Just in case you didn't get a copy of this announcement:
ACS Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Dual Vintage Variables Webinar
Advanced users learn about the ACS Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) and how to work with dual vintages of variables included in the ACS PUMS files. This presentation will give a background of the ACS PUMS files before explaining how to work specifically with dual vintage variables in the 2008-2012 ACS 5-year PUMS files, including Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMA), Occupation, and Industry variables.
Date and Time: Thursday, March 13th from 1:00-2:00 PM
Presenter: Tim Gilbert
Learn how to log-in by visiting the Census Bureau's Educational Resources<http://links.govdelivery.com:80/track?type=click&enid=ZWFzPTEmbWFpbGluZ2lkP…> page.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
BLS Information
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This might be of interest to some folks.
2014 Budget Enacted for Bureau of Labor Statistics
On Friday, January 17, 2014, President Obama signed into law the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. The Act provides $592.2 million in
funding to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for the fiscal year (FY)
2014 that began October 1, 2013. This funding level is $21.6 million below
the FY 2014 President's Budget <http://www.bls.gov/bls/budget2014.htm>. In
order to achieve the necessary savings for this funding level and protect
core programs, the BLS is taking the steps listed below:
1. *Curtail the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW).* The
QCEW program provides national, State, metropolitan statistical area, and
county data on monthly employment and quarterly total wages and the number
of establishments, by 6-digit North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) code and by size of establishment. The BLS will achieve savings
largely by reducing the scope and frequency of collection for select units
in the QCEW survey that is used to validate and update the NAICS code of
business establishments. This will result in a small degradation in the
quality of QCEW data and make the QCEW slightly less accurate as a sampling
Krishnan Viswanathan
5628 Burnside Circle
Tallahassee FL 32312
The FHWA is now looking to "Advance Transportation Planning through Innovation and Research" through its Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). The objective of this BAA is to advance the practice and application of transportation planning among State, metropolitan, regional, local, and Tribal transportation planning governments in response to significant changes in the planning process and to identify new tools, techniques, and approaches that respond to national transportation planning priorities.
The FHWA's research program funds innovation such areas as planning capacity building, congestion management, safety planning, public involvement, travel modeling, environmental justice, visualization in planning, freight planning, planning and environmental linkages, and pedestrian and bicycle planning and design.
Examples of travel modeling related research may be methodological innovation in
* Processing and analyzing large passive data sets collected via various media;
* Using large passive data sets for analyzing current travel behavior and forecasting near future travel;
* Using large passive data sets to assist calibrating and validating travel modeling techniques;
* Providing strategies and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of travel forecasting techniques;
To apply, applicants should go to https://www.fbo.gov/ under the heading "Advancing Transportation Planning Through Innovation & Research" to submit your proposal. The Solicitation Number is DTFH6114R00019. Here is the direct link: https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=46b5c187590e07a4ee6a60… .
Please note: The point of contact is provided in the Solicitation.
I am out of the office until 01/25/2015.
Haining Du is no longer with Cambridge Systematics. If you have questions
please contact Feng Liu (fliu(a)camsys.com).
Note: This is an automated response to your message "[CTPP] TAZ Update -
TAZ Issue resolved" sent on 2/24/2014 4:58:24 PM.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
The issue discussed in the email below has been resolved. A new file with TAZ data for workplace TAZ with zero resident populations has been uploaded and incorporated into the CTPP Data Access Software. The data has been field checked and deemed reliable, in as much as small area data are reliable, please pay attention to the large Margins of Error associated with small estimates.
"Until approximately January 2014, the data set available does not include workplace data for TAZs with zero (0) populations. This means that any TAZ which consists solely of a special generator (i.e., an airport, a shopping mall, a business park, the pentagon, etc.) does not have its associated workplace data or flow to it available. This is being rectified and a new dataset will be released around January, 2014 that corrects that problem. Fortunately, the data is available at tract even for zero pop tracts, so you can get the data at smallish, just not smallest, level and you can do TAZ to Tract flows"
From: Weinberger Penelope
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:27 PM
To: ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net
Subject: CTPP 5-year data
The CTPP 5-year data, based on ACS 2006 - 2010 Census Data, will be released tomorrow Thursday, October 31, 2013, the URL to access the data will be published here.
The CTPP Data Access Software is a powerful tool to access the nearly 350 gigs of data provided by the Census Bureau. The Data set consists of nearly 200 residence based tables, 115 workplace based tables and 39 flow tables (Home to work) for over 200,000 geographies. The data are derived from two American Community Survey microdata record sets based on the 2006 - 2010 ACS. One set is the original microdata; all tables derived from this set are designated A, the other set is a disclosure proofed microdata set; all tables derived from this set are designated B. That is to say, the first letter in the table name indicates the set from which the table was derived. For more information on disclosure proofing, please access the CTPP e-Learning module "Disclosure Proofing" at: http://ctpp.training.transportation.org/
The software contains a robust map tool, for both selecting geography and rendering results. Results can also be presented as various style charts and tables that can be rearranged to suit your analysis and display needs. Data from the tool can be downloaded as comma or semi colon delimited .csv, .xml, .shp, .tab.
