ABJ30 Members and Friends,
OH DEAR - "my bad" - while it seems like we are still in the depth of winter (7 inches of snow predicted for tomorrow), it really is March 31, 2011 and I neglected to check the calendar when I prepared our Summer Meeting agenda and forgot the our workshop information needs to be submitted to Tom Palmerlee by June 1st!!!! So --- I will be reaching out to all of you via listserv/email to do our workshop planning and we will take the opportunity to get a progress report from any of the ideas that "bloom" into real workshops for the Annual Meeting. Also, I have concerns about the length of our meeting and our opportunity to have intensive discussions with other committees on-site, so we will look for breakout sessions to "mix and match". I also would like to develop Vladimir's contribution regarding the establishment of a new focus: Urban Data Integration (UDI) - this area has two components - spatial integration and temporal integration. UDI will need an architecture/framework and promises to be a large undertaking with many benefits and opportunities for working with other committees on future workshops, conferences, etc. Again, sorry for the confusion in the agenda - hope to see (or hear) from all of you on June 8th!!!! AND - hope to work with many of you on workshop ideas prior to June 1st - and hope to see Spring one of these days!!!
ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and
Information Systems Committee
Keck Center
June 8, 2011
Wednesday 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Mix and Match Breakout Sessions 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
I. Introductions - Welcome new Members and Secretary Outwater (11:00 - 11:10)
II. Chair Report - Announcements - Kate Lawson (11:10 - 11:20)
III. TRB Report - Tom Palmerlee (flexible, if necessary) (11:20 - 11:30)
IV. Subcommittee Reports
a. ABJ30(1) Subcommittee on Census Data--Clara Reschovsky (MWCOG) & Kristen Rohanna (SANDAG) (11:30 - 11:45)
b. AFD30(1) Archived Data User Service Subcommittee-Kristin Tufte (PSU) (11:45 - 12:00)
V. Liaison Reports
a. TBA (flexible)
VI. Discussions/Preparation for Next Annual Meeting (12:00 - 12:30)
a. Call of Papers?
b. Paper Review Strategy
c. Panel Sessions - Co-sponsor Opportunities?
d. Workshop Status Reports
* AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Statistics Workshop Proposal - benchmarking datasets
* Others?
VII. Emerging Topic Areas - Brief discussion on each (12:30 - 1:00) - opportunity to breakout with other Committees (1:00- 3:00)
a. Travel Time Speed and Reliability - moving forward with subcommittee formation
b. Our Role in How We Travel (Special Report 304) (http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/sr/sr304.pdf)
c. Our Role in the Federal Transportation Program Restructuring effort - contributions from ABJ30 to the Boston sessions on this topic
d. New Directions
* Crowd sourcing data (e.g., Bluetooth, cell phones or GPS) compiled by vendors/ sold in aggregate form for different purposes
* Commercial data sets management: procurement, licensing, data evaluation, data accessibility
* Urban Data Integration (UDI) - Land Use (Land-based Classification Standards), Travel (GPS), Traffic (Continuous Count and WIM) - What are the Organizational, Policy and Technical Issues facing MPOs?
* Integrated urban travel forecasting models and integrated urban data collection - opportunities and threats
VIII. New Business
a. Self Assessment - Preparing for our Triennial Review
b. TRB Critical Issues and Cross-cutting Issues
c. Other Business
Related Links
ABJ30 Committee website: www.trburbandata.org<http://www.trburbandata.org>
Related committee websites: www.travelsurveymethods.org<http://www.travelsurveymethods.org>
New Technologies Subcommittee: http://www.travelsurveymethods.org/Tech.asp
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Interim Chair
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Tom Palmerlee is asking for a copy of our Agenda for our Summer Meeting ASAP!!!! --- please review below and let me know your thoughts - sorry for the rush - thanks for your help!
