Members and Friends of ABJ30,
Some wonderful news from Tom Palmerlee -- the attached letter announces the return of the Journal of Transportation and Statistics - a much missed journal for our data interests - many thanks to the new director, Pat Hu!!!
Message received earlier today -
Please distribute this "Dear Colleague" letter from Pat Hu, reintroducing the Journal of Transportation and Statistics to your committees and other interested folks. Thanks.
Thomas M. Palmerlee
Associate Director, Technical Activities Division
ABJ30 Members and Friends -
Here's an opportunity to participate in a webinar --
As members and friends of TRB Committees we volunteer considerable time and effort identifying research needs and supporting the conduct of research. Our efforts result in papers, presentations, workshops, conference proceedings, and cooperative research program reports. There are practitioners who would benefit but are not adopting new practices or technology, new practices or technology that could make their jobs easier, the travel safer, facilities longer lasting and less congested, or improve the environment.
During the TRB Joint Summer Meeting we will be holding a Peer Exchange on Moving Research into Practice. TRB Committee members and friends attending the Summer Meeting are invited to participate in a peer exchange to increase the movement of research into practice.
The purpose of the peer exchange is to -
· Identify areas where gaps exist between available research
(state‐of‐the‐art) and the state‐of-the‐practice that address current challenges to the transportation industry;
· Explore approaches for moving research into practice, which includes recognition of common barriers to innovation and promising solutions; and
· Draft a strategy for how TRB and its Committees can address improved implementation of research results where the industry is facing the greatest challenges.
In preparation for the face-to-face peer exchange, or for those not able to attend the Summer Meeting, we are holding a webinar to get the conversation started. The webinar will be held June 27 from 1 pm to 2 pm eastern time. To join the webinar go to and to join in on the audio portion of the webinar call (877) 339-0018 and enter the meeting number is *1173525*. The * s are required.
The webinar will provide
· A discussion on which recently completed research results or documented effective practices could advance the state of the practice.
· Details on how to get involved in moving research into practice.
We hope you will be able to participate in both the webinar and the face-to-face meeting!
Kimberly M Fisher
Transportation Research Board
500 Fifth Street, NW
Room 493
Washington, DC 20001
Phone - 202.334.2968
Fax - 202.334.2003
Blore's Razor:
Given a choice between two theories, take the one which is funnier.
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Following up on our discussions on future surveys and how best to leverage existing surveys like the ATUS - you are welcome to participate in this outreach effort to improve the ATUS -
From: ATUSinfo [mailto:ATUSinfo@BLS.GOV]
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 9:44 AM
To: ATUSinfo
Subject: Please help us improve the American Time Use Survey
We are contacting you as a current, former, or potential user of products produced by the American Time Use Survey (ATUS), a program conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
The ATUS provides nationally-representative estimates of how, where, and with whom Americans spend their time, and is the only federal survey providing data on the full range of nonmarket activities, from childcare to volunteering.
We are seeking your feedback on how we can improve ATUS products. By completing a brief questionnaire, you will provide valuable information about whether ATUS products are meeting your needs and, if not, how we can improve them.
To access the survey, please click on the following link: (You can also access the survey from a link on the ATUS home page:
While your participation is voluntary, it is important to the success of this survey. We estimate it will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
For more information about the ATUS, please visit: If you have any questions, please contact ATUS staff at ATUSInfo(a)<> or (202) 691-6339.
Thank you very much for your help in improving the ATUS.
NOTE: If you do not wish to receive additional announcements about the American Time Use Survey, please reply to this message with "Remove" in the subject line.
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Just-in-time opportunity – TOMORROW!!!! In addition, Ted will be part of our Travel Time, Speed and Reliability session on Wednesday -
You all are invited to a presentation Using Data To Manage Traffic Flows by Ted Trepanier, a representative from INRIX.
June 7th, from 1:00 pm–2:30 pm in room E37-302
To participate in the webinars, please visit: and click on “Enter as Guest,” type your name, and enter the room.
Or call: 1-877-336-1839 (pass code 2683607)
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
I received this invitation to participate in the re-establishment of the Transportation Statistics Interest Group - and hope you and others would like to jump in and help Peg Young with this important work -
Transportation Statistics Interest Group
We in BTS are in the process of re-establishing the Transportation Statistics Interest Group within the American Statistical Association. This 'no-dues' group will be composed of statisticians, economists and analysts who are interested in (1) developing and applying statistical methods to problems to problems in transportation, (2) analyzing transportation data, (3) collecting transportation data, and (4) formulating mathematical models which describe and explain underlying mechanisms or processes in transportation. In order to establish the interest group, we not only need 'signatures' of interested individuals, but we also need at least 25 of those signing up to be ASA members.
So - here is what we are asking:
Are you interested in becoming a member of the Transportation Statistics Interest Group?
Are you an ASA member?
If you ARE interested, please respond to Peg Young (peg.young(a)<>) and say you would like to be a member, and also specify whether you are, or are not, a member of ASA. Many thanks for your support.
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Director, MRP Program
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
I hope are you able to join us in person for our June 8th meeting in WDC --- but if you can't be there - PLEASE join us remotely - we have the technology!!!! To put together your "plan" - check out the list of sessions and activities listed on the program for our Mid-year Meeting on June 8th --
Below is a NEW Zoomerang to confirm everybody's participation. The remote participation has been broken up into components so you can pick and choose those times you can log in. For the webinar portions, you have to sign up in advance.
We are looking forward to a great day of sharing ideas and moving ABJ30 forward - our next meeting will be the Annual Meeting (January 22-26, 2012) - hope you can join us on June 8th and in January ---
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Director, MRP Program
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
I snagged this off a listserve that I am on and thought I would pass it
The USDOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics Announces Upcoming Webinar
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics recently announced its webinar
schedule for 2011. Webinars will feature overviews of BTS data and
include question and answer sessions. All webinars begin at 3 p.m.
Eastern as follows:
* Airline Data Overview – June 16
* International Data Overview – July 28
* National Census of Ferry Operators – August 17
* Transportation Services Index – September 14
* Omnibus Household Survey – October 13
Participants can access all of the webinars online at and call in for audio using
1-877-336-1839, passcode 2683607. For more information, contact
Dave Smallen at 202-366-5568
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Webinar invitation below --
Bureau of Transportation Statistics: Transportation Data for a Nation on the Move
Join BTS on April 25, 2011 from 3:00-4:00PM Eastern time for a one hour webinar discussing data products and services available from BTS!
Log on to click on "Enter as Guest", type in your name and enter the room. A 1-800 call in number will also be provided on the website.
Future BTS Webinars will include information on the Transportation Services Index, airline statistics, National Census of Ferry Operators, and international transportation data. Stay tuned for more!
Thomas M. Palmerlee
Associate Director, Technical Activities Division
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Based on the phone conference discussion yesterday, our agenda for the Summer Meeting has been revised (see below). We will be holding joint meeting on topics with shared interest - with our Committee Business Meeting now scheduled from 2:00 until 3:00 on June 8th. We should have phone numbers and remote-access information available shortly - hope to see as many of you as possible on-site!
ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and
Information Systems Committee
Keck Center
June 8, 2011
Wednesday 11:45 AM - 3:00 PM
I. Joint TRB Committee Meeting - Bike and Pedestrian Data Discussion (11:45 - 12:30)
a. ABJ20 Statewide, ABJ35 Traffic Monitoring, ABJ 40 Travel Survey Methods
LUNCH BREAK (12:30 - 1:15)
II. Joint TRB Committee Meeting - Travel Time, Speed and Reliability Discussion (1:15 - 2:00)
a. ABJ20 Statewide, ABJ35 Traffic Monitoring, ABJ70 Artificial Intelligence
III. Committee Business
a. Introductions - Welcome new Members and Secretary Outwater (2:00 - 2:05)
b. Chair Report - Announcements - Kate Lawson (2:05 - 2:10)
c. TRB Report - Tom Palmerlee/Reg Souleyrette (flexible, if necessary - 2:10 - 2:20)
d. Subcommittee Reports
i. ABJ30(1) Subcommittee on Census Data--Clara Reschovsky (MWCOG) & Kristen Rohanna (SANDAG) (2:20- 2:30)
ii. AFD30(1) Archived Data User Service Subcommittee-Kristin Tufte (PSU) (2:30 - 2:40)
e. New Directions (2:30 - 2:50)
* Crowd sourcing data (e.g., Bluetooth, cell phones or GPS) compiled by vendors/ sold in aggregate form for different purposes
* Commercial data sets management: procurement, licensing, data evaluation, data accessibility
* Urban Data Integration (UDI) - Land Use (Land-based Classification Standards), Travel (GPS), Traffic (Continuous Count and WIM) - What are the Organizational, Policy and Technical Issues facing MPOs?
* Integrated urban travel forecasting models and integrated urban data collection - opportunities and threat
f. New Business (2:50 - 3:00)
i. Self Assessment - Preparing for our Triennial Review
ii. TRB Critical Issues and Cross-cutting Issues
iii. Other Business
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Interim Chair
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
I will be out of the office starting 03/31/2011 and will not return until
For Ramp Metering issues, please contact Terry Thompson at 916-654-3318 or
Diana Gomez at 916-651-1255. Thank you.
For Traffic Operations Academy issues, please contact Laurie Jurgens at
916-718-0113 or Vincent Becera at 916-651-6130.
You can also call my cell at 916-969-6189 or leave me a phone message at
916-654-6133. You can also try to email me at wzr_00(a) I will get
back to you as soon as I can.