ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Tom Palmerlee just reminded me that November 30th is right around the corner - and that is the last day for the lower fees for the TRB Annual Meeting - You need to register online by November 30 to take advantage of the lower fees, to obtain a hotel guest room, and to gain full access to the Interactive Program (available in November). Looking forward to seeing everyone in January!!
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Chair, Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Each TRB Executive committee meeting includes a lengthy policy session. June's was Introducing New Information and Telecommunication Technology Applications to Transportation: Opportunities and Challenges.
The Power Points from the June 15-16 Executive Committee policy session have been posted on the Executive Committee website page at http://www.trb.org/Main/Public/TRBExecutiveCommitteeMinutes.aspx. Please contact Lisa Marflak (lmarflak(a)nas.edu<mailto:lmarflak@nas.edu>) if you have any questions or comments.
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Chair, Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
FHWA posted a vacancy announcement at https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/325988100 for a Transportation Specialist on the Data and Analysis Tools Team in the Office of Safety. We are seeking a team member to help us develop and manage programs that assist State and local agencies in improving their safety data systems and analyses. The position is advertised at the GS-12, 13 and 14 levels. The announcement is open until September 20, 2012.
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Chair, Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Below is a copy of the draft minutes from our summer meeting in Dallas, TX. We need help compiling the list of folks "on the phone" - please let us know if you were "there" - or have names in your notes - You can send comments/edits/corrections to Maren Outwater (Maren.Outwater(a)rsginc.com<mailto:Maren.Outwater@rsginc.com>) - Thanks!
ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and
Information Systems Committee
Annual Meeting Minutes
June 4, 2012
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
The Fairmont Dallas
Minutes compiled by Colin Smith and Maren Outwater
I. Welcome and Introductions
20 members and friends attended; 5 of these were members
II. Approval of the Minutes - Maren Outwater [moutwater(a)rsginc.com<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\moutwater@rsginc.com>]
Minutes from the 2012 Annual Meeting were approved
III. Reports
a. Chair's Report - Kate Lawson [lawsonc(a)albany.edu<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\lawsonc@albany.edu>]
The committee activities included a new website, http://www.trburbandata.org/, which everyone should check out. There is a new sub-committee "Computational Transportation and Society", which is authorized and ready to accept members. One research need statement has gone into NCHRP 08-36, but we are seeking more RNSs.
Progress is being made on 08-36 Task 108; there was a phone meeting in June. Kate reported that our long-time member Nathan Erlbaum has passed away. We would like to request a new paper award to honor his memory. Please let Kate know if you can help with organizing that.
The workshop deadline was extended to July 31st; there is one already on Computational Transportation and Society. We should consider the addition of General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) to our charge for urban data. Nancy McGuckin from ABJ45(T) committee reported on the National Household Travel Survey scope, which is a 3-year outreach to scope the next NHTS. They are interested in user needs, ideas on methods, and data items needed. There is a Wednesday workshop at NATMEC on NHTS. There is a powerpoint on the NHTS website and a Listserv set up for NHTS outreach.
b. Section Chair Report - Reg Souleyrette [rsouley(a)engr.uky.edu<mailto:rsouley@engr.uky.edu>]
Reg Souleyrette reported on a TRB committee on social and cultural factors who would like to cosponsor a workshop. This will be on secondary data collection on the human environmental and how they are used, their limitations, and field validation of the data. They will be contacting Kate to get this rolling.
c. ABJ30(1) Subcommittee on Census Data/Workshop - Clara Reschovsky [[creschovsky(a)mwcog.org<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\creschovsky@mwcog.org>], MWCOG/Kristin Rohanna [kroh(a)sandag.org<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\kroh@sandag.org>], SANDAG
The workshop at the annual meeting in Jan was well attended. We are still considering whether to do a workshop next Jan. Unfortunately CTPP from the 5-year ACS will not be available but some national tabulations might be ready by then. We should consider a workshop on NCHRP synthesis on PUMS data by Kevin Tierney.
d. AFD30(1) Archived Data User Service Subcommittee - Kristin Tufte [tufte(a)cs.pdx.edu<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\tufte@cs.pdx.edu>], PSU
There was no update from this subcommittee.
e. Health Sub-Committee - Ed Christopher [edc(a)berwyned.com<mailto:edc@berwyned.com>]/Eloisa Raynault [eloisa.raynault(a)apha.org<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\eloisa.raynault@apha.org>]
This is a subcommittee of 4 committees that has existed for one year. We have a busy listserv - TrbHealth.org. The subcommittee meets monthly and is very active. Jeff Frkonja reached out to consider a workshop on a joint bike/ped-health/transportation survey. A cross cutting session at the group level on health and transportation is a possibility. Nancy McGuckin presented at California Walk, and explained that we can't do trends analysis with the NHTS. She prepared a brief that was circulated.
f. Bike and Ped Sub-Committee - Elizabeth Stolz [liz(a)chapsys.com<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\liz@chapsys.com>]
This subcommittee was very busy, holding monthly meetings. We have 3 workshop ideas for the annual meeting:
* The one with health (see above)
* Data sharing (possibly joint with Hugh Monting (?)
* Factoring bike/ped data to annual data
There will be a call for papers on bike/ped data. Wednesday is bike and pedestrian day at NATMEC.
g. Computational Transportation Science - Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah [vonu-pt(a)uic.edu<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\vonu-pt@uic.edu>]
Workshop ideas for this subcommittee are on big data, which we could cosponsor with data visualization and another committee.
IV. Activities Planned for Annual Meeting
a. Workshops (4:45 - 4:55)
There are two possible workshops:
* Invited session on what data needs are, what the state of the practice is.
* Corridor planning (long distance corridors)
b. Paper Review Plans (4:55 - 5:00)
We are looking for new reviewers. Please contact Kate Lawson if you are interested.
c. Research Needs Statement Update - Jan-Mou (James) Li [lij3(a)ornl.gov]/Kendra Levine [klevine(a)library.berkeley.edu] (5:00 - 5:10)
We are working on one research needs statement on how proposed research on data integration should happen. We are looking for input - fairly general. The funding looked for was $99,000. It could be done under 08-36. We are meeting to decide this at the end of the week.
d. TSP Matrix - Next Steps (5:10 - 5:20)
See website for the TSP. This includes ways to think about performance measures that goes beyond transportation measures. Is there any feedback on this? Nancy McGuckin suggested that we pull this out of the TSP and get feedback via website on each specific measures. She volunteered to put in powerpoint and thinks Vonu should present in Jan at TRB.
V. New Business
a. Summer Meeting 2013 (5:20 - 5:25)
We will plan on a podium session and a poster session, possibly one joint session with the traffic monitoring committee. We can consider invited speaker sessions? We need to name invited speakers by October. One possibility that Ed Christopher recommended is "long distance travel". Possible sponsors include statewide, perhaps a new national data committee. The forum with 5 speakers (5-7 minutes) or limited to 3 speakers (20 minutes).
b. Emerging Topics (5:25 - 5:30)
* Connected Vehicles and Devices. UTC at Virginia Tech going to be rolling this out on I-66.
* Large quantity of hot GPS data. We have set up a secure data repository. Can we start pushing data in there? Research data exchange - talk to the people doing that at annual meeting at committee meeting. See if they are interested in doing that. Data handling, data access issues, are huge, e.g. standard non-disclosure agreements are needed. What happens when this is more than a pilot, where will all of the data be housed?
* Transit data for urban planning. Do we do transit data? e.g. google data to build transit supply side of models (GTFS data). Elaine Murakami did a research statement on this a while ago but it was not selected. FTA is now getting interested in it. Does anyone own this in TRB? There was a workshop at last TRB on working with GTFS data, apps using it, etc.
* ACS is possibly not getting funded. The "assault on data". We need bullet points like what are the 10 things we need data for. The Wall St Journal editorial is very good. Northwestern is trying to get a short OpEd out but having trouble. Emphasizing private sector users is important. e.g. Target produced a film on this. The NHTS is also in danger long term.
c. Next summer meeting
Possibly at TRB Planning Apps in Columbus, OH
VI. Adjourn (5:30)
From: Maren Outwater [mailto:Maren.Outwater@rsginc.com]<mailto:[mailto:Maren.Outwater@rsginc.com]>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 5:37 PM
To: Lawson, Catherine T
Subject: RE: reviewer for TRB Papers?
Kate- Will you address the 2 comments in the minutes before you send them out on whether TRB and RITA reports were given? Thanks.
From: Lawson, Catherine T [mailto:lawsonc@albany.edu]<mailto:[mailto:lawsonc@albany.edu]>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 4:34 PM
To: Maren Outwater
Subject: RE: reviewer for TRB Papers?
