Hello and Happy New Year!
The Census for Transportation Planning Subcommittee, ABJ30(1), has an
exciting line-up of activities for the 2015 TRB meeting.
On Monday, Jan. 12, at 2 pm we will be hosting a poster session,
"Applications for Small-Area American Community Survey and Census
Transportation Planning Package Data: New Data, New Challenges" in Hall E.
We have a great line up of posters, please stop by!
Wednesday, Jan. 14, at 10:15 am is the official Census for Transportation
Planning Subcommittee meeting. The meeting will be at the Marriott
Marquis, Liberty K and feature Census programs updates and a series of
presentations building on Monday's poster session. A link to the agenda
can be found here: http://www.trbcensus.com/notes/TRB2015Agenda.pdf
Looking forward to seeing you there!
*Mara Kaminowitz, GISP*GIS Coordinator
*Baltimore Metropolitan Council*
Offices @ McHenry Row
1500 Whetstone Way
Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21230
410-732-0500 ext. 1030
Interested Parties:
The Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County, Nevada (RTC) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) from qualified individuals and firms to conduct a series of travel surveys in the Reno-Sparks area of Washoe County, Nevada. The study will consist of three distinct surveys dealing with:
1. Travel characteristics of households
2. Travel characteristics related to transit ridership
3. Visitor travel patterns
Solicitation documents may be obtained at no charge from the RTC electronically at www.ebidexchange.com/rtc<http://www.ebidexchange.com/rtc> or from the RTC by contacting Leslie Benton, RTC Procurement and Compliance Analyst, at (775) 335-1868, email at Lbenton(a)rtcwashoe.com<mailto:Lbenton@rtcwashoe.com>.
Proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. (PST), January 30, 2015, addressed to Leslie Benton, RTC Procurement and Compliance Analyst, Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County, Reno, Nevada, 1105 Terminal Way, Suite 300, Reno, NV 89502.
Thank you!
Xuan Wang, PHD, PE.
Planning Department
Regional Transportation Commission
1105 Terminal Way
Reno, NV 89502
775-332-9521 Office
775-348-3278 Fax
Attached please find the December issue. It will also be posted to the FHWA Census webpage in the near future. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/census_issues/ctpp/status_report/
Please note that comments on the ACS questions are due to the Federal Register by December 30, 2014. The Journey to Work Questions are not on the list of questions to be removed. Please see the article on pages 2 -3 by Julie Parker from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
I apologize for a couple of grammatical errors that snuck through. I will try to get them fixed in the web version!
Target audience for this post: survey methodologists
On Nov 19, I attended an ACS Data Users Group webinar hosted by the Population Reference Bureau and Sabre Systems. The topic was the Planning Database (PDB), which is a database at the tract and block group level, focusing on low response. The main objective is to figure out where the Census will have lower response with the 2020 Census and plan to implement different techniques to improve response rates in those areas.
The speakers were Nancy Bates and Travis Pape.
The PDB includes the geography (tract and block group), demographic characteristics, and then, Census operations data, e.g. mail-back, bilingual rates, the 2010 Census Mail return rate AND the LOW RESPONSE SCORE, based on a model using 5-years of ACS data. The model includes 25 variables, of which the top 3 variables were: rent (vs own); age ( 18-24), and female head of household with no husband present. Other variables include household size, presence and age of children, poverty, education, race and Hispanic origin.
The regression results are R2 of .56 at the block group level, and R2 of .55 at the tract level. These results are for mail-back returns, and the Census Bureau is planning on over 60% returns for the 2020 Census using Internet, so the results may be different after newer ACS results which included Internet response method are incorporated into the model.
Currently, the 2014 PDB which includes 2008-2012 ACS estimates and 2010 Census operations data is available, and an updated PDB based on more recent ACS will be available approximately in March 2015. The files are only available as nationwide files, zipped CSV format, one file for tracts and one file for block groups. The tract level file is 86 Mb. The Block Group file is 152 Mb.
Bottom line - the model variables seem consistent with the results of non-response to household travel surveys, so I am thinking that when a large household travel survey is being planned, these data could also be useful for targeting different approaches to improve response rates, or oversampling housing unit addresses in low responding areas.
Hope I didn't make any grievous errors in my summary above! If I did, I hope that someone from the Census Bureau will post corrections.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
Abstracts are due January 14, 2015.
This conference will be held one week before the TRB Planning Applications conference, so I know this is likely to cause low interest in this. Nonetheless, I hope that some transportation and especially CTPP data users will be able to participate in this conference. Several MPOs participated last time and we had a nice lunch together. It is highly unlikely that I can attend because of travel budget limitations.
I encourage you to consider submitting an abstract. It is always good to document the transportation applications of ACS to a non-transportation audience, and to get the attention of Census Bureau staff, even if they might have to participate via web!
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
From: ACS Data Users Group [mailto:ACS_Data_Users_Group@mail.vresp.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 12:08 PM
To: Murakami, Elaine (FHWA)
Subject: Call for Abstracts: 2nd Annual ACS Data Users Conference
[ACS data users logo]<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?PopulationReferenceB/781257f466/a4a80cfafa/ebe97b0d…>
2nd Annual ACS Data Users Conference
May 11-13, 2015
College Park Marriott Hotel and Conference Center
College Park, MD
Call for Abstracts!
