Appropos of this entire discussion: it sounds to
me like these problems, if they are problems, are
the consequence of the 2000-09 effort to realign
TIGER. That was the major MAF-TIGER upgrade
effort of the decade. Presumably the new lines
are (a) more accurate, and (b) won't change again.
Patty Becker
At 10:29 AM 12/7/2011, you wrote:
>Content-Language: en-US
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>Were most interested in TAZ zone-level, or
>place-level stats. (I cant imagine needing Block-level change statistics.)
>So, we recast all the year 2000 Block polygons
>as centroid points and use spatial join to
>attach a consistent-over-time TAZ code and place
>code (most recent jurisdictional
>boundaries). Then simply roll up Blocks into TAZ totals, place totals, etc.
>There are Blocks that straddle TAZ and place
>boundaries just have to live with that.
>(I do repeat the step above 2 or 3 times as a
>quality control: I identify Block centroids
>using different centroid location options (thus
>moving the points around) and test to see
>whether that yields multiple membership in
>multiple TAZs or places. Then I go to aerial
>photography and manually recode TAZ and place
>membership based on rooftops assessment: which
>side of the boundary line has the majority of
>structures, or else the majority of land
>acreage. This is an issue only in ½ % of Blocks.)
>Todd Graham | Principal Forecaster
>Metropolitan Council | 390 North Robert Street | Saint Paul, MN 55101
>tel: 1+651-602-1322 | fax:
>1+651-602-1674 | e:
Patricia C. (Patty) Becker 248/354-6520
APB Associates/SEMCC FAX 248/354-6645
28300 Franklin Road Home 248/355-2428
Southfield, MI 48034 pbecker(a)
ACS Banner
U.S. Census Bureau Releases Documentation for the 2006-2010 ACS 5-Year
Estimates and 2008-2010 ACS 3-Year PUMS File
We are pleased to announce the first release of documentation in support
of the 2006-2010 ACS 5-year estimates and the 2008-2010 ACS 3-Year Public
Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) file. These data sets are scheduled for
release on Thursday, December 8, 2011. The code lists, subject
definitions, product changes, and other documentation available now offer
ACS data users the opportunity to prepare for next week's data release.
New and updated documentation related to this release is available now on
the 2010 Data Release page. [ ]
This page includes links to the following pages:
Summary File FTP site: [ ]
Includes the Summary File Technical Documentation, Sequence Number Table
Number Lookup and table shells
Product Changes page: [ ]
Explains new, modified, and removed tables.
[ ]
Documentation page: [ ]
Includes code lists, subject definitions, group quarters definitions, and
instructions for applying statistical testing.
PUMS Documentation page: [ ]
Includes code lists, subject definitions, group quarters definitions, and
instructions for applying statistical testing.
If you need information or have questions about the survey, please call
our Customer Services Center on 1 (800) 923-8282.
Thank you,
American Community Survey Office
U.S. Census Bureau
Ed Christopher
FHWA Resource Center Planning Team
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (C)
Elaine - nice job!
At 05:06 PM 12/1/2011, you wrote:
>Hi Everyone Happy December! The days are so
>short, I cant wait for the winter solstice to pass.
>Liang and I have made a new cheatsheet for AFF2
>because I got a recent query from someone who
>was applying for a bicycling grant and needed to
>provide ACS bike to work mode share. Hope this is useful.
>Elaine Murakami
>FHWA Office of Planning
>206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
>ctpp-news mailing list
Patricia C. (Patty) Becker 248/354-6520
APB Associates/SEMCC FAX 248/354-6645
28300 Franklin Road Home 248/355-2428
Southfield, MI 48034 pbecker(a)
The 2006-2010 ACS data will use 2010 census geography. However, urban areas will still be those defined based on Census 2000 data (2010 Census urban areas were not available when geographic information was delivered for ACS tabulation). 2010-based PUMAs also were not available (these are being defined now). Metropolitan and micropolitan areas will be those in existence as of December 2009.
Michael Ratcliffe
Assistant Division Chief, Geocartographic Products and Criteria
Geography Division
U.S. Census Bureau
Office: 301.763.8977
Cell: 202.253.3449
----- Original Message -----
From: Sulabh Aryal [saryal(a)]
Sent: 12/02/2011 09:51 AM EST
To: "ctpp-news(a)" <ctpp-news(a)>
Subject: [CTPP] RE: 2006-2010 ACS data geography
AS far As I heard it would be In the new 2010 Census geography.
Sulabh Aryal
Associate Planner
Richmond Regional Planning District Commission
9211 Forest Hill Avenue, Suite 200 Richmond, VA 23235
Phone: 804.323.2033 3 Fax: 804.323.2025
saryal(a)<> 3<>
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a) [] On Behalf Of Nancy Reger
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 9:30 AM
To: ctpp-news(a)
Subject: [CTPP] 2006-2010 ACS data geography
Does anyone know when the ACS 2006-2010 5 year data will be in the 2010 census geography, or still in the 2000?
Nancy Reger, AICP
Deputy Director, Transportation
111 Liberty St. Ste. 100
Columbus, Ohio 43215
ctpp-news mailing list
Does anyone know when the ACS 2006-2010 5 year data will be in the 2010 census geography, or still in the 2000?
Nancy Reger, AICP
Deputy Director, Transportation
111 Liberty St. Ste. 100
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Hi Everyone - Happy December! The days are so short, I can't wait for
the winter solstice to pass.
Liang and I have made a new cheatsheet for AFF2 because I got a recent
query from someone who was applying for a bicycling grant and needed to
provide ACS "bike to work" mode share. Hope this is useful.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
I apologize if this has been covered before, but i tried searching the archive with no success.
Does anyone know if a repository is available with 1980 UTPP?
If not, any other ideas for sources of employment data at place of employment aggregated at the place or UZA level from 1980- or 1990-present? I've tried Zip Code Business Patterns and REIS, but neither were fruitful.
Finally, are CTPP ACS 2006-2008 available at place/UZA level? Where can i download them from? I can't seem to figure out the AASHTO web tool for accessing raw data.
I am interested in whether technical documentation will be provided for 2006-2010 ACS 5-year estimates in advance of the embargo period. Tables and macros found in the following links were provided for 2005-2009 ACS: with details such as Sequence_Number_and_Table_Number_Lookup.xls including macros. Also, could these macros be used for the new data? ACS2009_5-Year_TableShells.xls<…> provided table shells
Finally, when would the documentation to be available? If the documentation was available well ahead of the embargo, we could be ready for the data. More of our time could be spent preparing analyses for questions we anticipate from the media. Thank you. -Jon
A. Jon Hallas, AICP
Associate Planner
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
233 S. Wacker Dr.
Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 386-8764
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I have requested webinar space for another census data software session,
this time focusing on Data Ferrett.
Michelle Jiles from the Census Bureau who conducted the training session
on October 11 on AFF2 will be our trainer again.
I will send out another post to the listserv when NHI provides a url
link to register.
Just in case you missed the Oct 11 session, the link to the recording
The materials distributed during the webinar can be downloaded from the
"Census and AFF Resources" area.
As noted in my post to the TMIP listserv today, AFF2 does NOT provide
access to Block Group data. In AFF2, the smallest geographic unit is
tract geography, which makes Data Ferrett as a data access tool more
important. ACS Block Group data are also available using the ACS
Summary Files.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
Request for Proposals
Commuting in America IV
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) invites proposers to submit proposals responding to a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP) Program Commuting in America (CIA) IV project.
Responses to this RFP are due January 10, 2012
To download the RFP go to: