I'm using ArcView 3.1, so this may or may not be relevant.
1. Download the read the Technical Documentation that goes with the files;
2. If you remember the process for downloading and converting the PL94 and
the SF1 files, the same goes here;
3. After decompressing the files (WinZip workes fine), rename them to a
.TXT file;
4. Import them into Access, setting field widths as defined in the
Technical Documentation for each individual file
5. Once imported into an Access table, Export the table as a .DBF
6. Now the fun really starts. If you need to concatenate fields to obtain
useable geography (some other listserve posters have done that), I find
it's easier to do that in Excel. Take the .DBF file, open it in Excel, do
your concatenation, and resave it to the .DBF file. Now you can do a JOIN
in ArcView, assuming you have other TIGER mapping with a common field.
Good Luck!
Michael D. Golembiewski
Transportation Modeler
READING PA 19601-4309
ph: 610-478-6300
fax: 610-478-6316
Dear sir/madam,
please replace reigen(a)vrpact.org with tdymkowski(a)vrpact.org
Mr. Eigen is not the person to recieve this information.
Thad J. Dymkowski II
GIS Transportation Planner
Valley Regional Planning Agency
phone (203)-735-8688
fax (203)-735-8680
A colleague of mine forwarded this UA conversion conversation from this email group after I opened a Tech Support call at ESRI regarding this same issue. ESRI Tech Support has been able to recreate what I described to them (as you all found too) and they have opened a bug for me, bug number CQ00166163. Tech support also said no other bugs were logged on this issue as of today (5/9/02). In the meantime, I successfully created a UA 2000 file using the method suggested below. This meant opening and formatting the TGR table in Excel, saving it as a DBF file, opening the DBF Table A in ArcMap. relating on the field "polyid" for each county to the polygon file. Although cumbersome, it does work. Thank You for the suggestion while we wait for ESRI.
Tanya J. Mayer, GIS Coordinator
Metropolitan Council
230 E. 5th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
651.602.1604 (V) 651.602.1674 (F)
>>> Jim Bash <jbash(a)uic.edu> 5/8/02 3:58:43 PM >>>
IF the TIGER reader can create the basic tiger poly layer and if it keeps
the field "polyid" then you can read the polygon attribute file into
ArcView separately as a table, do a relate on polyid (then dissolve if you
want a single poly for UA--dissolve is the Arc/Info word, forgot what
ArcView calls it). Whoops, ArcView only reads dbf, info and delimited
text. TIGER is fixed field text so you'd need to read it into Excel and
export as dbase or use some other tool of your choice to get to a dbf.
I will try to take a look at this TIGER Reader but we got Illinois SF3
Profile data today so I'm under the gun to work with it before the press
gets it (tomorrow) and then the public release Tuesday. I suspect the
reason TIGER Reader works is that that the records sizes and basic formats
in TIGER haven't changed in a while. BUT, some fields have changed--as
several others have pointed out. the UA2000 field is indeed the combo of
the old UA field and UA flag. In Arc/Info I just did a redefine--in
ArcView you need to create a new 5 character field and then do a calc into
it of the 2 fields concantenated (go into "start editing", highlight the
new field, go to field->calc and enter UA+UAFLAG--or whatever your fields
are called as long as they are character NOT numeric).
jim b
On Wed, 8 May 2002, Tom Reinauer wrote:
> I tried using Tiger Reader in ArcView 3.2a and have had no luck. The UA
> data record also appears to be 1990, not 2000.
> We have cross-border issues and split urbanized areas and would really like
> to see the new boundaries before the Fall.
> Someone out there must know of a fairly simple process(or develop a simple
> process) to convert the boundary data into an ArcView shape file,
> considering the proliferation of ESRI products.
> Tom Reinauer, Transportation Director
> Southern Maine RPC
> 21 Bradeen St. Suite 304
> Springvale, ME 04083
> (207)324-2952
> FAX -2958
> treinauer(a)server.eddmaine.org
> www.smrpc.maine.org
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kendis Willet" <kwillet(a)ardc.org>
> To: <ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 11:52 AM
> Subject: [CTPP] UA conversion
> > So, if you are using Arcview 3.2 and ArcInfo 8.1 and are not able to buy a
> > third party software, a person can't process these UA boundaries off the
> > Census site?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Kendis
> >
> >
> > Kendis Willet
> > GIS Specialist
> > Metropolitan Interstate Committee
> > Email:
While I appreciate hearing about the various methods of converting the UA data with third party converters, I am still most interested in finding out how this might be accomplished using the ArcView 3.2 or Arc8 software, in which we have already invested many thousands of dollars. Frankly, I don't have the budget to purchase any of the additional products that have been mentioned so far. I was under the assumption that the Census Bureau was partnering with ESRI (or vice-versa) so that the users of the products would have easy use of one with the other. So far, "easy" is not one of the words I would use to describe the experience I have had with this. This could not be much more complicated than it is now. Please keep the suggestions coming- I am hoping to find something soon that works.
Lesley Hegewald
Associate GIS Analyst/Data Specialist
Mid-Willamette Valley
Council of Governments
105 High Street SE
Salem, OR 97301
(503)588-6177 phone
(503)588-6094 fax
>>> "Chuck Purvis" <CPurvis(a)mtc.ca.gov> 05/09/02 08:06AM >>>
The solution for us in getting our 2000 urbanized areas in ArcView shp format was to purchase (actually, upgrade to) the commercial third-party software TGR2SHP (version 4.2) from www.gistools.com. Very easy to use, especially for non-GIS folks like myself.
As I understand it, this is the software that ESRI will (or perhaps eventually) use to create the urbanized areas for downloading on their www.geographynetwork.com site.
I wouldn't recommend the older TIGER translators available on ESRI's site. They were built for TIGER/Line '97 and older!
(Pardon the commercial plug.)
Chuck Purvis
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
www: http://www.mtc.ca.gov/
Census WWW: http://census.mtc.ca.gov/
The alert eyes (and computer processing skills) of one of the many state
Department of Transportation folks processing the UA Census 2000 TIGER/Line
files has discovered that the 1990 Urban/Rural code on Record Type S in the
UA Census 2000 TIGER/Line files is in error. We have determined that this
affects over 1000 counties, and are now preparing a notice for our web site.
We also are discussing how to best resolve this situation. The error
overstates the extent of the 1990 urban classification in the affected
counties -- some polygons are classified as 1990 urban when they should have
been 1990 rural. The 2000 UA/UC codes and Urban/Rural codes are correct, as
is the 1990 UA code.
Until we determine a solution, the correct 1990 Urban/Rural code is located
on the Census 2000 TIGER/Line files on Record Type A. For both versions
(the Census 2000 and the UA Census 2000 TIGER/Line files), the CENID/POLYID
codes are the same, so you can use the CENID/POLYID as a match key across
these two versions.
Once we have a solution determined, we will let you know.
Bob LaMacchia
Geography Division
U. S. Census Bureau
I used the TIGER Reader extension for ArcView and found the same thing. It
reads the 2000 UA, but labels the field UA90, and it truncates the last
digit (gives only 4, should be 5) of the UA code.
I loaded in the 1990 Urban Area .shp file as well,
(downloaded from census website http://www.census.gov/geo/www/cob/ua1990.html yesterday) to be certain. The area I was looking at is a UA in 2000, but
wasn't in 1990. So this confirmed that the TIGER Reader extension is
reading in the UA 2000 boundaries, it just labels them UA90 (and drops the
last digit of the code!).
Thanks to everyone who has posted on this subject so far. It made my job
much easier!
