
  • 266 discussions

TRB's Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee (ABJ30): 2010 Mid-Year Meeting
by Emily Parkany
14 years, 6 months

Information for joining Committee Meeting "remotely" on website
by Catherine T Lawson
14 years, 6 months

TRB Urban Data Committee Meeting, TUES, June 22 at NATMEC, 7amPT/10amET, will you attend in person or by GoToMeeting?
by Emily Parkany
14 years, 6 months

Re: [ABJ30-Friends] TRB Urban Data Committee Meeting, TUES, June 22 at NATMEC, 7amPT/10amET, will you attend in person or by GoToMeeting?
by oxsys@optusnet.com.au
14 years, 6 months

Anita Vandervalk is out of the office.
by Anita Vandervalk
14 years, 7 months

Exciting Workshops Planned for 2011 Annual Meeting -
by Catherine T Lawson
14 years, 7 months

Workshop Co-sponsored with Travel Survey Methods (ABJ40)
by Catherine T Lawson
14 years, 7 months

ABJ30 Mid-year meeting agenda: requesting discussion input and related web links
by Emily Parkany
14 years, 7 months

Discussion Items for the Mid-Year Agenda (ABJ30: TRB Urban Data Committee)
by Emily Parkany
14 years, 7 months

Krishnan Viswanathan/camsys is out of the office.
by Krishnan Viswanathan
14 years, 8 months
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