GREAT!!! Thanks - I will send these out to the listserv for comments/edits. I am glad you will be available to review papers - if the reviews come in with good rating - we might even want to do a podium session -
From: Maren Outwater [mailto:Maren.Outwater@rsginc.com]<mailto:[mailto:Maren.Outwater@rsginc.com]>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 5:30 PM
To: Lawson, Catherine T
Subject: RE: reviewer for TRB Papers?
Yes, I can review the GPS papers. I have also attached the minutes, I am sorry this took so long. It includes the attendees at the end. I didn't have anything on the TRB or RITA reports, so not sure if these were covered at the meeting or not. Let me know if you have questions or comments and then I can put these up on the web site.
From: Lawson, Catherine T [mailto:lawsonc@albany.edu]<mailto:[mailto:lawsonc@albany.edu]>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 3:45 PM
To: Maren Outwater
Subject: reviewer for TRB Papers?
Just touching base with you - I am going to be looking for folks to review papers - we have a big pile of GPS papers this year - would you be willing to review some - or provide me with suggestions for folks you know are currently working with these data on both auto and transit uses? I also need to know if you got the minutes notes from the summer meeting and my listing of the attendees - I can't tell from the website if we are getting edits/comments back yet --- hope you are having a good summer - with TRB papers piling up - I know summer is almost over!!!
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Director, MRP Program
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Below is a copy of the draft minutes from our summer meeting in Dallas, TX. We need help compiling the list of folks "on the phone" - please let us know if you were "there" - or have names in your notes - You can send comments/edits/corrections to Maren Outwater (Maren.Outwater(a)rsginc.com<mailto:Maren.Outwater@rsginc.com>) - Thanks!
ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and
Information Systems Committee
Annual Meeting Minutes
June 4, 2012
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
The Fairmont Dallas
Minutes compiled by Colin Smith and Maren Outwater
I. Welcome and Introductions
20 members and friends attended; 5 of these were members
II. Approval of the Minutes - Maren Outwater [moutwater(a)rsginc.com<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\moutwater@rsginc.com>]
Minutes from the 2012 Annual Meeting were approved
III. Reports
a. Chair's Report - Kate Lawson [lawsonc(a)albany.edu<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\lawsonc@albany.edu>]
The committee activities included a new website, http://www.trburbandata.org/, which everyone should check out. There is a new sub-committee "Computational Transportation and Society", which is authorized and ready to accept members. One research need statement has gone into NCHRP 08-36, but we are seeking more RNSs.
Progress is being made on 08-36 Task 108; there was a phone meeting in June. Kate reported that our long-time member Nathan Erlbaum has passed away. We would like to request a new paper award to honor his memory. Please let Kate know if you can help with organizing that.
The workshop deadline was extended to July 31st; there is one already on Computational Transportation and Society. We should consider the addition of General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) to our charge for urban data. Nancy McGuckin from ABJ45(T) committee reported on the National Household Travel Survey scope, which is a 3-year outreach to scope the next NHTS. They are interested in user needs, ideas on methods, and data items needed. There is a Wednesday workshop at NATMEC on NHTS. There is a powerpoint on the NHTS website and a Listserv set up for NHTS outreach.
b. Section Chair Report - Reg Souleyrette [rsouley(a)engr.uky.edu<mailto:rsouley@engr.uky.edu>]
Reg Souleyrette reported on a TRB committee on social and cultural factors who would like to cosponsor a workshop. This will be on secondary data collection on the human environmental and how they are used, their limitations, and field validation of the data. They will be contacting Kate to get this rolling.
c. ABJ30(1) Subcommittee on Census Data/Workshop - Clara Reschovsky [[creschovsky(a)mwcog.org<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\creschovsky@mwcog.org>], MWCOG/Kristin Rohanna [kroh(a)sandag.org<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\kroh@sandag.org>], SANDAG
The workshop at the annual meeting in Jan was well attended. We are still considering whether to do a workshop next Jan. Unfortunately CTPP from the 5-year ACS will not be available but some national tabulations might be ready by then. We should consider a workshop on NCHRP synthesis on PUMS data by Kevin Tierney.
d. AFD30(1) Archived Data User Service Subcommittee - Kristin Tufte [tufte(a)cs.pdx.edu<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\tufte@cs.pdx.edu>], PSU
There was no update from this subcommittee.
