As a subcommittee of ABJ30 the subcommittee on Health and Transportation
is happy to announce that we have two calls for research on the street
relative to the 2014 Annual Meeting. In addition we will be having our
midyear meeting July 22nd at the Keck Center of the National Academies
(500 Fifth Street, NW) from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. Below is the announcement
of the two two calls for research. Feel free to distribute to anyone
who you think might be interested.
In preparation for the the annual meeting of the Transportation Research
Board, the Subcommittee on Health and Transportation has issued two
separate calls for research.
The first is a Call for Papers due August 1, 2013. The Call for Papers
is attached and is posted on the TRB website. It can also be found here.….
For the paper call we are looking for research papers using
transportation and travel analysis/models in coordination with public
health analysis/models to understand how transportation and land use
systems affect public health outcomes.
The second call is for Posters only. The Call for Posters is also
attached and can found at…
For the poster call we are looking for posters on the creative use of
data in transportation and public health planning (with an emphasis on
creative). The deadline for submission for this one is September 1, 2013.
For more information about either of these two calls refer to the
materials posted on the subcommittee's website at
Ed Christopher
Subcommmittee Co-chair
ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and
Information Systems Committee
National Academy of Sciences Building
2101 Constitution Avenue, NW
June 11, 2013
11:30AM - 1:00PM
1. Please join my meeting, Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 11:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time.
2. Join the conference call:
Phone: 866-528-2256
Access Code: 1716247
Meeting ID: 363-473-536
I. Welcome and Introductions (name, affiliation, two research areas of interest) (11:30 - 11:35)
II. Approval of the Minutes - Maren Outwater [MOutwater(a)] (11:35 - 11:40)
III. Special Guest Speaker on Census 2020 (11:40 - noon)
a. Burton H. Reist, Chief 2020 Research and Planning Office
IV. MAP - 21: The role of existing urban data (noon to 12:45)
a. Our Matrix Project - (Nancy McGuckin [N_McGuckin(a)] Travel Behavior Analyst)
i. Can we identify sources of data that answer MAP- 21 questions?
ii. Do we have data or agency partners?
iii. Near term and longer term opportunities
b. BIG Data - Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah [Piyushimita.Thakuriah(a)], University of Glasgow/Harvey Miller [harvey.miller(a)], University of Utah
i. Is Big Data ready for prime time applications for MAP- 21?
ii. Do we have examples of potential uses?
c. Census API - (Clara Reschovsky [[creschovsky(a)], MWCOG/Mara Kaminowitz [mkaminowitz(a)], BMC)
i. How can Census and CTPP products assist in meeting MAP-21 requirements?
ii. What new tools/data products will be made available?
iii. How can organizations take advantage of the Census API?
d. Bike and Ped Data (Liz Stolz [bikeandped(a)], Chaparral Systems Corporation)
i. Will pre-MAP- 21 ideas meet MAP- 21 needs?
ii. Are there opportunities to apply data in the near term?
e. Archived Data - (Kristin Tufte [tufte(a)], Portland State University)
i. Will MAP- 21 highlight the value of archived data?
ii. Are these data ready for applications?
f. Transit GTFS - (James Wong [jowong(a)], Georgia Tech
i. Are there opportunities to highlight GTFS in MAP- 21 applications?
ii. Do we have a near-term example?
g. Travel time, Speed and Reliability - (Karl Petty [karl(a)], Iteris, Inc./Michael Fontaine [Michael.Fontaine(a)], Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research)
i. Does MAP- 21 give TTSR a role in the near-term?
ii. Are there opportunities for new private/public partnerships?
V. Weather: A forecast for ABJ30? (12:45 - 12:55)
a. General discussion on the role of urban data and extreme weather events
VI. New Business (12:55 - 1:00)
a. Upcoming Conferences and Workshops
i. Transit GIS Conference - Washington D. C.
ii. Plans for Workshops at Annual Meeting
b. Research Needs Statement Update - James Jan-Mou Li [lij3(a)] Oak Ridge National Labs
c. Research Roundtable Discussion
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Chair, Geography and Planning Department
Director, Lewis Mumford Center
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
I am out of the office until 06/03/2013.
I am in meetings off site with limited cell phone and email coverage.
