographics
for further analysis. I would welcome any suggestions as to steps for
doing this and procedures and considerations for revising the
Metropolitan Planning Area.
Sweson Yang, AICP
Chief Transportation Planner
Indianapolis Metro Planning Organization
200 E. Washington St., Suite 1841
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 327-5137
>>> "Chad Coziahr; FM Metro COG" <coziahr(a)fmmetrocog.org> 05/08/02
08:03AM >>>
Thanks to everyone who responded. It looks like the converter I used
is the problem. I will have to follow up with one of the alternatives
many of you suggested.
I found the TIGER Reader script by clicking ArcScript on the ESRI main
page and then running a search for "tiger" and narrowing the search to
the Avenue language. The URL line from the search is
Chad Coziahr
Fargo-Moorhead Metro COG
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert LaMacchia
To: Ctpp-News Maillist
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 1:05 PM
Subject: [CTPP] UA TIGER/Line files now available
The UA Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are now available at:
Bob LaMacchia
Geography Division
U. S. Census Bureau
I've used the following method which uses some custom programs written by
Warren Glimpse of Proxityone (www.proximityone.com)
Here's a breif description:
Though there are many ways to develop such a file, here is one method. The
UAC and geocode hierarchy to get to the block level are contained in the
composite of Census 2000 UA TIGER/Line files 1, A, and I. The appropriate
TIGER/Line files can be downloaded from the Census server and processed with
the Proximity TGR2DBF software creating a dbase structured version for these
three TLFs. Next use TGR2DBF to create a census block-to-UA/UC code
equivalency file (BLKUA.DBF). Next acquire the county by census block
shapefile(s) from the Proximity map files website. Use the Proximity Cen2Shp
software to merge the UA/UC code from the BLKUA.DBF into the county by block
shapefile dbf. The augmented shapefile is now ready to support a display (or
data link) of census blocks by user selected UA/UC. View the results of this
process for the Lawrence, Kansas metropolitan area at
Goto: http://www.proximityone.com/cen2000.htm#tigerua for more details.
Ben Mauldin
Director of Research
Central Midlands Council of Governments
I am having similar issues. I converted the files using the 2000 Tiger conversion tool in the ArcToolbox in Arc8. When I do this, the resulting files do not contain the UA field. I placed a call to the Census Bureau's geography department today, and was told that they have already heard of this happening and they suspect that it is due to the converter. They were not able to offer any help, but told me to go back to the software vendor. I am now trying to find someone at ESRI who can answer some questions. Has anyone else found a way around this?
Lesley Hegewald
Associate GIS Analyst/Data Specialist
Mid-Willamette Valley
Council of Governments
105 High Street SE
Salem, OR 97301
(503)588-6177 phone
(503)588-6094 fax
>>> "Chad Coziahr; FM Metro COG" <coziahr(a)fmmetrocog.org> 05/07/02 01:18PM >>>
Maybe someone can tell me what I am missing here.
I have downloaded the data and converted it in Arc View 3.2a with a Tiger Reader from the ESRI web site. But the closest thing to an "Urban Area" for 2000 is the "Transportation Planning Area."
Any help?
Chad Coziahr
Fargo-Moorhead Metro COG
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert LaMacchia
To: Ctpp-News Maillist
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 1:05 PM
Subject: [CTPP] UA TIGER/Line files now available
The UA Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are now available at:
Bob LaMacchia
Geography Division
U. S. Census Bureau
This is probably a Bob LaMacchia question (Census Geography) but I'll post it to the CTPP-News since it may be of interest to many MPOs.
Are the "Urban Cluster" boundaries included on the soon-to-be-released UA/TIGER files?
The Bureau's web page (below) says yes, but I can't find a variable field for urban clusters in the PDF-formatted "record layout."
Or, are urban clusters and urbanized areas use the same "UA" code on the TIGER files? (And, if they use the same UA codes, is there any other indicator to use to separate by UAs from my UCs? I've got 13 urbanized areas and an additional 12 urban clusters in my region, which is manageable if I want a manually separate urbanized area versus urban cluster GIS layers....)
(Urban clusters are smaller urban populations of 1,000-49,999 population, and apparently > 1000 persons per square mile. They include such places as Calistoga and Half Moon Bay in the Bay Area, and many of our California state prisons....)
(WARNING: ESRI's web site www.geographynetwork.com DOES have TIGER 2000 data files in SHP format, but the "urban areas" that are included on their site are the 1990 URBANIZED AREAS, not the 2000 UAs!!! If ESRI staff are monitoring this listserv, you may want to clarify what is currently available, and when the 2000 UAs will be available on geographynetwork.com.)
Thanks in advance!
Chuck Purvis, MTC
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
www: http://www.mtc.ca.gov/
Census WWW: http://census.mtc.ca.gov/
the census bureau's web site dealing with urbanized areas and urban
clusters is up and running. on may 3rd the TIGER files with the
boundaries will also be available for downloading.
FHWA and FTA have also posted a FAQ dealing with boundary issues and
their implications.
Ed Christopher
Metropolitan Activities
Midwest Resource Center
Federal Highway Administration
19900 Governors Drive
Olympia Fields, Illinois 60461
708-283-3534 (V)
708-283-3501 (F)
The population figures for the urbanized areas are nice, but is there anywhere we can see or get our hands on the maps of the new/changed urban boundaries?
Tom Reinauer, Transportation Director
Southern Maine RPC
21 Bradeen St. Suite 304
Springvale, ME 04083
FAX -2958
Thanks for posting the announcement! Our MPO staff have been anticipating this data for months.
Two questions, perhaps you or Census Bureau Geog Division could answer:
1. Will our new 1 percent and 5 percent PUMAs be on these new TIGER files?
2. Other than the USDOT, what federal agencies use the urbanized area data, and how?
Chuck Purvis, MTC
Census 2000 UA TIGER/Line files should be available for download from the Census Bureau's TIGER/Line web page this week, but may not be available on Wednesday.
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
www: http://www.mtc.ca.gov/
Census WWW: http://census.mtc.ca.gov/
the latest (may 2002) version of the newletter 'ctpp 2000 status report'
in now posted at http://www.TRBcensus.com/
for copies of this issue or all the previous ones refer to
they are posted in both html and pdf.
Ed Christopher