DRAFT Agenda
ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and
Information Systems Committee
Keck Center
June 8, 2011
I. Introductions - Welcome new Members and Secretary Outwater
II. Chair Report - Announcements - Kate Lawson
III. TRB Report - Tom Palmerlee (flexible, if necessary)
IV. Subcommittee Reports
a. ABJ30(1) Subcommittee on Census Data--Clara Reschovsky (MWCOG) & Kristen Rohanna (SANDAG)
b. AFD30(1) Archived Data User Service Subcommittee-Kristin Tufte (PSU)
V. Committee Liaison Reports
a. TBA
VI. Emerging Topic Areas
a. Travel Time Speed and Reliability - moving forward with subcommittee formation
b. Our Role in How We Travel (Special Report 304) (http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/sr/sr304.pdf)
c. Our Role in the Federal Transportation Program Restructuring effort - contributions from ABJ30 to the Boston sessions on this topic
d. New Directions
* Crowd sourcing data (e.g., Bluetooth, cell phones or GPS) compiled by vendors/ sold in aggregate form for different purposes
* Commercial data sets management: procurement, licensing, data evaluation, data accessibility
* Urban Data Integration (UDI): land use, travel, traffic data, organizational, policy, and technical issues
* Integrated urban travel forecasting models and integrated urban data collection - opportunities and threats
VII. Discussions/Preparation for Next Annual Meeting
a. Workshop Opportunities
* AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Statistics Workshop Proposal - benchmarking datasets
* Travel Time, Speed, and Reliability Workshop (level of interest?)
* Urban Data Integration (UDI) - Land Use (Land-based Classification Standards), Travel (GPS), Traffic (Continuous Count and WIM) - What are the Organizational, Policy and Technical Issues facing MPOs?
* Census - Finding the Numbers to Answer the Questions: Tools, Trials and Tribulations - Best Practices Roundtable -
VIII. New Business
a. Self Assessment - Preparing for our Triennial Review
b. TRB Critical Issues and Cross-cutting Issues
c. Other Business
Related Links
ABJ30 Committee website: www.trburbandata.org<http://www.trburbandata.org>
Related committee websites: www.travelsurveymethods.org<http://www.travelsurveymethods.org>
New Technologies Subcommittee: http://www.travelsurveymethods.org/Tech.asp
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Interim Chair
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Thanks for the suggestions for our agenda - below is the link for our June 8th meeting -
See http://www.trb.org/Calendar/Blurbs/2011_Data_and_Information_Systems_Commit….
Stay tuned for more details -
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Interim Chair
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
We are now putting together a plan for our summer meeting in WDC
We will plan to hold our Committee meeting on June 8th (still getting the details on this) - but it is important to start pulling together the topic areas that we want to cover (and to start planning for the Annual Meeting, such as calls for papers, etc.) - please forward your ideas on our listserv or you can forward them directly to me (lawsonc(a)albany.edu<mailto:lawsonc@albany.edu>) - I plan to have a draft agenda ready early next week as Tom Palmerlee wants to include it in future distributions - thanks for your help - looking forward to seeing your ideas and topics!!!!
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Interim Chair
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
We've been waiting for this one!!!!! Just received a message from Tom Palmerlee that TRB Special Report 304 is ready and waiting for you on the TRB website - check it out!!!!
TRB Special Report 304: How We Travel: A Sustainable National Program for Travel Data assesses the current state of travel data at the federal, state, and local levels and defines an achievable and sustainable travel data system that could support public and private transportation decision making. The committee that developed the report recommends the organization of a National Travel Data Program built on a core of essential passenger and freight travel data sponsored at the federal level and well integrated with travel data collected by states, metropolitan planning organizations, transit and other local agencies, and the private sector.
Here's a link to the prepub, report summary, and news release--http://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/164998.aspx.
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Interim Chair
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
I will be out of the office starting 03/11/2011 and will not return until
For Ramp Metering issues, please contact Terry Thompson at 916-654-3318 or
Diana Gomez at 916-651-1255. Thank you.
For Traffic Operations Academy issues, please contact Laurie Jurgens at
916-718-0113 or Vincent Becera at 916-651-6130.