Note: This is an automated response to your message "[ABJ30-Friends]
Revised Agenda and Meeting Plan" sent on 5/27/2013 7:11:31 AM.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Below is the revised agenda for our Summer Mid-year meeting in WDC - we will have a special guest speaker: Burton H. Reist, Chief 2020 Research and Planning Office - he will be informing us on current plans for the 2020 Census - it should be a very informative talk. We will also be discussing MAP-21 impacts, the emerging transportation and the extreme weather situation, and what data decision-makers need. We plan to use gotomeeting and will have a phone number for members and friends to call in. Looking forward to seeing all of you in WDC at our meeting - or hearing from you on the phone!
ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and
Information Systems Committee
National Academy of Sciences Building
2101 Constitution Avenue, NW
June 11, 2013
11:30AM - 1:00PM
1. Please join my meeting, Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 11:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time.
2. Join the conference call:
Phone: 866-528-2256
Access Code: 1716247
Meeting ID: 363-473-536
I. Welcome and Introductions (name, affiliation, two research areas of interest) (11:30 - 11:35)
II. Approval of the Minutes - Maren Outwater [MOutwater(a)] (11:35 - 11:40)
III. Special Guest Speaker on Census 2020 (11:40 - noon)
a. Burton H. Reist, Chief 2020 Research and Planning Office
IV. MAP - 21: The role of existing urban data (noon to 12:45)
a. Our Matrix Project - (Nancy McGuckin [N_McGuckin(a)] Travel Behavior Analyst)
i. Can we identify sources of data that answer MAP- 21 questions?
ii. Do we have data or agency partners?
iii. Near term and longer term opportunities
b. BIG Data - Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah [Piyushimita.Thakuriah(a)], University of Glasgow/Harvey Miller [harvey.miller(a)], University of Utah
i. Is Big Data ready for prime time applications for MAP- 21?
ii. Do we have examples of potential uses?
c. Census API - (Clara Reschovsky [[creschovsky(a)], MWCOG/Mara Kaminowitz [mkaminowitz(a)], BMC)
i. How can Census and CTPP products assist in meeting MAP-21 requirements?
ii. What new tools/data products will be made available?
iii. How can organizations take advantage of the Census API?
d. Bike and Ped Data (Liz Stolz [bikeandped(a)], Chaparral Systems Corporation)
i. Will pre-MAP- 21 ideas meet MAP- 21 needs?
ii. Are there opportunities to apply data in the near term?
e. Archived Data - (Kristin Tufte [tufte(a)], Portland State University)
i. Will MAP- 21 highlight the value of archived data?
ii. Are these data ready for applications?
f. Transit GTFS - (James Wong [jowong(a)], Georgia Tech
i. Are there opportunities to highlight GTFS in MAP- 21 applications?
ii. Do we have a near-term example?
g. Travel time, Speed and Reliability - (Karl Petty [karl(a)], Iteris, Inc./Michael Fontaine [Michael.Fontaine(a)], Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research)
i. Does MAP- 21 give TTSR a role in the near-term?
ii. Are there opportunities for new private/public partnerships?
V. Weather: A forecast for ABJ30? (12:45 - 12:55)
a. General discussion on the role of urban data and extreme weather events
VI. New Business (12:55 - 1:00)
a. Upcoming Conferences and Workshops
i. Transit GIS Conference - Washington D. C.
ii. Plans for Workshops at Annual Meeting
b. Research Needs Statement Update - James Jan-Mou Li [lij3(a)] Oak Ridge National Labs
c. Research Roundtable Discussion
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Chair, Geography and Planning Department
Director, Lewis Mumford Center
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
Transit GIS Conference
TRB is cosponsoring the Transit GIS Conference on October 16-17, 2013, in Washington, D.C. The mission of the biennial conference is to provide a forum for geographic information systems (GIS) in transit professionals and other key industry stakeholders to share innovative GIS solutions, industry best practices, and new technologies. The conference is also designed to explore ways to use GIS to improve the safety, reliability, sustainability, and operation of public transportation.
Individuals and groups wishing to present at the conference must submit an abstract by April 15, 2013.