Deadline: Jan. 14, 2015
Acceptance Notification Date: Feb. 20, 2015
The second annual American Community Survey (ACS) Data Users Conference will bring together ACS data users and staff from the U.S. Census Bureau to increase understanding of the value and utility of ACS data and to promote information sharing among data users about key ACS data issues and applications. The conference will include contributed presentations by ACS data users, invited sessions, hands-on training, and opportunities for networking.
We are inviting abstracts on any topic relating to ACS data issues and applications, but we are especially interested in new and innovative uses of ACS data, and ACS applications that inform policy and business decisions. For examples of presentation topics from the May 2014 inaugural ACS Data Users Conference, review the program.<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?PopulationReferenceB/781257f466/a4a80cfafa/2826ed8a…>
To submit an abstract, visit www.acsdatausers.org.<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?PopulationReferenceB/781257f466/a4a80cfafa/16c4a7ee…> Registration for the conference will open in early 2015 and will be free for all conference presenters and participants.
Please forward this announcement to others who may be interested.
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Population Reference Bureau
1875 Connecticut Ave., NW
Suite 520
Washington, District of Columbia 20009
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I was recently asked about 1970 and 1980 journey-to-work data at the tract level, so I thought I would share some historic materials.
Bottom line, around 1998 and 1999, we attempted to collect 1980 UTPP files, but were able to find only about 20 files, which are stored at Cambridge Systematics and available via ftp. For more information, please contact ctppsupport(a)camsys.com<mailto:ctppsupport@camsys.com>
The CTPP program was not nationwide until the 1990 Census long form tabulation.
In 2010, Ed Christopher and I wrote a chapter for the Encyclopedia of the U.S. Census about Transportation Uses of Census Data, which include a very brief summary of the CTPP. This book is a reference document, I think, mostly found at libraries.
Margo J. Anderson, Constance F. Citro, & Joseph J. Salvo (Eds.). (2012). Encyclopedia of the U.S. census. (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: CQ Press. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781452225272
I have attached a couple of alternate sources:
1. A 2008 ppt from Ed Christopher, as a PDF file. Perhaps we can ask Ed to update his slides with information about the 2006-2010 CTPP, and the AASHTO CTPP Oversight Board.
2. A few scanned pages from the 1994 TRB Conference on "Decennial Census Data for Transportation Planning", written by Phil Fulton, who was at the Census Bureau Journey to Work branch. One interesting sentence to me was about updating GBF/DIME files in the 1980s, the predecessor to the TIGER files. The 1980 UTPP were delivered to transportation agencies on 9-track tapes.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
Some of you have asked when the next journey to work tabulation would be available, and I have answered that the AASHTO CTPP program is not planning on another flow tabulation until the 2012-2016 ACS data are accumulated for a 5-year data product.
However, the Census Bureau, independently of the CTPP program, will be producing a county-to-county commuting flow file for 2009-2013 5-yr ACS. It will include total flows, AND a short list of travel mode (4 categories....drove alone, carpooled, transit, other).
It is expected to available approximately May 2015.
Hurrah! We seem to making progress in having the Census Bureau increase relevant transportation tables as part of their standard products, reducing what is needed from a special tabulation which costs money!
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
Hi Everyone -
The CTPP program has had great continuity in technical support staff for many years, with Nanda Srinivasan (now at the DOE Energy Information Administration), and more recently, Liang Long, now working with "big data" for marketing purposes.
We now have a new person, Ms. JJ Zang at Cambridge Systematics. JJ has dual master's degrees from UC Irvine, in Transportation System Engineering,
and Urban and Regional Planning. She will have other people at Cambridge Systematics helping her in her initial months with the program.
If you need help with the CTPP data access software, or the software for older versions of CTPP, please contact CTPPSupport(a)camsys.com<mailto:CTPPSupport@camsys.com>.
If you are interested in on-site training, please contact Penelope Weinberger at AASHTO CTPP program: pweinberger(a)aashto.org<mailto:pweinberger@aashto.org>
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
The TRB Subcommittee on Census Data for Transportation Planning, ABJ30(1)
has several activities planned for the 2015 TRB meeting.
The TRB poster session, "Applications for Small-Area American Community
Survey and Census Transportation Planning Package Data: New Data, New
Challenges," has been scheduled for Monday, January 12, 2:00 pm - 3:45 pm.
The session will be in Convention Center Hall E. We have a wide range of
topics and posters representing MPO's, academia, and both the public and
private sectors.
The Census for Transportation Planning Subcommittee meeting has been
scheduled for Wednesday, January 14, 10:15 am - 12:00 pm. The session will
be in the Marriott Marquis, Liberty K. Several authors from the poster
sessions will be presenting on aspects of their work.
We will have more information and a subcommittee agenda closer to the
conference date. I look forward to seeing you there!