Some things to be aware of:
This is a new software release and it is possible you may find some errors and bugs as you use it. Please use the CTPP Feedback form available in the Help menu to report any problems encountered. (Version 1.1 release, already planned for the near future, reflects corrections to issues discovered after Beta testing.) Please consider this a Gamma version.
A PDF tutorial is available in the Help menu and covers much of the software functionality teaching a sample application. The context sensitive (on-line) help has some bugs that are currently being addressed. A series of short film tutorials is available on the CTPP YouTube channel at: http://www.youtube.com/user/CTPPProgram. The YouTube tutorials include a software tour, how to register/logon, opening and rearranging a table/accessing basic data; Geography selection by list and map; Calculating percentages; and Display maps and thematic analyses. If, after you have exhausted all resources you are still having trouble please contact pweinberger(a)aashto.org<mailto:pweinberger@aashto.org> for a walk through, but please try to find your solution from available resources first. Training is rolling out both in person and online, we will keep you posted.
Downloads are limited to 100,000 cells. If you need to download large tables they will need to be split up and stitched back together in excel (or another program). We are developing a background downloader for large files. In the meantime, if you simply want all the data for your entire area, send a message to pweinberger(a)aashto.org<mailto:pweinberger@aashto.org> and a set with appropriate documentation will be made available for FTP download. Any very large data set is unsupported and for power users, comfortable manipulating large data sets in statistical software packages that they are already licensed to use.
Geographies can be aggregated and margins of error will be correctly re-calculated, but non-standard (user created) saved geographies cannot be mapped - we are working on this.
Until approximately January 2014, the data set available does not include workplace data for TAZs with zero (0) populations. This means that any TAZ which consists solely of a special generator (i.e., an airport, a shopping mall, a business park, the pentagon, etc.) does not have its associated workplace data or flow to it available. This is being rectified and a new dataset will be released around January, 2014 that corrects that problem. Fortunately, the data is available at tract even for zero pop tracts, so you can get the data at smallish, just not smallest, level and you can do TAZ to Tract flows
Penelope Z. Weinberger
CTPP Program Manager
Hi, all
We have developed this county flow file from CTPP 2006-2010. The file
includes flows by means of transportation from CTPP 2000, CTPP 2006-2008
and CTPP 2006-2010. Margin of Error is also included for CTPP 2006-2010
and CTPP 2006-2008. The readme file is also provided.
You can download the data in CSV format from the following link:
Username: 8305CTPP
Password: 1900NJA
Please note the username and password are case sensitive.
Liang Long
Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
4800 Hampden Lane
Suite 800
Bethesda, MD 20814
tel 301 347 0100
fax 301 347 0101
FHWA 202-366-6971
e-mail llong(a)camsys.com
Hello everyone,
We here in Richmond MPO are developing the Socioeconomic data for our Long Range Transportation plan. One of the important components of the data is the total number of automobiles (CTPP Table B111103) by Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs). We have in the past used both the CTPP data and the Virginia DMV registration data to calculate autos by TAZs.
Here are the problems we are facing this time around. The base year for our socioeconomic data is 2012. CTPP data is a rolling average from 2006-2010. How would one calculate the estimates for the year 2012 taking CTPP 2006-2008 as the base data? Assuming we do a straight line projection, how many years do we need to project the CTPP data to get the estimates for the year 2012? In other words, do we consider the CTPP data from year 2008 ( which is the mid-year) and project the data by 4 years to get the 2012 estimates or do we take the year 2010 ( which is the end year) and project the data by 2 years to get the 2012 estimates.
Any insight would be appreciated.
Sulabh Aryal
Associate Planner
Richmond Regional Planning District Commission
9211 Forest Hill Avenue, Suite 200 Richmond, VA 23235
Phone: 804.323.2033 3 Fax: 804.323.2025
saryal(a)richmondregional.org<mailto:saryal@richmondregional.org> 3 www.richmondregional.org<http://www.richmondregional.org>
Hi All,
A free training session is offered by AASHTO and FHWA on the Census
Transportation Planning Package (CTPP), and sponsored by the
Washington State DOT
There are just a few slots left!