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Chair, Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Our Summer Mid-Year registration is open -
TRB is sponsoring the Meeting State & MPO Information Needs in a Constrained Fiscal Environment conference, June 10-12, 2013, at The National Academy of Sciences Building in Washington, DC.
For details on how to register for the meeting and to make a hotel reservation, visit the website below.
Click here for event summary<>
(If the link above does not work, please copy & paste<> into your web browser.)
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Transportation Research Board
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Chair, Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL
ABJ30 Members and Friends (sorry for any duplicate postings) -
Mark your calendar for the GIS in Transit Conference, October 16-18, 2013, at the Keck Center of the National Academies in Washington, D.C. Submissions for presentations are due April 15, 2013. See…
Don't miss this unique conference for transit planners, managers, researchers and GIS industry experts who are interested in sharing ways to use geographic and spatial analysis in transit planning, operations, and marketing to increase efficiency and effectiveness. The conference is jointly organized by National Center for Transit Research (NCTR), Transportation Research Board (TRB) and Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA). Cosponsored by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The conference will:
* Provide transit professionals with experience and interest in GIS an opportunity to learn from peers and industry experts (vendors, researchers, and practitioners)
* Discuss emerging trends in geo-spatial analysis and transit informatics
* Demonstrate the use of GIS data to improve transit efficiency and effectiveness
* Provide a forum for public-private discussions about practical applications of new technologies
Submitting an Abstract
All presentation proposals should be submitted by April 15, 2013, should not be longer than 300 words, and should clearly convey the material that will be presented.
Abstracts must be submitted electronically at GIS-Call for Presentations Survey<…>.
More Information
Check for information on the conference, registration fees and the conference hotel.
Jennifer Rosales, jrosales(a)<>, and Tom Palmerlee, tpalmerleee(a)<>, are TRB staff on the project.
Thomas M. Palmerlee
Associate Director, Technical Activities Division
I am out of the office until 01/10/2013.
I am in meetings off site with limited cell phone and email coverage.
Note: This is an automated response to your message "[ABJ30-Friends] Final
Agenda for Annual Meeting" sent on 1/8/2013 8:42:48 AM.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
I hope to see many of you next week at our Annual TRB Meeting in Washington, D.C. However, if you can't join us in person, please feel free to send your input, comments, and ideas for the topics we plan to cover and we will make sure your ideas are incorporated into the record of the meeting. We will be finalizing information on our Summer Mid-Year Meeting in Washington, D. C. and plan to offer webinar/phone conference access to allow everyone to join us – more details coming soon! For those of you joining us next week – safe travels – enjoy your time in WDC!
Published Agenda as per TRB website --
ABJ30 Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee
This committee is interested in the design, collection, analysis, and reporting of transportation supply and demand data needed to support urban and metropolitan transportation planning efforts. In particular, the committee is interested in developing the data requirements of new and innovative techniques for measuring and monitoring the performance of metropolitan transportation systems; and in evaluating changes in demographic and urban travel characteristics. In terms of household and other transportation surveys, the committee is concerned with the analysis, reporting, archiving, and dissemination of results and data products. The committee is interested in the effective use of census and other federal, secondary data sources in metropolitan transportation planning. The committee is concerned with advancements in information systems and information technology for the improved dissemination and sharing of knowledge about metropolitan transportation systems and urban travel behavior.
