Call Title
Applications for Small-Area ACS and CTPP Data: New Data, New Challenges
Sponsoring Committee
Census Data for Transportation Planning Subcommittee of the Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee, ABJ30(1)
Call Description
The Census Data for Transportation Planning Subcommittee of the Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee, ABJ30(1) invites you to submit posters for a session focusing on the innovative use of small area ACS and CTPP geography for transportation planning and related applications. Posters will be displayed at the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, January 2015. Authors of the most innovative posters will be invited to present at the subcommittee meeting.
The American Community Survey 5-Year data and the Census Transportation Planning Products special tabulation have given practitioners access to a wealth of current data in geographic units as small as Census Block Groups. Data topics include a wide range of demographic, social, economic, and transportation data including journey-to-work ("commuter") flows. This level of geographic detail allows for a finer level of detail in activities such as transit planning, site selection, model validation, program analysis, and community outreach.
While these data sets have significant potential it is not a panacea for all programmatic and research tasks. High margins of error mean small-area data may not be as accurate as is needed for a project and it is a challenge to display it without giving a false sense of precision. Aggregation and derived margins of error create further challenges to statistical analysis. Small area data may not fit well into locally created geographic boundaries (towns, watershed, etc.). Transferring data from older geographies such as 2000 Census tracts to newer small area geographic units is often needed for analysis but can be hard to accomplish without further reducing the accuracy of the data.
Evaluation Criteria
A broad range of abstracts relating to the topic are welcome. Preference will be given to posters which emphasize the following:
* Practical and applied ("real world") uses of small-area geography
* Posters that display solutions for the statistical challenges that come from working with small-area geography
* Innovative visualization of margins of error
* Topics that address applications towards urban planning
A session-development subcommittee will review all abstracts to identify those that most effectively demonstrate innovative analyses and communication techniques conveying the value of small geography ACS and CTPP data. The subcommittee hopes to identify posters representing a diverse array of uses and applications. Applicants will be notified in late-September of their selection.
Poster Session Guidelines
Those selected for this session will prepare a poster for presentation at the 2015 Annual Meeting in January. Participants are not required to prepare a paper. Each presenter will be provided with a table and a 4' x 8' vertical panel for displaying posters and other materials. An electrical connection will be available at each station. Telephone and internet connections will not be available. TRB's guidelines for poster presenters are available at Presenters are expected to attend and participate in this session. Presentation teams are welcome.
Submission Instructions
A special deadline for submittals has been established. Interested candidates should submit an abstract explaining their project and poster concept by 11:59 pm EDT on Wednesday, September 3, 2014. The abstract should be no more than a single one-sided page in length (approximately 500 words) and include:
* Contact information (name, agency/organization, phone number, email address)
* Title of your proposed poster for use in the Annual Meeting agenda
* Explanation of the project, research, or process using CTPP/ACS data and how the data were used
* Any innovative discoveries or lessons learned about small-area use of this data that would be useful to the transportation community
* Preliminary description of the information to be conveyed in your poster
You are welcome to include links to on-line materials that illustrate visualization or graphic communication concepts described in your abstract but this will not substitute for the information requested in the abstract.
The subcommittee will not consider sales presentations on products or services.
Abstracts should be in a PDF format and submitted to:
Mara Kaminowitz
Include the term "ABJ30(1) Poster Abstract" in the subject line.
For More Information
Questions about the poster session or the abstract submittal process should be directed to:
Clara Reschovsky
Mara Kaminowitz
I am out of the office until 07/07/2014.
I will check email daily while I am away.
Note: This is an automated response to your message "Re: [CTPP] content
review" sent on 6/30/2014 7:50:02 AM.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
I am trying to cross-check a simple table of county-to-county flows for my metro area (Little Rock AR). The online CTPP software is time-consuming and astonishingly counter-intuitive. Does anybody know a quick tip for getting the basic residence-to-work flows by county? I need the data but have a job to do and can't spend a week clunking around at etc.....
I'm already signed up for the CTPP webinar in June but need my data before then.
Thanks in advance for any and all help.
Jonathan Lupton AICP
Research Planner
Little Rock AR
PRE-REGISTRATION is required for this webinar.
Federal Highway and AASHTO through the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP) program is offering a webinar for those who are interested in learning how to use the "new" CTPP access software system to pull data from the 2006-2010 CTPP data product. The webinar will be offered Thursday, June 26, 2014 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern time. To get the most out of the webinar, attendees should visit the CTPP E-Learning modules at and familiarize themselves with the ACS and the CTPP. This is a prerequisite.
In this webinar attendees will learn how to access the ACS Census Data tabulated under the CTPP program. The CTPP is a 5-year tabulation of ACS data (2006-2010) that is specially designed for transportation planning. Attendees will learn the structure of the data, how to extract selected tables and be exposed to functionality of the software designed to handle the data. Most importantly, attendees will learn where to get the data. Registration is mandatory.