e. Health Sub-Committee - Ed Christopher [edc(a)berwyned.com<mailto:edc@berwyned.com>]/Eloisa Raynault [eloisa.raynault(a)apha.org<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\eloisa.raynault@apha.org>]
This is a subcommittee of 4 committees that has existed for one year. We have a busy listserv - TrbHealth.org. The subcommittee meets monthly and is very active. Jeff Frkonja reached out to consider a workshop on a joint bike/ped-health/transportation survey. A cross cutting session at the group level on health and transportation is a possibility. Nancy McGuckin presented at California Walk, and explained that we can't do trends analysis with the NHTS. She prepared a brief that was circulated.
f. Bike and Ped Sub-Committee - Elizabeth Stolz [liz(a)chapsys.com<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\liz@chapsys.com>]
This subcommittee was very busy, holding monthly meetings. We have 3 workshop ideas for the annual meeting:
* The one with health (see above)
* Data sharing (possibly joint with Hugh Monting (?)
* Factoring bike/ped data to annual data
There will be a call for papers on bike/ped data. Wednesday is bike and pedestrian day at NATMEC.
g. Computational Transportation Science - Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah [vonu-pt(a)uic.edu<file:///C:\Data\Prof%20Org\TRB\ABJ30\vonu-pt@uic.edu>]
Workshop ideas for this subcommittee are on big data, which we could cosponsor with data visualization and another committee.
IV. Activities Planned for Annual Meeting
a. Workshops (4:45 - 4:55)
There are two possible workshops:
* Invited session on what data needs are, what the state of the practice is.
* Corridor planning (long distance corridors)
b. Paper Review Plans (4:55 - 5:00)
We are looking for new reviewers. Please contact Kate Lawson if you are interested.
c. Research Needs Statement Update - Jan-Mou (James) Li [lij3(a)ornl.gov]/Kendra Levine [klevine(a)library.berkeley.edu] (5:00 - 5:10)
We are working on one research needs statement on how proposed research on data integration should happen. We are looking for input - fairly general. The funding looked for was $99,000. It could be done under 08-36. We are meeting to decide this at the end of the week.
d. TSP Matrix - Next Steps (5:10 - 5:20)
See website for the TSP. This includes ways to think about performance measures that goes beyond transportation measures. Is there any feedback on this? Nancy McGuckin suggested that we pull this out of the TSP and get feedback via website on each specific measures. She volunteered to put in powerpoint and thinks Vonu should present in Jan at TRB.
V. New Business
a. Summer Meeting 2013 (5:20 - 5:25)
We will plan on a podium session and a poster session, possibly one joint session with the traffic monitoring committee. We can consider invited speaker sessions? We need to name invited speakers by October. One possibility that Ed Christopher recommended is "long distance travel". Possible sponsors include statewide, perhaps a new national data committee. The forum with 5 speakers (5-7 minutes) or limited to 3 speakers (20 minutes).
b. Emerging Topics (5:25 - 5:30)
* Connected Vehicles and Devices. UTC at Virginia Tech going to be rolling this out on I-66.
* Large quantity of hot GPS data. We have set up a secure data repository. Can we start pushing data in there? Research data exchange - talk to the people doing that at annual meeting at committee meeting. See if they are interested in doing that. Data handling, data access issues, are huge, e.g. standard non-disclosure agreements are needed. What happens when this is more than a pilot, where will all of the data be housed?
* Transit data for urban planning. Do we do transit data? e.g. google data to build transit supply side of models (GTFS data). Elaine Murakami did a research statement on this a while ago but it was not selected. FTA is now getting interested in it. Does anyone own this in TRB? There was a workshop at last TRB on working with GTFS data, apps using it, etc.
* ACS is possibly not getting funded. The "assault on data". We need bullet points like what are the 10 things we need data for. The Wall St Journal editorial is very good. Northwestern is trying to get a short OpEd out but having trouble. Emphasizing private sector users is important. e.g. Target produced a film on this. The NHTS is also in danger long term.
c. Next summer meeting
Possibly at TRB Planning Apps in Columbus, OH
VI. Adjourn (5:30)
From: Maren Outwater [mailto:Maren.Outwater@rsginc.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 5:37 PM
To: Lawson, Catherine T
Subject: RE: reviewer for TRB Papers?
Kate- Will you address the 2 comments in the minutes before you send them out on whether TRB and RITA reports were given? Thanks.
From: Lawson, Catherine T [mailto:lawsonc@albany.edu]<mailto:[mailto:lawsonc@albany.edu]>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 4:34 PM
To: Maren Outwater
Subject: RE: reviewer for TRB Papers?