What: Free CTPP training
When: Monday, February 3, 2014 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: Department of Enterprises Services (DES) in room 3610. 1500 Jefferson Ave, Olympia, WA 98501
RSVP email to Kyle Miller: Miller, Kyle [MilleKy(a)wsdot.wa.gov]
The CTPP is a set of special tabulations designed by transportation
planners using data from the Census Bureau. The most current release of
CTPP data comes from the 2006-2010 American Community Survey (ACS)
sample, and includes data from small geographic units such as census
tracts and transportation analysis zones (TAZs).
The CTPP is a unique census product providing data relating to the
journey to work, including travel mode, number of household vehicles,
demographic variables, employment status, income and poverty
information, life cycle, and many other characteristics. Data tables
for home and work locations, and worker flow (home-to-work) are
available. A rough agenda for the full-day training session is below:
● Introductions and welcome
● Introduction to the CTPP
● ACS questionnaire: paper exercise
● Data issues
● Break
● Data issues continued
● Find the CTPP table: paper exercise
● Lunch
● Software tour
● Profile exercise: software exercise
● Results of profile exercise
● Wrap up
Please register by sending the participant's name and contact
information in an e-mail to: Miller, Kyle [MilleKy(a)wsdot.wa.gov]. Space is limited. Please RSVP ASAP!
The afternoon session will include training on the new CTPP
Computers will not be provided, so bring a
laptop to participate hands-on in this exercise.
Sharing personal computers is also an option. Please ensure that your
laptop is fully charged,
From: Israel Shimon
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 7:06 PM
To: Israel Shimon
Subject: Free Training at MTC on February 11 - Census Transportation Planning Package
Please forward to appropriate parties.
>>> Shimon Israel 1/16/2014 12:15 PM >>>
Hi All,
A free training session is offered by AASHTO and FHWA on the Census
Transportation Planning Package (CTPP), and sponsored by the
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay
Area Governments (ABAG). (See attached flier)
What: Free CTPP training
When: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: MetroCenter Auditorium, 101 8th Street, Oakland, CA 94607
RSVP information: Please see below
The CTPP is a set of special tabulations designed by transportation
planners using data from the Census Bureau. The most current release of
CTPP data comes from the 2006-2010 American Community Survey (ACS)
sample, and includes data from small geographic units such as census
tracts and transportation analysis zones (TAZs).
The CTPP is a unique census product providing data relating to the
journey to work, including travel mode, number of household vehicles,
demographic variables, employment status, income and poverty
information, life cycle, and many other characteristics. Data tables
for home and work locations, and worker flow (home-to-work) are
available. A rough agenda for the full-day training session is below:
● Introductions and welcome
● Introduction to the CTPP
● ACS questionnaire: paper exercise
● Data issues
● Break
● Data issues continued
● Find the CTPP table: paper exercise
● Lunch
● Software tour
● Profile exercise: software exercise
● Results of profile exercise
● Wrap up
Please register by sending the participant's name and contact
information in an e-mail to: library(a)mtc.ca.gov. Space is limited to
70 participants. Please RSVP by Friday, February 7. Also, please note
that the afternoon session will include training on the new CTPP
software. Computers will not be provided, so feel free to bring a
laptop if you would like to participate hands-on in this exercise.
Sharing personal computers is also an option. Please ensure that your
laptop is fully charged, as there will be limited power outlets
available. Please contact me (Shimon Israel) with any questions about
the training.
Shimon Israel
Associate Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 817-5839 (office)
(510) 817-5848 (fax)
. .
Hi All,
A free training session is offered by AASHTO and FHWA on the Census
Transportation Planning Package (CTPP), and sponsored by the
Shasta Regional Transportation Agency
There are just a few slots left!
What: Free CTPP training
When: Monday February 10, 2014 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Where: Shasta College Downtown Redding Campus – Room 8113, 1400 Market Street, Redding, CA 96001
RSVP email to Sean Tiedgen: stiedgen(a)srta.ca.gov by Thursday, February 6, 2014. Space is limited! Only 14 seats remaining and will be filled on a “first come, first serve”
The CTPP is a set of special tabulations designed by transportation
planners using data from the Census Bureau. The most current release of
CTPP data comes from the 2006-2010 American Community Survey (ACS)
sample, and includes data from small geographic units such as census
tracts and transportation analysis zones (TAZs).
The CTPP is a unique census product providing data relating to the
journey to work, including travel mode, number of household vehicles,
demographic variables, employment status, income and poverty
information, life cycle, and many other characteristics. Data tables
for home and work locations, and worker flow (home-to-work) are
available. A rough agenda for the full-day training session is below:
● Introductions and welcome
● Introduction to the CTPP
● ACS questionnaire: paper exercise
● Data issues
● Break
● Data issues continued
● Find the CTPP table: paper exercise
● Lunch
● Software tour
● Profile exercise: software exercise
● Results of profile exercise
● Wrap up
Computers will be provided.
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