I know that today (March 26) was a busy day for many of you because of the CB release of the urbanized area list. But, while you are thinking about the Census Bureau, don't forget to submit your comments regarding ACS through their website. A little bird told me that the Census Bureau expected more traffic on this site, and they didn't know if people were waiting until the deadline, or if no one cared. OF COURSE WE (the transportation data community) CARE!
There are 4 areas to which they are asking for comment:
1. data products
2. survey methodology
3.research and evaluation
4. communication
AASHTO will be submitting a consolidated response via the CTPP Oversight Board, so you can give your feedback to Penelope Weinberger pweinberger(a)<> I have not seen a draft from AASHTO yet, so I can't tell if YOUR topic of interest will be included or not.
I am sure the CB will not be surprised about negative feedback about AFF. :)
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
Hi, all
Bruce Spear Cambridge Systematics will talk about using LODES (commonly known as LEHD data) for transportation planning. This talk features findings from a recently completed work of NCHRP 08-36 Task 98: Improving employment Data for Transportation Planning. Please read the email below for details.
"The U.S. Census Bureau and Local Employment Dynamics (LED) Partnership Steering Committee are pleased to invite you to attend the next of our monthly webinar series - Use of LODES Data in Transportation Planning: Some Comparative Findings. Our presenter will be Bruce Spear, Senior Associate at Cambridge Systematics, who will be following up on the presentation on this same topic that he gave at the 2012 LED Workshop in March. This webinar is recommended for users at all experience levels.
This presentation provides findings from the recently completed National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) project that investigated alternative sources of employment data for use in transportation planning. The presentation discusses the current strengths and weaknesses of LODES (LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics) as a source of workplace location and home-to-work flow data, and compares LODES with the CTPP (Census Transportation Planning Products) data in terms of coverage, completeness and accuracy.
Learn more and register at"
Liang Long
Federal Highway Administration
Room 74-440
1200 New Jersey, SE
Washington, DC 20590
tel 202 366 6971
fax 202 493 2198
e-mail liang.long(a)<>
Today we had a webinar on Urban Areas and their implication on MPOs,
TMAs, Transit and Functional class. It was recorded and can be watched
in its entirety at:
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
Selected items only:
Changes to the ACS sampling strategy: The sampling strata will expand from 7 strata to 16 strata, and there are 6 different non-response (aka field) follow-up rates. Most of this has to do with areas with small tract populations, i.e. less than 2,000 persons per census tract, and in remote Alaska, and areas with 10+% of population with American Indian and nataive Hawaiian. To be specific, to improve the comparability in the MOE and C.V. (Coefficient of variation) across all census tracts, areas with low population are being increased and areas with high population are being decreased. That is, highly urban areas are LOSING sample. For the field follow-up rates, Remote Alaska and AmInd/Hawaiian area (10+%) will have 100% follow-up, and the other areas will have 1:2; 2:5; and 1:3 follow-up rates.
Changes to the 2013 ACS Questionnaire--
1 . new questions on computer usage and access to internet. I asked how smartphones would be handled, and Mike Burns (CB Regional Office) said he would follow-up.
2. Changes to questions on Veterans status and period of military service.
3. Changes to the CAPI (and soon CASI) questions on income sources. Instead of all the different sources on one page, parse over multiple screens. Does not affect PAPER version of the ACS questionnaire that respondents get in the mail.
Geography issues:
The new PUMAs will be included in the Fall 2012 version of TIGER.
2010 Census Summary File 1 with Urbanized Area and Urban Cluster tabulations is expected in October 2012.
Changes to American FactFinder 2.
The Census Bureau is making lots of changes to AFF2 and trying to address the multitudes of feedback from all parties. Some of the changes include:
1. Geographic selection will allow for "legacy" AFF approach OR the new AFF2 approach. This will be called "geographic assistant"
2. A "Quick facts" button will be on the main AFF2 page.
3. A link to the ftp download area will be on the main AFF2 page.
4. They are working to improve the geographic ids between the file download from AFF2 and TIGER files, to make it easier to import into GIS.
5. In the current version of AFF2, you can now use "*" as "wildcard" in the search box. For example, if you type "B08*" it will pull all the "journey to work" tables from ACS.
6. They are working on a smartphone app which they hope will be available within a year.
Tom Kimpel from the Washington State Office of Financial Management discussed AFF Deep Links, and showed how they have used it on their website. Basically, how to construct the weblink by using 4 parameters:
Geographic identifier-concatenation of sumrylvl|geocomponent|geographic variant|FIPS
Note: geographic variant is a 2 digit code for things like Cong District, Legislative District, MSA, urban area
By combining these parameters, a hyperlink can be created to go to a specific AFF page, this is FASTER and easier than trying to explain to someone how to use AFF2!
Tom highly recommended using the Census Bureau's AFF Deep Linking Guide. April 2012 version, now available:
I think we need to schedule a webinar on AFF2 deeplinking and another one on Data Ferrett HotReports.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
Hi Everyone -
Back in the Jan 2008 issue of the CTPP Status report, we included a brief article about HAZUS, because the CTPP2000 is used.
Recently, for a FHWA research project, Oak Ridge National Labs used this dataset (May 2011 version) as a land use proxy, and for creating a land use diversity measure. Land use is reported by square footage at the block level and has seven main categories: residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, religious, government and education. Some categories have further detail, for example, the residential category includes number of units per residence, nursing home, etc.) The commercial category includes retail store, restaurant, theatre and several other categories.
What has been your experience with this dataset? Please share your knowledge and expertise. Thanks!
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
Apologies for cross-posting. Feel free to forward this, post it, etc!
The Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI) has an immediate opening for an entry level engineer or planner with a strong interest in travel demand modeling. OKI, being a metropolitan planning organization for Greater Cincinnati Area, has developed, maintained, and applied travel demand models in support of multi-modal transportation system planning / air quality analysis for the region and corridor-level traffic transportation planning. The current travel demand model is a state-of-the-practice four-step travel demand model. Currently OKI is refining the model and developing advanced and experimental modeling methodologies in order to advance the modeling practice. This individual will play a key role in this effort.
Transportation Engineer / Planner
The position is responsible for development and maintenance of transportation data systems. The duties include data collection, processing/geocoding, building and maintaining databases, analyzing and preparing data for model and dissemination. The transportation data include travel data, roadway physical/operation conditions, traffic counts, transit operation conditions and ridership, and other model related data.
A Bachelor's degree in engineering or planning with one year of experience is required. Must have knowledge in principles and practices of regional transportation planning. Requires ability to compile technical information and prepare narrative and graphic reports.
Salary range is 40,000 to 47,000 per year.
Qualified applicants should submit their resumes and salary requirements to Human Resources, Nicole Hartman nhartman(a)<> OKI Regional Council of Governments, 720 East Pete Rose Way, Suite 420, Cincinnati OH 45202. The application deadline is May 15, 2012. EOE - M/F
Andrew S. Rohne
Transportation Modeling Manager
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments
P: 513.621.6300 x115 * arohne(a)<>
[cid:image001.png@01CD1D45.27640E30] <> [cid:image002.png@01CD1D45.27640E30] <>
Join OKI's Social Media
[cid:image003.jpg@01CD1D45.27640E30]<…> [cid:image004.jpg@01CD1D45.27640E30] <> [cid:image005.jpg@01CD1D45.27640E30] <>
Thanks to Jennifer Holland from the Census Bureau for providing us easy
links to the TAZ/TAD files. These paths require less "clicks" to access
the files. In the TAZ directory you will find all of the state-based TAZ
files for the nation and in the TAD directory you will find the national
TAD file. The files names are the same as in my original message but this
path requires less navigation through folders. The rest of the 2010
Census TIGER/Line Shapefiles, organized by type of geography, can also be
found by using this path.
The links are:
Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
4800 Hampden Lane
Suite 800
Bethesda, MD 20814
tel 301 347 9141
fax 301 347 0101
FHWA 202-366-6971
e-mail llong(a)
From: Liang Long/wdc/camsys
To: ctpp-news(a)
Date: 04/17/2012 11:06 AM
Subject: TAZs and TADs for CTPP 2006-2010 are available now!
Although CTPP 2006-2010 will not be out until the year of 2013, but
Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) and Traffic Analysis District (TAD) delineated
for CTPP 2006-2010 are available now in the Census Bureau FTP site. Here
is the link:
For TAZ, go to this ftp site
[THEN PICK YOUR STATE Folder--you have to select the state-level directory
twice. TAZ files are NOT under the county-level directory, only the
state. The file name is (where XX= State FIPS)
For example, South Caroline TAZ files are in this directory:
File name is:
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Liang Long
Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
4800 Hampden Lane
Suite 800
Bethesda, MD 20814
tel 301 347 9141
fax 301 347 0101
FHWA 202-366-6971
e-mail llong(a)
**Apologies for cross-postings!**
In Fall 2011, TRB formed the Task Force on New Directions for the National Household Travel Survey (ABJ45T). The main focus of the task force is to reach out to the transportation community re: the use of NHTS and potential impacts of the redesign of the survey and to serve as a bridge between USDOT and the NHTS data user community. Task force members represent users from a variety of perspectives (see for a list of members).
If you are interested in participating in an in-person NHTS user discussion, we invite you to join us at one of our upcoming user forums:
*Innovations in Travel Modeling, Monday April 30 from 8 to 10:15 am (See "NHTS Data User's Forum" on the conference program)
*NATMEC, Wednesday June 6 from 10:30 to noon in the Continental Room.
*Tools of the Trade, Wednesday Sept 12 (as part of the Wednesday morning data workshop)
You can also subscribe to the NHTS-USER list serve, following the instructions at the bottom of this email. The list serve is intended for periodic discussions of issues relevant to the NHTS design and will serve as the "friend's list" for the task force. Technical questions should continue to be directed to the FHWA Community of Practice. We promise not to spam you, but will provide quarterly updates on NHTS program activities, such as this most recent update:
March 2012, FHWA UPDATE: In February, the final 2009 Trip Chain file was posted on the website. Also posted was the NHTS Visualization Tool containing the Data Extraction Tool (DET), Choropleth Mapping with pie bubble charts and the Dashboard Design providing synchronized display of maps, table and charts on selected travel trend data statistics and geography. In early March, the 2010 Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges and Transit: Conditions and Performance Report to Congress was released. The report furnishes Congress with an objective appraisal of the physical conditions, operational performance and financial status of the transportation surface system. The NHTS program was responsible for Chapter 1. Finally, the NHTS co-hosted a webinar that featured the Long Distance Exploratory Research proposed design.
If you are a user of NHTS (past, present, or future), please feel free to join in the discussion!
Stacey Bricka
Chair, ABJ45T
NHTS-USER Listserve Subscription Instructions:
You can join the list by sending an email to listserv(a)<> and in the BODY put
SUBSCRIBE nhts-user firstname lastname
(for example: "SUBSCRIBE nhts-user stacey bricka")
**You will receive an email requesting confirmation - please watch for that email and respond promptly, as you have a limited time window in which to confirm.
Stacey Bricka, PhD | Texas Transportation Institute | 1106 Clayton Lane, Suite 300E, Austin, TX 78723 | 512-407-1123 direct, 512-467-0952 receptionist | Fax 512-467-8971 |
Just in case you are not on the TMIP listserv, I thought you might be interested in a webinar that Guy Rousseau from ARC, and I have organized.
-----Original Message-----
From: Main discussion list for the Travel Model Improvement Program. [mailto:TMIP-L@LISTSERV.TMIPONLINE.ORG] On Behalf Of TMIP_Moderator
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 6:17 AM
Subject: [TMIP-L] Webinar on SmartPhones and Travel Behavior
Dear TMIP-L Subscribers:
This is an announcement for the upcoming "Webinar On SmartPhones And Travel Behavior" which will be held on April 19th from 2:30-4:30pm EST
The webinar will consist of THREE 30-minute presentations with a 30-minute discussion period following the conclusion of the presentations. The session will be moderated by:
Guy Rousseau, Atlanta Regional Commission, and Chair of ABJ40 Travel Survey Methods
Elaine Murakami, FHWA Office of Planning, Co-Chair of the ABJ40 New Technology Subcommittee
The rapid assimilation of smartphones with built-in GPS and accelerometers has presented an opportunity for major changes in conducting travel surveys. GPS or combinations with other location-based technologies such as Wi-Fi, cell tower triangulation, and Bluetooth offer opportunities to experiment with approaches to collect travel and activity behavior over longer periods of time, to combine these data with attitudinal or stated preference surveys, and to use measured behavior as a feedback mechanism for influencing behavior. Some recent approaches have included passive data collection combined with prompted web-response, with inferred travel mode and trip purpose. Another approach has been to design an active data collection where respondents enter information for each trip or based on a “random moments” approach.
1. Sandra Rodriguez, PTV NuStats. Smartphone app for the Oregon Travel And Activity Survey (OTAS)
2. Joan Walker, UC Berkeley. The Quantified Traveler. Using personal travel data to promote sustainable transport behavior.
3. Cy Smith, CEO and Founder, AirSage. Location Intelligence from Cellular Signaling Data Powering Transportation Planning
Participants do not need to preregister to attend the webinar. Attendance is limited to 100 connections and is first-come, first-served. You can log on to the webinar at:
Conference Number: 1-888-675-2535
Participant Code: 8344566
The audio portion of the webinar will be broadcast by Voice Over IP. To keep costs down, we encourage you to use your computer's speakers to listen to the presentation; however, we will have a limited number of teleconference connections available for those that are unable to use the Voice Over IP. The teleconference number is listed above and will be posted in the webinar room. The session will be recorded and subsequently made available on the TMIP Online Community of Practice (
If you are unable to enter the meeting room because the maximum number of participant connections has been exceeded, please email TMIP_Moderator(a) so we can keep a count of participants who were unable to connect.
TMIP Moderator
This message is being sent on behalf of the TMIP-L email discussion list.
To subscribe/unsubscribe from the TMIP-L list, click the following link:
For comments or questions, contact:
Stephen Lawe | Managing Director
Resource Systems Group, Inc.
55 Railroad Row | White River Junction, VT 05001
802-295-4999 | stephen.lawe(a)