*Mara Kaminowitz, GISP*GIS Coordinator
*Baltimore Metropolitan Council*
Offices @ McHenry Row
1500 Whetstone Way
Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21230
410-732-0500 ext. 1030
FYI – more information about the Federal Register Notice.
Julie Parker
Survey Statistician
OST-R/Bureau of Transportation Statistics
202-374-2574 (cell)
617-494-3417 (Volpe library on Tuesdays & Wednesdays)
From: catherine.m.rosol(a)census.gov [mailto:catherine.m.rosol@census.gov]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 3:36 PM
To: jgawalt(a)nsf.gov; erivers(a)nsf.gov; jfinamor(a)nsf.gov; eremaley(a)ntia.doc.gov; RGoldberg(a)ntia.doc.gov; joan.turek(a)hhs.govkarl.koerper; Alice-Lynn.Ryssman(a)aoa.hhs.gov; joel.cohen(a)ahrq.hhs.gov; Vbc6(a)cdc.gov; jhm4(a)cdc.gov; Cara.James(a)cms.hhs.gov; Chris.Haffer(a)cms.hhs.gov; Kenneth.Finegold(a)hhs.gov; Dylan.deKervor(a)hhs.gov; SFisher1(a)hrsa.gov; Kirk.Greenway(a)ihs.gov; rclark(a)mail.nih.gov; David.Woodwell(a)samhsa.hhs.gov; Jeffrey.davis(a)hhs.gov; Moore.james.h(a)dol.gov; berman.jay(a)dol.gov; hunter.cherise(a)dol.gov; wolf.michael(a)bls.gov; gordon.wayne(a)dol.gov; Knudsen.Dave(a)bls.gov; levin.naomi(a)dol.gov; moncarz.roger(a)bls.gov; paben.steven(a)bls.gov; Ryan.Dan(a)dol.gov; schmitt.garrett(a)bls.gov; stewart.ken(a)bls.gov; Schmitt, Rolf (OST); Parker, Julie (OST); Walker, Bruce (FTA); Sharp, Joy (OST); Murakami, Elaine (FHWA); Islam, Nazrul (FTA); Cervenka, Kenneth (FTA); Kerwin.Courtney(a)epa.gov; elvira.sisolak(a)eeoc.gov; morgan.wallsdines(a)eeoc.gov; Tonda.Price(a)frb.gov; ellen.a.merry(a)frb.gov; tiffany.burrell(a)bea.gov; arnold.katz(a)bea.gov; duke.tran(a)bea.gov; Michele.Raville(a)bea.gov; Joseph.Kile(a)cbo.gov; lshrestha(a)crs.loc.gov; Kirk.Burgee(a)fcc.gov; k.mark.bye(a)ssa.gov; joe.reilly(a)nass.usda.gov; dan.beckler(a)nass.usda.gov; chris.chapman(a)ed.gov; sharon.boivin(a)ed.gov; eileen.obrien(a)eia.gov; Peter.B.Kahn(a)hud.gov; William.sabol(a)usdoj.gov; erika.harrell(a)usdoj.gov; jerry_johnston(a)ios.doi.gov; dat.tran(a)va.gov; georgegsheldon(a)gmail.com; hyo.park(a)va.gov; tom.garin(a)va.gov
Cc: james.b.treat(a)census.gov; tasha.r.boone(a)census.gov; gary.b.chappell(a)census.gov; sally.m.obenski(a)census.gov; marisa.tegler.hotchkiss(a)census.gov; Allen Emily J; todd.r.hughes(a)census.gov
Subject: IMPORTANT UPDATE: American Community Survey (ACS) Content Review Federal Register Notice
Thank you for your participation and input in the American Community Survey (ACS) Content Review during the past months. The results of our analysis have been published in a Federal Register Notice which was released today. Below is a copy of the announcement regarding how you can access the notice and provide comments. At the conclusion of the 60-day Federal Register Notice open period, the Census Bureau will evaluate all comments received -- including any further correspondence you provide as part of the public comment period -- and make a final recommendation to OMB on the removal of any content from the questionnaire. We will notify you of the final recommendation.
Federal Register Notice Announcement - transmitted to 38,000 unique subscribers of our GovDelivery notification lists:
As many of you may be aware, the U.S. Census Bureau recently completed the first phase of a comprehensive content review of every question on the American Community Survey (ACS), using an objective cost-benefit analysis. With the aim of delivering maximum public benefit while ensuring a minimum of public burden, the Census Bureau’s analysis yields seven questions slated for removal from the survey. A 60-day Federal Register notice is published today, October 31, 2014, through December 30, 2014, and we invite you to review it and provide comments according to the instructions included in the notice. The link is: https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2014/10/31/2014-25912/proposed-inf…
For additional information, please go to the ACS Content Review webpage at: http://www.census.gov/acs/www/about_the_survey/acs_content_review/
Thank you again for working with us as we complete the first phase of the ACS Content Review. If you have general questions about the ACS Content Review process, please contact Gary Chappell, ACS Content Review Project Manager, gary.b.chappell(a)census.gov<mailto:gary.b.chappell@census.gov>.
Catherine Rosol
Technical Analyst
U.S. Census Bureau