Leigh Oesterling, Transportation Planner
Modeling & Forecasting Section
Office of Technical Services
Ohio Department of Transportation
(614) 752-5747 FAX (614) 752-8646
Leigh Oesterling
Modeling & Forecasting Section
Office of Technical Services
Ohio Department of Transportation
(614) 752-5747 FAX (614) 752-8646
"Wrafter, Eoin" <ewrafter(a)co.dutchess.ny.us>
Sent by: owner-ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net
05/09/02 08:15 AM
To: "Brian Lakeman" <Blakeman(a)gtcmpo.org>
cc: <ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net>
Subject: RE: [CTPP] UA conversion
I agree Brian I too had someone do the conversion in ArcInfo and it
matched the results from TIGER reader in ArcView 3.2. Although the
field name is incorrect it appears the underlying data maybe correct.
Eoin Wrafter, AICP
Senior Planner
Poughkeepsie-Dutchess County Transportation Council
27 High Street, 2nd Floor
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Phone (845) 486-3600 Fax (845) 486-3610
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Lakeman [mailto:Blakeman@gtcmpo.org]
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 3:41 PM
To: 'Banette Kritzky'; kwillet(a)ardc.org; ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net;
Subject: RE: [CTPP] UA conversion
I too have found this. I had someone with Arc/Info graciously convert a
counties worth of 2000UA data for me. When I ran TIGER Reader in ArcView
chose "Urbanized Areas 1990" as the field to extract, the results
matched up
exactly with the Arc/Info converted files. Has anyone else noticed this?
appears that TIGER Reader may be doing the conversion correctly, even
the field is named incorrectly.
Brian Lakeman
Genesee Transportation Council
-----Original Message-----
From: Banette Kritzky [mailto:banette.kritzky@dot.state.mn.us]
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 2:50 PM
To: kwillet(a)ardc.org; ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net;
Subject: Re: [CTPP] UA conversion
I also used the Tiger Reader in ArcView 3.2a in an attempt to
the UAs. I am, however, puzzled by the following: a) if this Reader
extracts 1990 data, why was one of the layers titled ALR/LUCA 2000; and
after reprojecting the extracted UA90 layer and overlaying my block2000
census data, why do the boundaries match up almost exactly (except for a
couple of donut holes) ? Could it be possible the Reader actually
the 2000 data, but is using the old field naming convention?
This list serve has been a great relief knowing there are others out
there trying to work through the same problems.
Banette Kritzky
GIS Coordinator
Mn/DOT Office of Investment Management
MS 440, 3rd Floor, Mn/DOT Central Office
395 John Ireland Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-0220
>>> "Tom Reinauer" <treinauer(a)edd.uct.usm.maine.edu> 5/8/2002 12:08:26
I tried using Tiger Reader in ArcView 3.2a and have had no luck. The UA
data record also appears to be 1990, not 2000.
We have cross-border issues and split urbanized areas and would really
to see the new boundaries before the Fall.
Someone out there must know of a fairly simple process(or develop a
process) to convert the boundary data into an ArcView shape file,
considering the proliferation of ESRI products.
Tom Reinauer, Transportation Director
Southern Maine RPC
21 Bradeen St. Suite 304
Springvale, ME 04083
FAX -2958
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kendis Willet" <kwillet(a)ardc.org>
To: <ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 11:52 AM
Subject: [CTPP] UA conversion
> So, if you are using Arcview 3.2 and ArcInfo 8.1 and are not able to
buy a
> third party software, a person can't process these UA boundaries off
> Census site?
> Thanks,
> Kendis
> Kendis Willet
> GIS Specialist
> Metropolitan Interstate Committee
> Email: kwillet(a)ardc.org
The solution for us in getting our 2000 urbanized areas in ArcView shp format was to purchase (actually, upgrade to) the commercial third-party software TGR2SHP (version 4.2) from www.gistools.com. Very easy to use, especially for non-GIS folks like myself.
As I understand it, this is the software that ESRI will (or perhaps eventually) use to create the urbanized areas for downloading on their www.geographynetwork.com site.
I wouldn't recommend the older TIGER translators available on ESRI's site. They were built for TIGER/Line '97 and older!
