In all of the excitement over the annual TRB conference, I think we
forgot to mention that the January issue is available.
It includes articles from 2 of the presentations at the TRB Conference
on Census Issues held in October, 2011. We hope the conference summary
report will be available soon from TRB!
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
Calvin Saruwatari (thanks!) found that the link I posted no longer contains
the AFF2 Deep Linking Guide. Other links online that used to have it are
also broken. I found a copy here:
No promises it will be there in a week. :)
Mara Kaminowitz
GIS Analyst
Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Offices at McHenry Row
1500 Whetstone Way
Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21230
410-732-0500 ext. 1030
<> mkaminowitz(a)
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In the UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER, click on the word "Feedback."
Scott Boggess at the Census Bureau says that upper management at CB pays
attentions to what is submitted here.
If you want improvements to this data access system, please take the
time to submit your comments.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
Happy Friday,
I promised some folks I would post this to the list. Deep linking, which has
been mentioned here a few times, is the secret ninja way to navigate around
AFF2. It's especially effective if you have set geography that you use
consistently, like all tracts in a state.
Here is a Census publication on the topic that may be more confusing than
helpful at first, but the code lists will be important if you ever get into
more advanced deep linking. The persistent URL is standardized in AFF2 and
you can basically code your way into the table and geography you want.
Here's the fast way to get started.
First, navigate AFF2 the standard way to a table of your choice. I am using
population for all tracts in Maryland, ACS 06-10, as an example. You will
need to get the persistent link for this page. That link is NOT the url in
your address bar! To get this link you must bookmark the page using the AFF2
bookmark button, not your browser's bookmark/favorite button. Bookmark the
page, go to the Bookmark/Favorite in your web browser, and look at the
properties of that bookmark. THAT is the persistent link and in the example
above it looks like this:
I can use this link to get any table I want for all tracts in Maryland, ACS
06-10 by changing /B01003/ to the correct table.
/ACS/10_5YR/B01003/ is, as you might guess, your product, data set, and
table. You can change these to many different options but make sure they
agree with each other. /ACS/09_5YR/B01003/ will get me the same as above
only for the 05-09 estimates. /DEC/10_SF1/P#/ Gets you into the most recent
decennial Census data.
The end numbers control the geography. I am still working on understanding
that, as the format and length depends on exactly what geography and
combinations you are using. I am working on decoding it better and will post
a graphic or tutorial when I do.
Happy linking,
Mara Kaminowitz
GIS Analyst
Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Offices at McHenry Row
1500 Whetstone Way
Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21230
410-732-0500 ext. 1030
<> mkaminowitz(a)
Does anyone know when the 2010 Urban Area boundaries will be released?
Nancy Reger, AICP
Deputy Director, Transportation
111 Liberty St. Ste. 100
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Hi everyone,
Digging onto the Census documentation I found out that poverty thresholds are determined by multiplying the base-year poverty thresholds (1982) by the average of the monthly inflation factor. Does anyone can explain why this particular year 1982 is taken as base year.
Sulabh Aryal
Associate Planner
Richmond Regional Planning District Commission
9211 Forest Hill Avenue, Suite 200 Richmond, VA 23235
Phone: 804.323.2033 3 Fax: 804.323.2025
saryal(a)<> 3<>
Would you please add me to the email list for CTPP listserve.
Caroline WM Leung
Senior Research Analyst
177 N. Church Ave, Suite 405
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 792-1093 x514 (tel)
(520) 620-6981 (fax)
If your are interested in the content of the ACS you should pay
attention to this. For example, we periodically hear that the ACS
should have "Light Rail" as an option on the questionnaire. If this or
other data content items are issues for you now is the time to let your
interest known.
If you do comment and do not mind sharing your comments with me
(edc(a) or Elaine Murakami (Elaine.Murakami(a) we will
be keeping track on the side.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: pportunity To Comment: Proposed ACS 2013 Content Changes and
Internet Response Mode
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 07:58:50 -0600
From: U.S. Census Bureau <census(a)>
Reply-To: U.S. Census Bureau <census(a)>
To: edc(a)
ACS Banner
Opportunity to Comment: Proposed American Community Survey 2013
Content Changes and Internet Response
On December 28, 2011, the Department of Commerce published a notice in
the /Federal Register/ seeking comment on possible changes to the U.S.
Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) content and data
collection, beginning in 2013.
The proposed changes described in this// notice include the following:
* New question topics—computer and Internet usage and parental place
of birth
* New versions of existing question topics—veteran status, period of
military service, food stamps, property income and wages
* A possible Internet response option
The link to the full text of the /Federal Register/ notice can be found
on the Operations and Administration of the ACS page
The deadline for public comment is February 27, 2012.
Additionally, there is a small correction to the email address listed in
the notice. Please direct all email comments to jjessup(a)
<>. (Emails sent to dHynek(a) will receive
an out of office message, but will be automatically forwarded.)
If you need information or have questions about the survey, please call
our Customer Services Center on 1 (800) 923-8282.
Thank you,
American Community Survey Office
U.S. Census Bureau
US Census Bureau
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Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
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4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
For those of you who have not yet completed your TRB Schedules, or would adjust your schedule for an excellent opportunity on a timely topic:
Please join us from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, Jan 22
This workshop will identify how the industry has adapted the use of Social Media and other technologies to improve survey research. First, lessons learned and sampling challenges will be discussed. This will be followed by examples of how data published on social media sites can be mined. Workshop outcomes are anticipated to include a list of agreed-upon applications of social media in transportation surveys, as well as a prioritized list of topics for future research.
Sponsoring Committee(s)
ABJ40 Travel Survey Methods
ADA60 Public Involvement
AP030 Public Transportation Marketing and Fare Policy
>From your friend,
Elaine Murakami, previous chair of ABJ40 Travel Survey Methods