I can't answer your question directly, but I think it is important to note
that many DOT's will be modifying the Census Definition for use in
transportation planning. Therefore, if you concur with a modified boundary
with the DOT, that boundary would probably not have bearing on another
Federal agency's programs.
Frank Miller
Missouri Department of Transportation - Springfield Area District
"David Saladino" <dsaladino(a)swrpc.org>@chrispy.net on 01/21/2003 12:51:15
Sent by: owner-ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net
To: <ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net>
Subject: [CTPP] New Urbanized Area Boundaries -- Impacts
We have recently been asked by our State DOT to review and revise our
region's Federal Functional Classifications based on the new Census 2000
urban areas. I have a fairly good understanding of the impact that new
and re-aligned urban bounds will have in our State's Federal allotment
of funds from US DOT. Does anyone know what other Federal agencies
(other than DOT) use urbanized boundaries (either urban areas or
clusters) for administrative and/or funding purposes?
Thanks in advance,
David Saladino
Regional Planner
Southwest Region Planning Commission
20 Central Square, Second Floor
Keene, NH 03431
Ph: (603) 357-0557
Fx: (603) 357-7440
E-mail: dsaladino(a)swrpc.org
Internet: http://www.swrpc.org
(See attached file: C.htm)
Michelle Musser wrote:
> morning ed - i heard that the 1990 ctpp information was going to be
> released on the internet today. do you know the site
> address.thanks,Michelle Musser
> Planner - GIS Technician
> St. Cloud Area Planning Organization
I am at the Transportation Research Board meetings and I heard the same
thing. If it is not up today it will be any day. The 1990 (not 2000 yet)
ctpp is going up on the BTS (bureau of transportation statistics)
TransStats website. You can get to it from the BTS homepage by clicking
on the TransStats link
TO: Bay Area Census Listserv; CTPP-News Listserv; Bay Area GIS-T Listserv
FR: Chuck Purvis, MTC
DT: January 10, 2003
The web-based registration page, and agenda, are now up-and-running, at:
PLEASE REGISTER BY January 20th, in order for us to get an accurate headcount! Thanks!
By the way, in terms of the CTPP data, we are *ONLY* expecting that the residence-based tables (Part I of the CTPP) will or may be available for California by the January 27th workshop.
DATA ON COMMUTER FLOWS (place-to-place, county-to-county, tract-to-tract, etc.) WILL BE RELEASED IN THE April-June 2003 time period. DATA ON WORKPLACE-based tables (Part 2) will also be released in the April-June 2003 period.
Mark your calendars for January 27th!
MTC and ABAG are hosting a free workshop on Census 2000, on Monday, January 27, 2003, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, at the MetroCenter Auditorium, 101 Eighth Street, Oakland.
The title of the workshop is "CTPP and Census Products" and will cover two main topics:
* the CTPP (Census Transportation Planning Package); and
* the PUMS (Public Use Microdata Sample).
The purpose of the workshop is to learn about Census 2000 datasets to be released in 2003. The CTPP, also known as the "Journey-to-Work Package" is a rich dataset that is "not just for transportation planners." The PUMS is a research dataset that provides the most flexibility for planners and researchers.
Leading the workshop will be senior staff from the U.S. Census Bureau, the Federal Highway Administration, and MTC.
We will have a web-based registration page in the next few days, and we encourage you to RSVP so we can make our necessary arrangements for seating, handouts & refreshments.
The intended audience for this workshop are city and county planners, transportation planners and engineers, consultants, librarians and the media.
For more information on the workshop, please contact me or the workshop registrar: Mr. Shimon Israel of MTC, at 510-464-7839, or e-mail: sisrael(a)mtc.ca.gov
For more information on the Census Transportation Planning Package, visit the Transportation Research Board's subcommittee site, at: http://www.trbcensus.com/ and the FHWA Census site, at: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ctpp/
We look forward to seeing you here on January 27th!