(Pardon the commercial plug.)
Chuck Purvis
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
www: http://www.mtc.ca.gov/
Census WWW: http://census.mtc.ca.gov/
I used the TIGER Reader extension for ArcView and found the same thing. It
reads the 2000 UA, but labels the field UA90, and it truncates the last
digit (gives only 4, should be 5) of the UA code.
I loaded in the 1990 Urban Area .shp file as well,
(downloaded from census website http://www.census.gov/geo/www/cob/ua1990.html yesterday) to be certain. The area I was looking at is a UA in 2000, but
wasn't in 1990. So this confirmed that the TIGER Reader extension is
reading in the UA 2000 boundaries, it just labels them UA90.
Thanks to everyone who has posted on this subject so far. It made my job
much easier!
Leigh Oesterling, Transportation Planner
Modeling & Forecasting Section
Office of Technical Services
Ohio Department of Transportation
(614) 752-5747 FAX (614) 752-8646
Brian Lakeman <Blakeman(a)gtcmpo.org>
Sent by: owner-ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net
05/08/02 03:41 PM
To: "'Banette Kritzky'" <banette.kritzky(a)dot.state.mn.us>, kwillet(a)ardc.org,
ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net, treinauer(a)edd.uct.usm.maine.edu
Subject: RE: [CTPP] UA conversion
I too have found this. I had someone with Arc/Info graciously convert a
counties worth of 2000UA data for me. When I ran TIGER Reader in ArcView
chose "Urbanized Areas 1990" as the field to extract, the results matched
exactly with the Arc/Info converted files. Has anyone else noticed this?
appears that TIGER Reader may be doing the conversion correctly, even
the field is named incorrectly.
Brian Lakeman
Genesee Transportation Council
-----Original Message-----
From: Banette Kritzky [mailto:banette.kritzky@dot.state.mn.us]
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 2:50 PM
To: kwillet(a)ardc.org; ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net;
Subject: Re: [CTPP] UA conversion
I also used the Tiger Reader in ArcView 3.2a in an attempt to extract
the UAs. I am, however, puzzled by the following: a) if this Reader only
extracts 1990 data, why was one of the layers titled ALR/LUCA 2000; and b)
after reprojecting the extracted UA90 layer and overlaying my block2000
census data, why do the boundaries match up almost exactly (except for a
couple of donut holes) ? Could it be possible the Reader actually
the 2000 data, but is using the old field naming convention?
This list serve has been a great relief knowing there are others out
there trying to work through the same problems.
Banette Kritzky
GIS Coordinator
Mn/DOT Office of Investment Management
MS 440, 3rd Floor, Mn/DOT Central Office
395 John Ireland Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-0220
>>> "Tom Reinauer" <treinauer(a)edd.uct.usm.maine.edu> 5/8/2002 12:08:26 PM
I tried using Tiger Reader in ArcView 3.2a and have had no luck. The UA
data record also appears to be 1990, not 2000.
We have cross-border issues and split urbanized areas and would really
to see the new boundaries before the Fall.
Someone out there must know of a fairly simple process(or develop a simple
process) to convert the boundary data into an ArcView shape file,
considering the proliferation of ESRI products.
Tom Reinauer, Transportation Director
Southern Maine RPC
21 Bradeen St. Suite 304
Springvale, ME 04083
FAX -2958
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kendis Willet" <kwillet(a)ardc.org>
To: <ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 11:52 AM
Subject: [CTPP] UA conversion
> So, if you are using Arcview 3.2 and ArcInfo 8.1 and are not able to buy
> third party software, a person can't process these UA boundaries off the
> Census site?
> Thanks,
> Kendis
> Kendis Willet
> GIS Specialist
> Metropolitan Interstate Committee
> Email: kwillet(a)ardc.org
The Census Bureau is currently releasing demographic profiles for states,counties, and places on a state-by-state basis. To access the data for your state, please visit:
Nanda Srinivasan