Committee Meeting Location
Monroe Room in the Hilton
January 15, 2013
8:00AM – 12:00PM
I. Welcome and Introductions (name, affiliation, two research areas of interest) (8:00 – 8:10)
II. Approval of the Minutes - Maren Outwater [MOutwater(a)] (8:10 – 8:15)
III. Report s
a. Chair’s Report - Kate Lawson [lawsonc(a)] (8:15 – 8:20)
b. TRB Report – Tom Palmerlee [TPalmerlee(a)] (flexible, if necessary) (8:20 – 8:25)
c. Section Chair Report – Reg Souleyrette [rsouley(a)]
(8:25 – 8:30)
d. RITA/BTS Report – TBA [tba] (8:30 – 8:35)
e. Subcommittee Reports
i. ABJ30(1) Subcommittee on Census Data – Clara Reschovsky [[creschovsky(a)], MWCOG/Mara Kaminowitz [mkaminowitz(a)], BMC (8:35 – 8:45)
ii. ABJ30(2) Computational Transportation and Society - Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah [vonu-pt(a)], University of Glasgow/Harvey Miller [harvey.miller(a)], University of Utah (8:45 – 8:55)
iii. ADD50(1) Health and Transportation – Ed Christopher [edc(a)], FHWA/ Eloisa Raynault [eloisa.raynault(a)], American Public Health Association (8:55 – 9:05)
iv. ABJ35(3) Bike and Pedestrian Data – Liz Stolz [bikeandped(a)], Chaparral Systems Corporation (9:05 – 9:15)
v. AFD30(1) Archived Data User Service Subcommittee Kristin Tufte [tufte(a)], Portland State University (9:15 – 9:25)
vi. ABJXX – Travel Time, Speed and Reliability – Karl Petty [karl(a)], Iteris, Inc./Michael Fontaine [Michael.Fontaine(a)], Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research (9:25 – 9:35)
f. Sunday Workshop Wrap-up Reports – Next Steps?
i. Big Data Informatics: Innovations in Mining Structured and Unstructured Information for Mobility Decision Making - Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah [vonu-pt(a)] University of Glasgow/Harvey Miller [harvey.miller(a)], University of Utah (9:35 – 9:45)
ii. The Future of National Household Travel Data: Getting Feedback from the User Community – Stacy Brika [s-bricka(a)], Texas A&M Transportation Institute (9:45 – 9:55)
iii. Factoring Bicycle and Pedestrian Data – Scott Brady, [sbrady(a)], Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (9:55 – 10:05)
iv. Counting on the Locals for Traffic Data – Steven Jessberger, [Steven.Jessberger(a)], FHWA (10:05 – 10:15)
IV. Break (10:00 – 10:10)
V. Emerging/Re-emerging Topics
a. Constructing a Matrix with Meaning: Moving forward with Urban Data – Nancy McGuckin [N_McGuckin(a)] Travel Behavior Analyst (10:10 – 10:40)
b. Connected Vehicles: Where is our Connection? – Group Discussion (10:40 – 11:00)
c. GTFS – A New World For Transit Data – Group Discussion (11:00 – 11:10)
d. The Role of Urban Data in Emerging Weather Events – Group Discussion (11:10 – 11:20)
VI. New Business
a. Upcoming Conferences and Workshops (11:20 – 11:30)
i. Summer Meeting Discussion – Washington D. C.
b. Research Needs Statement Update – James Jan-Mou Li [lij3(a)] Oak Ridge National Labs (11:30 – 11:45)
c. Research Roundtable Discussion (11:45 – noon)
ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Our committee is one more than a dozen anticipating participating in a joint summer meeting June 10-12 in DC with the theme Meeting State & MPO Information Needs in a Constrained Fiscal Environment. The committees below have indicated interest in participating. TRB has booked meeting space at their NAS Building near the Mall. We anticipate starting Monday afternoon, June 10 and ending around noon on Wednesday, June 12. A major logistics next step is booking hotel space. To help TRB get an idea of potential numbers at the meeting and needing hotel rooms, please use this link to give them your best guess on attendance and hotel needs. We know it's very early but the hotel space needs to be reserved soon."
Interested Committees
* Special Task Force Data for Decisions and Performance Measures (A0030T)
* Policy & Organization Group (AB000)
* Management and Productivity (ABC20)
* Transportation Asset Management (ABC40)
* Data and Information Systems Section (ABJ00)
* National Transportation Data Requirements and Programs Committee (ABJ10)
* Statewide Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee (ABJ20)
* Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee (ABJ30)
* Highway Traffic Monitoring Committee (ABJ35)
* Travel Survey Methods Committee (ABJ40)
* Task Force on Understanding New Directions for the National Household Travel Survey (ABJ45T)
* Information Systems and Technology Committee (ABJ50)
* Geographic Information Science and Applications Committee (ABJ60)
* Visualization in Transportation Committee (ABJ95)
* Transportation and Sustainability (ADD40)
* AASHTO SCOP Data Subcommittee (SCOP)
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph.D.
Chair, Geography and Planning Department
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX
(518) 209-1155 CELL