Chuck Purvis
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
www: http://www.mtc.ca.gov/
Census WWW: http://www.bayareacensus.ca.gov/
The adjusted census data are also available on the UC Berkeley website in a
different format:
-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth Hartmann [mailto:elizabeth.hartmann@dot.state.mn.us]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 8:14 AM
To: ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net; dvest(a)ci.pueblo.co.us
Here's a possibility:
>From just a quick look at the file(s) structure, what you get when the files
are unzipped is something very similar to the SF1, 100% counts (someone
please correct me if I'm off-the-wall, here). Way back when the
Redistricting files were released, someone on this listserve was kind enough
to share his (very user-friendly) SAS program. That program can be altered
for SF1, and with cut-and-paste, and a little tweaking, I believe the same
program can be used for the adjusted counts.
Haven't tried it yet, though.
Good luck!
Liz Hartmann
Research Analysis Specialist
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Office of Investment Management
>>> "Vest, Don" <dvest(a)ci.pueblo.co.us> 01/07/03 06:51PM >>>
Pardon my ignorance, but perhaps someone would be kind enough to suggest how
I might be able to at least view the data from the unzipped files. The
technical documentation referrs to a simple software program on the CD-ROM
disk which allows the data to be viewed--similar to what FactFinder does.
Don Vest
City of Pueblo
Dept. of Planning & Development
I think the file is laid out in the exact same way as the PL-94-171 files.
The software they are talking about is probably "allocate" and may be found on
the PL-94-171 disk, so you can order one from the Census Bureau State Data Ce
nter closest to you.
The other way to do this is to follow my procedure posted a while ago on PL fi
Nanda Srinivasan
>>> elizabeth.hartmann(a)dot.state.mn.us 01/08/03 11:09AM >>>
Here's a possibility:
Fromust a quick look at the file(s) structure, what you get when the files a
re unzipped is something very similar to the SF1, 100% counts (someone please
correct me if I'm off-the-wall, here). Way back when the Redistricting files w
ere released, someone on this listserve was kind enough to share his (very use
r-friendly) SAS program. That program can be altered for SF1, and with cut-and
-paste, and a little tweaking, I believe the same program can be used for the
adjusted counts.
Haven't tried it yet, though.
Good luck!
Liz Hartmann
Research Analysis Specialist
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Office of Investment Management
>>> "Vest, Don" <dvest(a)ci.pueblo.co.us> 01/07/03 06:51PM >>>
Pardon my ignorance, but perhaps someone would be kind enough to suggest how
I might be able to at least view the data from the unzipped files. The
technical documentation referrs to a simple software program on the CD-ROM
disk which allows the data to be viewed--similar to what FactFinder does.
Don Vest
City of Pueblo
Dept. of Planning & Development
Here's a possibility:
>From just a quick look at the file(s) structure, what you get when the files are unzipped is something very similar to the SF1, 100% counts (someone please correct me if I'm off-the-wall, here). Way back when the Redistricting files were released, someone on this listserve was kind enough to share his (very user-friendly) SAS program. That program can be altered for SF1, and with cut-and-paste, and a little tweaking, I believe the same program can be used for the adjusted counts.
Haven't tried it yet, though.
Good luck!
Liz Hartmann
Research Analysis Specialist
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Office of Investment Management
>>> "Vest, Don" <dvest(a)ci.pueblo.co.us> 01/07/03 06:51PM >>>
Pardon my ignorance, but perhaps someone would be kind enough to suggest how
I might be able to at least view the data from the unzipped files. The
technical documentation referrs to a simple software program on the CD-ROM
disk which allows the data to be viewed--similar to what FactFinder does.
Don Vest
City of Pueblo
Dept. of Planning & Development
Pardon my ignorance, but perhaps someone would be kind enough to suggest how
I might be able to at least view the data from the unzipped files. The
technical documentation referrs to a simple software program on the CD-ROM
disk which allows the data to be viewed--similar to what FactFinder does.