GREAT!!! Thanks - I will send these out to the listserv for comments/edits. I am glad you will be available to review papers - if the reviews come in with good rating - we might even want to do a podium session -
From: Maren Outwater [mailto:Maren.Outwater@rsginc.com]<mailto:[mailto:Maren.Outwater@rsginc.com]>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 5:30 PM
To: Lawson, Catherine T
Subject: RE: reviewer for TRB Papers?
Yes, I can review the GPS papers. I have also attached the minutes, I am sorry this took so long. It includes the attendees at the end. I didn't have anything on the TRB or RITA reports, so not sure if these were covered at the meeting or not. Let me know if you have questions or comments and then I can put these up on the web site.
From: Lawson, Catherine T [mailto:lawsonc@albany.edu]<mailto:[mailto:lawsonc@albany.edu]>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 3:45 PM
To: Maren Outwater
Subject: reviewer for TRB Papers?
Just touching base with you - I am going to be looking for folks to review papers - we have a big pile of GPS papers this year - would you be willing to review some - or provide me with suggestions for folks you know are currently working with these data on both auto and transit uses? I also need to know if you got the minutes notes from the summer meeting and my listing of the attendees - I can't tell from the website if we are getting edits/comments back yet --- hope you are having a good summer - with TRB papers piling up - I know summer is almost over!!!
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Director, MRP Program
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
The announcement below may have great value for the transportation community –
Measuring People in Place: The geography of large scale population
The NSF-Census Research Network and the Universities of Colorado and
Tennessee invite applications to a specialist meeting focused on the
use of large scale population surveys to engage spatial questions in
the social sciences. Selected participants' expenses will be supported
DEADLINE 8/6/2012.
Large scale social surveys (such as the American Community Survey)
provide excellent estimates of population characteristics for large
geographic areas. There is a trade-off, however, between attribute
precision and geographic precision; as one zooms in from large to small
geographic areas the estimates become less precise. Recent changes to
the federal statistical system have made this trade-off between
geographic and attribute precision both more extreme and more explicit.
These changes are occurring as place and space are becoming an
increasingly salient in social sciences.
The purpose of this meeting is to engage these challenges through
research and cross-disciplinary relationships around the following
1. Improving surveys: Is it possible to reduce uncertainty in small
area estimates through improved sampling, population controls, and/or
weighting strategies? Are there ways to improve the fidelity of
probability based population surveys to both population characteristics
and their spatial distribution?
2. Geographic Information Science and Survey Design: Is it possible to
reduce uncertainty in small area population estimates by incorporating
spatial methods, such as spatial sampling techniques, into traditional
survey methods? Can large spatial data bases, VGI, and other forms of
"big data" be used improve small area estimates?
3. Working with uncertainty: Are there effective ways to incorporate
uncertainty in data from surveys into analyses? Visually communicating
uncertainty in spatial information has been a longstanding challenge
for cartography and information visualization, are the advances in this
area? Can user-centered research improve survey design/dissemination?
Application Procedure (DEADLINE August 6th):
Applicants should submit:
1. A brief (300-500 word) position paper describing your interest in
the spatial aspects of large scale population surveys and/or one or
more of the above themes.
2. A one paragraph biographical statement and current CV.
Application should be submitted via e-mail by August 6th 2012 to:
seth.spielman(a)colorado.edu<mailto:seth.spielman@colorado.edu> and nnagle(a)utk.edu<mailto:nnagle@utk.edu>. Applicants will be
notified of acceptance by August 10th 2012.
Seth E. Spielman
Assistant Professor of Geography, University of Colorado
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Peter Keen, now Co-Chair of ABJ35 Traffic Monitoring, is taking on a leadership role with Travel Time, Speed and Reliability. Please contact him directly - peter.keen(a)dtsits.com<mailto:peter.keen@dtsits.com> - and let him know if you would like to participate or know of someone who should be informed of this exciting new area of research - thanks! Best of luck to all of you completing your submissions tonight - we will be assigning reviewers very soon and hope everyone is able to help -
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Director, MRP Program
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
I am out of the office until 07/22/2012.
I will respond to your message when I return. I will be checking voicemail
Note: This is an automated response to your message "[ABJ30-Friends]
TRANSportation Data FORecasting Competition (TRANSFOR)" sent on
7/16/2012 4:09:02 PM.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Special Announcement for Upcoming Annual Meeting:
Call for Participation - 2013 TRB Annual Meeting Workshop
TRANSportation Data FORecasting Competition (TRANSFOR)
Sponsoring Committee: ABJ70 Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications
Co-Sponsoring Committees: ABJ00 Data Section
ABJ80 Statistical Methodology
ABJ20 Statewide Transportation Data and Information Systems
ABJ50 on Information Systems and Technology
Organized by: Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications Committee
Call Description: Successfully estimating the future conditions- in both short and longer horizons - is a perquisite for designing, implementing and operating efficient transportation systems and infrastructure. As a result, transportation forecasting has attracted considerable attention by both the transportation academia and practice, with efforts ranging from classical statistics to a vast array of computational intelligence (CI) techniques.
In an era of rapid technological and scientific advances, the transportation community experiences an increase in data collection and availability, along with powerful analytical tools. Nevertheless, transportation data often pose considerable challenges to researchers and practitioners: differences in data measurement techniques and frequencies, seasonality, local trends, structural breaks, outliers, zero and missing values, and so on. Further, transportation needs increase and services become more complex and demanding; for example, real time control and ITS often require short-term predictions of transportation conditions based on existing data. The above imply that developing accurate and efficient forecasting algorithms for transportation applications becomes even more important and promising as a task.
In this context, the Transportation Research Board is pleased to announce the 2013 TRANSportation Data FORecasting Competition (TRANSFOR) workshop, which will be held at the 92nd TRB Annual meeting. The scope of the competition is to evaluate the accuracy of various data analytic methodologies - be they statistics, CI and so on - in transportation data forecasting. Particular attention is given to missing and incomplete data, using two data sets in different areas of transportation. The objective is to determine progress in modelling statistics and CI for forecasting and to disseminate knowledge on "best practices" in transportation data modeling. The following two data sets will be the basis for this competition: 1) a traffic information data-set, in which short-term traffic flow prediction will be requested, and 2) an incomplete transit O-D table which is to be completed. The focus of both analyses will be to obtain predictions as close as possible to the real data.
The prediction competition is open to all methods of statistics, econometrics and computational intelligence, including neural networks, fuzzy predictors, evolutionary and genetic algorithms, decision and regression trees, support vector regression, hybrid approaches and so on. Researchers, as individuals or groups may participate using only one or both of the data sets. Participants will present their results at a 92nd TRB annual meeting workshop, devoted to the TRANSFOR competition. Awards will be given to researchers and
researcher teams based on: 1) accuracy of predictions; 2) completeness of a short paper detailing the approach used, advantages and disadvantages and results.
For more information and for obtaining the data sets please contact Matthew G. Karlaftis at mgk(a)mail.ntua.gr<mailto:mgk@mail.ntua.gr>.
Subject Areas: Planning and Forecasting, Statistics, Computational Intelligence
Organizers: Matthew G. Karlaftis, National Technical University of Athens (mgk(a)mail.ntua.gr), Shinya Kikuchi, Virginia Tech (kikuchi(a)vt.edu), please add names from participating Committees...
Time line:
August 15th, 2012 - Data availability to interested parties, please request by e-mail.
November 30th, 2012 - Deadline for submission of results and short papers by e-mail.
December 10th , 2012 - Notification to the "winners," or presenters at the Sunday workshop
January 13th, 2012 - Workshop (13:30-16:30), Hilton Washington DC.
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Director, MRP Program
Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Research Opportunity - please spread the word - thanks!
Thanks to a grant from the PSU Institute for Sustainable Solutions OTREC is hiring a non-motorized transportation research associate.
The Oregon Transportation Research and Education Center (OTREC) at Portland State University (PSU) is seeking a highly-motivated Non-Motorized Transportation Postdoctoral Research Associate. The Research Associate is responsible for shaping and conducting bicycle, pedestrian, and other non-motorized transportation research and related activities. This is an exciting career opportunity for a motivated individual who wants to make a difference in shaping a growing collaborative, multimodal, multidisciplinary, multi-campus research agenda. Salary will be commensurate with experience and includes a comprehensive benefits package. This exciting opportunity is detailed at:
Jennifer Dill, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning (USP)
Portland State University
Director, Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (OTREC)
e-mail: jdill(a)pdx.edu<mailto:jdill@pdx.edu>
phone: 503-725-5173
web site: http://web.pdx.edu/~jdill/
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Mailing address:
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751
Physical Address:
506 SW Mill Street
370T Urban Center
Portland, OR 97201