To register for the Thursday, June 26 2014 webinar go to…
Questions can be addressed to Ed.Christopher(a)<>
Ed Christopher
FHWA Resource Center Planning Team
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
Please visit this page to get the login information:…
June 24 Accessing Block Group Data with the American Community Survey <…>
Description: The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that generates estimates on social, economic, housing, and demographic topics. Data users can access these estimates down to our smallest level of geography, block groups, using the ACS Summary File. This presentation will cover background information about the ACS, an explanation of the ACS Summary File, and a demonstration of accessing block group data using the Summary File Retrieval Tool, DataFerrett, and FTP site.
Please remove me from the distribution list.
Suzette Mallette
Regional Transportation Planning Director
970-631-4823 (cell)
The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) developed an interactive mapping tool that shows where people in Southeast Michigan commute to and from. Best viewed in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
New on SEMCOG's website: Interactive map shows commuting patterns for Southeast Michigan communities
Travel to work - showing the connections between the business and labor markets - is one of the defining factors of a regional economy. Travel-to-work data in Southeast Michigan suggests that the SEMCOG region is connected by commuting flows that tie housing markets and job centers across the region into one very strong, cohesive inter-reliant region.
Using data from the Census Transportation Planning Package, Commuting Patterns in Southeast Michigan<…>, SEMCOG developed an interactive mapping tool that shows where people in Southeast Michigan commute to and from. Just click on a community and explore. Results will show the number of workers who live and work in the selected community as well as the number of workers who commute to the selected community along with the community where they commute from in a bar chart. The map also colors in the commuting communities.
This interactive mapping tool, found at is best viewed in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Take a look and let us know what you think.
Contact: Ann Burns<>, SEMCOG Data Analysis.
Susan A. Gorski, Section Manager
Statewide & Urban Travel Analysis Section
Michigan Department of Transportation
Van Wagoner Building - B340
425 W. Ottawa Street
P.O. Box 30050
Lansing, MI 48909
E-mail: gorskis(a)<>
phone: 517-335-2958
cell: 517-243-0734
fax: 517-373-9255
Let the Census Bureau know how you use the ACS data and why it is important to have!
Over the past few weeks there have been different rumblings about a review that the Census Bureau is doing of the ACS questions. As a user of the ACS (and the CTPP) it important that you get involved with the Review and let the Bureau know what variables you use and how you use them. It is most important that you pay special attention to the Journey to Work questions which are located under Economic category. The introductory material for the review can be found at
The actual review form which is linked from the page above is
When working through the review and providing your comments you will see that you can only comment on 5 variables at a time. If you are a typical transportation planner you probably use most of the variables on the ACS questionnaire which means that you will have to go through the form multiple times.
Ed Christopher
FHWA Resource Center Planning Team
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
708-283-3534 (V)
708-283-3501 (F)
708-574-8131 (C)
PRE-REGISTRATION is required for this webinar.
Federal Highway and AASHTO through the Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP) program are offering two separate webinars for those who are interested to learn how to use the “new” CTPP access software system to pull data from the 2006-2010 CTPP data product. The webinars will be the same so please do not sign up for both. One will be offered Friday, June 6, 2014 and the other Thursday, June 26, 2014. Both will run from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern time. To get the most out of the webinar, attendees should visit the CTPP E-Learning modules at and familiarize themselves with the ACS and the CTPP. This is a prerequisite.
In this webinar attendees will learn how to access the ACS Census Data tabulated under the CTPP program. The CTPP is a 5-year tabulation of ACS data (2006-2010) that is specially designed for transportation planning. Attendees will learn the structure of the data, how to extract selected tables and be exposed to functionality of the software designed to handle the data. Most importantly, attendees will learn where to get the data. Registration is mandatory.
To register for the Friday, June 6, 2014 webinar go to…
To register for the Thursday, June 26 2014 webinar go to…
Do not register for both. Space is limited and the webinar sponsors have to pay for those who register and do not show up.
Questions can be addressed to Ed.Christopher(a)
Ed Christopher
FHWA Resource Center Planning Team
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
708-283-3534 (V)
708-283-3501 (F)
708-574-8131 (C)
Hi all,
Is anyone aware of an online source for 2000 CTPP tables? Specifically Means of Transportation for Workplace and Residence at the Census Tract level?
The CTPP 2000 CDs or downloadable Access Tools do not appear to run in any compatible mode on Windows 7. Thanks in advance.
GIS Trivia:
Mylar coated with red or yellow colored emulsion is know as:
1. Rubylith
2. Color film
3. Scribecoat
4. Silver halide
5. Ulano
Answer at:
Dan Seidensticker
GIS Specialist
Madison Area Transportation Planning Board:
A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
City of Madison Planning Division
121 S. Pinckney Street, Suite 400
Madison, WI 53703
Voice: 608-266-9119
Fax: 608-261-9967
Email: dseidensticker(a)<><><>