Don Vest
City of Pueblo
Dept. of Planning & Development
From: "Census2000" <census2000(a)ccmc.org>
For Immediate Release
Monday, January 6, 2003
For More Information Contact: Phil Sparks (202) 326-8700
"Adjusted Census 2000 Numbers Now Available"
WASHINGTON-- The Census 2000 Initiative announced today that the
University of California at Los Angeles has now posted the recently
released adjusted Census 2000 population numbers on their Web site so
that they may be available to the public and the policymakers.
The link contains statistically adjusted Census 2000 population data at
the block level for the entire country, pursuant to an order of the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Carter v. U.S. Department of
Commerce, 307 F.3d 1084. The data are adjusted based on the Accuracy
and Coverage Evaluation (A.C.E.) survey conducted during Census 2000.
The A.C.E. survey was designed to measure net undercounts (e.g. people
missed) and overcounts (e.g. people counted twice) in the census.
Last month, the U.S. Ninth Circuit ruled unanimously in a case brought
by two Oregon state legislators, and supported by numerous state and
local groups that the Census 2000 adjusted data are not shielded from
release by "pre-decisional" and "deliberative process" exemptions under
the federal Freedom of Information Act.
"The City of Los Angeles has been fighting since 1988 for the federal
government to release and use adjusted Census data to provide the most
accurate basis for redistricting and the distribution of federal funds.
At long last, we are now able to access this corrected Census data and
understand the full dimensions of the undercount, its impact on
California and the implications of the Bush Administration willfully
ignoring the disproportionate undercount of Latinos, African-Americans,
and other minority groups. The corrected data demonstrate that
undercounting minority communities remains a serious problem that has
not been resolved by the Census Bureau. We are proud to have played a
role in forcing the release of this data", said Rocky Delgadillo, Los
Angeles City Attorney.
The U.S. Census Bureau data is posted on the University of California at
Los Angeles (UCLA) FTP site
http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/issr/da/Adjusted/adjust_web.html .
Ed Christopher
Metropolitan Activities
Midwest Resource Center
Federal Highway Administration
19900 Governors Drive
Olympia Fields, Illinois 60461
708-283-3534 (V)
708-283-3501 (F)
TO: CTPP Listserv
DATE: January 7, 2003
Mark your calendars for January 27th!
MTC and ABAG are hosting a free workshop on Census 2000, on Monday, January 27, 2003, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, at the MetroCenter Auditorium, 101 Eighth Street, Oakland.
The title of the workshop is "CTPP and Census Products" and will cover two main topics:
* the CTPP (Census Transportation Planning Package); and
* the PUMS (Public Use Microdata Sample).
The purpose of the workshop is to learn about Census 2000 datasets to be released in 2003. The CTPP, also known as the "Journey-to-Work Package" is a rich dataset that is "not just for transportation planners." The PUMS is a research dataset that provides the most flexibility for planners and researchers.
Leading the workshop will be senior staff from the U.S. Census Bureau, the Federal Highway Administration, and MTC.
We will have a web-based registration page in the next few days, and we encourage you to RSVP so we can make our necessary arrangements for seating, handouts & refreshments.WE ENCOURAGE OUT-OF-REGION PARTICIPANTS TO SIGN UP!
The intended audience for this workshop are city and county planners, transportation planners and engineers, consultants, librarians and the media.
For more information on the workshop, please contact me or the workshop registrar: Mr. Shimon Israel of MTC, at 510-464-7839, or e-mail: sisrael(a)mtc.ca.gov
For more information on the Census Transportation Planning Package, visit the Transportation Research Board's subcommittee site, at: http://www.trbcensus.com/ and the FHWA Census site, at: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ctpp/
We look forward to seeing you here on January 27th!
Chuck Purvis
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
www: http://www.mtc.ca.gov/
Census WWW: http://www.bayareacensus.ca.gov/
the latest issue of the newsletter "ctpp status report" is now online on
the trb census subcommittee website. http://www.TRBcensus.com
the direct link to it is http://www.TRBcensus.com/newsltr/sr0103.pdf
due to all the graphics in this news letter i will be posting in a PDF
format only. i understand that FHWA will be working on putting it into
HTML and will post it at http://www.dot.gov/ctpp/