You can also call my cell at 916-969-6189 or leave me a phone message at
916-654-6133. You can also try to email me at wzr_00(a)yahoo.com. I will get
back to you as soon as I can.
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
The ACM SIGSPATIAL workshop on Computational Transportation Science CFP announcement -- Here is the URL:
Transportation is a vast sector, involving vehicles, infrastructure and travelers with complex and dynamic environment. The proliferation of sensors and wireless communication amongst these entities provides opportunities for transportation services that address changing mobility needs in efficient and equitable ways. For instance, the automobile has evolved from being a basic transportation device into an advanced system with myriad on-board computational technologies that address needs ranging from automated crash avoidance to wellness. Traveler information concepts have evolved from messages relayed from roadside message signs and factory-installed in-vehicle navigation devices to navigation and wayfinding via hand-held devices connecting travel activity patterns, social networks and multiple modes of transportation. Transportation infrastructure itself has evolved from concrete and asphalt and isolated traffic control to complex sensor systems that are able to detect and generate massive amounts of data in real-time.
These trends rest on top of rapid urbanization and formation of mega metro regions, changing demographics and rapidly aging societies, globalization of trade and generation of complex freight transportation and supply chains, and significant changes anticipated in the domains of energy and climate change. These broader trends have profound implications for transportation systems of the future and have already led to the instrumentation and interconnectedness of many complex systems within their own domains. Transportation systems should be able to address these changes and respond in efficient and cost-effective manner.
These trends generate significant research questions relating to computation, knowledge discovery and technology policy. Transportation systems, due to their distributed/mobile nature, can become the ultimate test-bed for a ubiquitous (i.e., embedded, highly-distributed, and sensor-laden) computing environment of unprecedented scale. Information technology is the foundation for implementing new strategies, particularly if they are to be made available in real-time to wireless devices such as cell phones and PDAs. A related development is the emergence of increasingly more sophisticated geospatial and spatio-temporal information management capabilities. Human factors, technology adoption and use, and user feedback and user-centered design are areas of technology policy central to the success of this ubiquitous computing environment.
The emerging discipline of Computational Transportation Science (CTS) combines computer science and engineering with the modeling, planning, and economic aspects of transportation planning and engineering to leverage developments in the above domains. The discipline goes beyond vehicular technology, and addresses pedestrian or bicycle systems on hand-held devices, non-real-time issues such as data mining, as well as data management issues above the networking layer. By taking advantage of ubiquitous computing, CTS applications can help create more efficient, equitable, livable and sustainable transportation systems and communities.
The International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science invites submissions of original, previously unpublished papers on CTS issues. Position papers that report novel research directions or identify challenging problems are also invited. Papers incorporating one or more of the following themes are especially encouraged:
* Uncertain information distributed among moving travelers/vehicles and the infrastructure
* Travel information for pedestrian, biking, and other non-motorized applications
* Social networks, social media applications in travel
* Computation of costs of multi-modal travelling
* Information regarding transfers to alternate modes of transportation
* Data mining and statistical learning for travel information
* Dynamic shortest path computations using forecasts
* Human-computer interfaces in intelligent transportation applications
* Privacy and security in transportation information
* Social and institutional information related to travel
* Real-time negotiation among travelers
* Novel applications targeted to health, mobility and wellness
* Novel applications targeted to livability and sustainability
* Crowdsourcing and participatory sensing including urban sensing and volunteered GIS
* Mobile artificial-intelligence aspects related to transportation
* Sensor information related to transportation
* Wireless communication with travelers and vehicles
* Human factors, adaptive driving, crash-related research
* Technology adoption, use, travel behavior impacts
* User feedback (eco-feedback), user-centered design, persuasive technology in transportation
* Collaborative filtering and recommender systems for daily travel
* Design and implementation research relating to assistive technologies
Authors should prepare an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of their full paper. Papers must be in English and not exceed 6 pages double column in ACM SIG format (US Letter size, 8.5 x 11 inches) including text, figures and references. Position papers are limited 4 pages. Each submission should start with: the title, abstract, and names, contact information of authors, type of the submission (research paper or position paper). Authors are asked to register the titles and abstract of their papers in advance. To submit a paper, please visithttps://cmt2.research.microsoft.com/IWCTS2011. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM digital library. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the workshop.
