The Census Bureau will conduct field testing for the 2010 census in
Colquitt, Thomas and Tift counties in Georgia, Lake County in Illinois
and a portion of northwestern Queens County in New York. A major
innovation that will be studied in 2004 is equipping field interviewers
with hand-held computing devices to collect questionnaire data, navigate
to assignments and update the Bureau's Master Address File. The devices
also will include global positioning system (GPS) technology that can
improve the process of assigning addresses to their correct geographic
location. In addition to studying new technologies, the 2004 census test
will examine a variety of methodological and operational improvements.
OMB issued a Federal Register Notice for the new definition of MSAs in December 2000. This called for the creation of metropolitan, and micropolitan areas. More information can be found at:
>>> elizabeth.hartmann(a) 10/03/02 12:38PM >>>
Does anyone have any information or resources on this topic:
From: "William Hansen" <hansen(a)>
What do you know about OMB's initiative to Combine Statistical Areas? They are looking for local input on combining, I need to get some info for the Board on impacts to us as an MPO.
Liz Hartmann
Research Analysis Specialist
Mn/DOT Office of Investment Management
Does anyone have any information or resources on this topic:
From: "William Hansen" <hansen(a)>
What do you know about OMB's initiative to Combine Statistical Areas? They are looking for local input on combining, I need to get some info for the Board on impacts to us as an MPO.
Liz Hartmann
Research Analysis Specialist
Mn/DOT Office of Investment Management
Does anyone have any information or resources on this topic:
From: "William Hansen" <hansen(a)>
What do you know about OMB's initiative to Combine Statistical Areas? They are looking for local input on combining, I need to get some info for the Board on impacts to us as an MPO.
Liz Hartmann
Research Analysis Specialist
Mn/DOT Office of Investment Management
Yes, the TAZ boundaries from the Census Bureau's web site are "generalized" boundaries, intended for mapping at a very small scale, say, 1:1000000. Where TAZ boundaries tend to zig-zag, the Bureau has removed both the zig and the zag. Again, this is OK for mapping at very small scales, but could be a problem when zooming into a particular county or community.
The accurate boundaries can be derived from TIGER/Line files, and won't have the
generalizations and "smoothing out" of boundaries. You can get these from ESRI's
web site at:
(Note: the link from now points to this ESRI page.)
Chuck Purvis, MTC
>>> Martha Kile <mkile(a)> 09/30/02 03:26PM >>>
Has anyone had problems using the shape files or E00 files for TAZ
boundaries available on the Census website? We have noticed that some of our
TAZ boundaries look strange, as if there is a problem with collapsing
polygons. Do I need to create the TAZ boundaries myself from the TIGER
files? Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.
Has anyone had problems using the shape files or E00 files for TAZ
boundaries available on the Census website? We have noticed that some of our
TAZ boundaries look strange, as if there is a problem with collapsing
polygons. Do I need to create the TAZ boundaries myself from the TIGER
files? Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.
Martha Kile
Principal GIS Analyst
Metropolitan Washington
Council of Governments
Suite 300
777 North Capitol St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
voice: 202.962.3294
fax: 202.962.3202
This may be of interest to others to see how we're providing census data within our region. This is a joint effort of the MPO and the COG for the Bay Area: MTC (the MPO) and ABAG (the COG).
Chuck Purvis, MTC
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
Census WWW:
>>> JFriedman(a) 09/18/02 10:46AM >>>
The new and improved Bay Area Census website is being launched today by MTC and ABAG with a new look, new data, and a new web address ( The website is a portal to the world of Bay Area Census data, including SF1 and selected SF3 data at the state, regional, county and city levels, historical comparisons, GIS data, links to the many other sources for Census data and improved site navigation.
Take a look and let us know how you like it.
Joan Friedman
MTC-ABAG Library
101 8th Street
Oakland, CA 94607
TO: CTPP-News - - September 24, 2002
Today, Summary File #3 (Long Form, sample data) was released for an additional five states: Arkansas, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Virginia.
The SF3 datasets for 47 of the 52 states/commonwealths/districts have now been released.
SF3 data planned for released on 9/25/02 (tomorrow) include the balance of the U.S.: Alaska, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
IN ADDITION, the NATIONAL summary level of SF3 will also be available on Wednesday, 9/25/02.
Check this "Press Release" link:
Chuck Purvis, MTC
TO: CTPP-News - - September 17, 2002
Today, Summary File #3 (Long Form, sample data) was released for an additional five states: Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, Texas and Washington.
The SF3 datasets for 42 of the 52 states/commonwealths/districts have now been released.
SF3 data planned for release on 9/24/02 include: Arkansas, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Virginia.
New information for today: SF3 data planned for released on 9/25/02 (next Wednesday!!) includes the balance of the U.S.: Alaska, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Check this "Press Release" link:
Chuck Purvis, MTC
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
Census WWW:
TO: CTPP-News - - September 10, 2002
Today, Summary File #3 (Long Form, sample data) was released for an additional four states: Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
The SF3 datasets for 37 of the 52 states/commonwealths/districts have now been released.
SF3 data planned for release on 9/17/02 include: Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, Texas, Washington.
New information for today: SF3 data planned for release on 9/24/02 include: Arkansas, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Virginia.
The remaining 5 states (for release either 9/30 or 10/1 ???) include:
Alaska, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Check this "Press Release" link:
Chuck Purvis, MTC