* Paper submissions due: August 10, 2011
* Notification to the authors: September 2, 2011
* Camera ready papers due: September 9, 2011
* ACM GIS 2009 Conference: November 1-4, 2011
* IWCTS Workshop: November 1, 2011
Registration for the IWCTS2011 will be handled through ACMGIS2011. Please visit the conference site to register<http://acmgis2011.cs.umn.edu/>, and for additional information on nearby accommodation.
General Chair
Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah, University of Illinois at Chicago
Program Committee Chair:
Glenn Geers, NICTA & University of New South Wales, Australia
Publicity Chair
Steve Liang, University of Calgary, Canada
Steering Committee
Ouri Wolfson, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Bhaduri Budhendra, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA
Program Committee Members
Stephan Winter, University of Melbourne, Australia
Ben Heydecker, University College London, UK
Shashi Shekhar, University of Minnesota, USA
Bart Kuijpers, Hasselt University, Belgium
Monika Sester, University of Hannver, Germany
Chris Skinner, DISplay Pty. Ltd. and the University of Sydney, Australia
Chen Cai, NICTA and the University of New South Wales, Australia
Harvey Miller, University of Utah, USA
Sabine Timpf, University of Augsberg, Germany
Claus Brenner, University of Hanover, Germany
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Interim Chair
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
We need your help with summer planning - please use the survey below - thanks so very much!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
It is official - we will have our Summer 2011 Committee Meeting in WDC - as part of the NHTS Conference - please plan to join us - more details on phone access, etc. soon - check our website for more information too!!
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Interim Chair
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Although we were planning to go to the Boston Mid-year for our Summer Meeting - Tom Palmerlee is suggesting we consider having our committee on June 8th - as part of the June 6-7 NHTS Conference - I need your comments, thoughts, etc. ASAP as Tom would like to complete the slotting for both the Boston Mid-Year and the NHTS this week ---
TRB Committee Meetings on Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Keck Center, 500 Fifth Street NW, Washington, DC 20001
Related Meetings
Using National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) Data for Transportation Decision Making Workshop, June 6-7, www.trb.org/Conferences/NHTS2010.aspx<http://www.trb.org/Conferences/NHTS2010.aspx>.
Committees Confirmed
Each committee will have its own room, set conference style, to develop its meeting content. Collaborative work between committees is encouraged.
National Transportation Data Requirements and Programs (ABJ10)
* Travel Survey Methods Committee (ABJ40)
* Statewide Transportation Data and Information Systems (ABJ20)
Logistics Information
Teleconference and web meeting access provided for remote participants.
No registration fee. TRB staff will register participants.
Breakfast and lunch provided.
A hotel block has been set up at the Hotel Monaco, 700 F Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20001 at the single prevailing government rate - $211 (Boston is $171).
A mid-afternoon adjourn is recommended.
Meeting agendas should be complete no later than May 6th.
The committees meeting at our original venue in Boston are listed below:
A0030T Special Task Force on Data for Decisions and Performance Measures, Tue 2:00pm-5:45pm
AB000 Policy and Organization Group, Sunday, 9:00am-12:45pm
ABG40 Library and Information Science for Transportation Committee
ABJ00 Data and Information Systems Section
ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data & Information Systems
ABJ35 Highway Traffic Monitoring
ABJ50 Information Systems and Technology Committee
ABJ70 Artificial Intelligence
ABJ90 Freight Transportation Data
PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE - we need to decide where we want to be - thanks for your help - email me with your comments - lawsonc(a)albany.edu<mailto:lawsonc@albany.edu> -
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Interim Chair
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL