From: Terri Ann Lowenthal, TerriAnn2K(a)
House appropriators are proposing funding levels for the Census Bureau
in Fiscal Year 2008 (FY2008) that would reflect the Presidents overall
budget request, but could result in cuts to economic statistics
programs. The total proposed funding level for the Census Bureau is
$1,230.244 million
The proposed Omnibus Appropriations bill which covers all non-defense
federal programs allocates $202.838 million for Salaries and Expenses,
including $24 million for the Survey of Income and Program Participation
(SIPP). The Senate originally proposed that $8 million be used to
improve service sector measurements; the House-proposed Omnibus bill
redirects those funds to SIPP.
The new bill allocates $1,027.406 million for Periodic Censuses and
Programs, which covers the 2010 census (including the American Community
Survey), and the 2007 Economic Census and Census of Governments. The
proposed funding level, which meets the Presidents request, includes
$797.114 million for 2010 census activities, but it does not fund the
ACS Methods Panel or provide $3.6 million for Master Address File (MAF)
enhancements. The Appropriations Committee noted that the Census Bureau
will conduct a complete (e.g. 100 percent) address canvass in 2009, to
verify addresses on the MAF.
The bill also includes $9.1 million to launch the 2010 Census
Partnership Program money the President did not request for 2008. The
committee called the partnership program a vital component of the
effort to obtain the most accurate decennial census count possible, and
directed that the money be spent to hire partnership specialists for
activities at both the regional and national levels.
The House of Representatives will consider the Omnibus Appropriations
bill in the next day; the Senate will consider its own version, and the
two chambers hope to reconcile any differences before Congress recesses
for the holidays. All non-defense federal programs are operating under
a third Continuing Funding Resolution that runs through December 21.
The Census Bureau was partially exempted from flat-line funding in that
bill, pursuant to exception language worked out in the second Continuing
Resolution last month.
Census Director nomination will move forward: The Senate Committee on
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs will hold a hearing tomorrow
to consider the nomination of Dr. Steven Murdock to be Census Bureau
director. President Bush nominated Dr. Murdock in June to replace
Charles Louis Kincannon, who announced his intent to resign more than a
year ago. Senator Thomas Carper (D-DE), who chairs the subcommittee
with jurisdiction over the census, will chair the hearing. The full
committee is expected to vote on the nomination on Wednesday.
Census News Briefs are prepared by Terri Ann Lowenthal, an independent
consultant. Ms. Lowenthal is a consultant to the nonpartisan Census
Project, organized by the Communications Consortium Media Center in
Washington, DC. All views expressed in the News Briefs are solely those
of the author. Please direct questions about the information in this
News Brief to Ms. Lowenthal at TerriAnn2K(a) Please feel free to
circulate this document to other interested individuals and
organizations. Previous Census News Briefs are posted at
Ed Christopher
Resource Center Planning Team
Federal Highway Administration
19900 Governors Drive
Olympia Fields, Illinois 60461
708-283-3534 (V) 708-574-8131 (cell)
708-283-3501 (F)
Dear Everyone - Change is a good thing, and Nandu's departure to a new
job is an opportunity to re-think how we provide information to people.
Basically, the CTPP2000 data are available in 2 formats: The CDs
ordered from the BTS Bookstore include software called the CTPP2000
Access Tool ( and downloading from
the BTS TranStats webpage. You can
select "highway" on the left column and then find CTPP2000 files. They
are available as flat ASCII files, or as CSV files.
Here are some useful links:
1. CTPP Training page
2. Several articles from the CTPP Status Report
( include help with CTPP Data
a. Organizing your files to use the CTPP2000 Access Tool. January
2005, by Ed Christopher
b. How to use the CTPP2000 Access Tool with Part 3 (home-to-work flows)
April 2005, by Clara Reschovsky
c. Accessing CTPP Part 2 data from the University of Wisconsin
Milwaukee website: August 2005, by Lois Quinn
d. How to use the BTS TranStats webpage to download files. April 2005
issue, article by Nanda Srinivasan
Also, sometime (after Nandu's replacement is available, which I hope is
in January), I would like to compile the many examples of applications
of using the CTPP data for transportation and other planning activities
that are currently spread out across the CTPP Status report. There is
now an INDEX of articles in the Status Report -it isn't great, but it's a
Also, I am hoping we will have a significant updating to the CTPP
webpage in the near future.
And, lastly, but MOST importantly, please provide your feedback on
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning (Wash DC)
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
As part of the preparation for the three-year data tabulation under the
Census Transportation Planning Products program, a task force under the
AASHTO SCOP Census Work Group began working on the DRAFT table list and
the DRAFT variable categories. Before the tables can be sent over to
the Census Bureau for consideration by its Disclosure Review Board and
the ACS table production staff we need to vet them through the
transportation community and the AASHTO SCOP Census Work Group.
To facilitate that process a web page has been set up on the TRB Census
Subcommittee website where the tables, variable list and additional
information can be found. We hope to add to the web page as the process
evolves and unfolds.
For now, go to the web page and
take a look at the material. I know this is coming at you with little
background or explanation so if you have questions feel free to send
them along.
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
Yes, I would like a full copy of is notes.
Richard Miller
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Today's Topics:
1. Census Advisory Committees joint mtg Oct 18-19, 2007 on 2010
Census Communications Program (Murakami, Elaine)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 16:20:58 -0800
From: "Murakami, Elaine" <Elaine.Murakami(a)>
Subject: [CTPP] Census Advisory Committees joint mtg Oct 18-19, 2007
on 2010 Census Communications Program
To: <ctpp-news(a)>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Ken Hodges of Claritas, represents the Association of Public Data Users
(APDU) on the 2010 Census Advisory Committee (CAC). The joint meeting
held in October was for the 2010 CAC, the Race and Ethnic Advisory
Committee, and the Advisory Committee of Professional Associations.
Here is a very brief summary from his extensive notes.
2010 Communications Plan: the objective for 2010 is to integrate the
advertising and partnership programs, which were separate programs in
2000. The Census Bureau has selected the firm DraftFCB as the primary
contractor for the Communications Program. The CEO of DraftFCB is Peter
DeNunzio. There will be several partner companies which will focus on
Hispanic, Asian, Native American and Alaska Natives, South Asian,
Eastern European and Arab-speaking populations. New media technology
(e.g. YouTube) will be part of the program. The DRAFT 2010
Communications plan is due in early February 2008, and the plan will be
presented to the advisory committees in April-May 2008.
Many CAC members said that access to the copyrighted advertising
materials would be helpful for the partnership program.
Concerns about confidentiality must be handled carefully, and
coordination with immigration officials to limit raids and deportations
during the census field period is important.
The Communications program should focus not only on increasing mailback
returns to reduce costs, but strive to reduce differential undercount.
Among the recommendations were to expand the languages in questionnaire
assistance and Be Counted programs, and addressing different levels of
INFO from CB:
Some CB Regional offices are already in touch with state and local
partners, and will start adding new partnership staff in January 2008
(budgets permitting).
The confirmation hearing for Steve Murdock as the CB Director will
likely occur in November.
Let me know if you want a copy of his full notes.
Ken Hodges of Claritas, represents the Association of Public Data Users
(APDU) on the 2010 Census Advisory Committee (CAC). The joint meeting
held in October was for the 2010 CAC, the Race and Ethnic Advisory
Committee, and the Advisory Committee of Professional Associations.
Here is a very brief summary from his extensive notes.
2010 Communications Plan: the objective for 2010 is to integrate the
advertising and partnership programs, which were separate programs in
2000. The Census Bureau has selected the firm DraftFCB as the primary
contractor for the Communications Program. The CEO of DraftFCB is Peter
DeNunzio. There will be several partner companies which will focus on
Hispanic, Asian, Native American and Alaska Natives, South Asian,
Eastern European and Arab-speaking populations. New media technology
(e.g. YouTube) will be part of the program. The DRAFT 2010
Communications plan is due in early February 2008, and the plan will be
presented to the advisory committees in April-May 2008.
Many CAC members said that access to the copyrighted advertising
materials would be helpful for the partnership program.
Concerns about confidentiality must be handled carefully, and
coordination with immigration officials to limit raids and deportations
during the census field period is important.
The Communications program should focus not only on increasing mailback
returns to reduce costs, but strive to reduce differential undercount.
Among the recommendations were to expand the languages in questionnaire
assistance and Be Counted programs, and addressing different levels of
INFO from CB:
Some CB Regional offices are already in touch with state and local
partners, and will start adding new partnership staff in January 2008
(budgets permitting).
The confirmation hearing for Steve Murdock as the CB Director will
likely occur in November.
Let me know if you want a copy of his full notes.
Hi Everyone:
I asked Andy Pickard from the Hampton Roads MPO and Kristen Rohanna from
SANDAG to look at 2006 ACS, because their regions have substantial Group
Quarters populations (military). For single year ACS reporting, the
threshold of 65,000 population must be reached before tabulation.
What did they find? I am attaching 3 documents: one from Andy, one
from Kristen and one from me (US Total)
To estimate the workers in Group Quarters by Means of Transportation to
Work, you can use B08006 Sex by Means of Transportation to work (all
workers) and subtract B08141 Means of Transportation to work by Vehicles
Available (workers in households since Vehicles Available is a household
variable). (Please keep in mind that the 2006 ACS is the FIRST year
that Group Quarters were surveyed and the sample is small.)
Based on previous data, we would expect to see MORE walk to work for
workers in group quarters. However, many respondents in Group Quarters
are showing up as "worked at home". My guess is that this is an
artifact of different question wording on the Group Quarters ACS
questionnaire Q26 that says "worked AT THIS ADDRESS" rather than "worked
AT HOME". So, the category "worked at home" is "worked at home" (for
households) plus "worked at this address" (for group quarters).
For the Census 2000 Military form Q21 used the SAME PHRASE "worked at
home" as the housing unit questionnaire.
So, let's say I live and work at Fort Lewis in Pierce County,
Washington. My address would be Fort Lewis and I live in a barracks on
the Fort and WALK to a different building at Fort Lewis. I would likely
select "WORKED AT THIS ADDRESS" rather than "walk."
If you have done other work using the 2006 ACS, please share your
results with the CTPP listserv. Thanks!
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
I did some analysis of the 2006 ACS data, with and without Group
Quarters. Like Andy, we are finding an increase of those who walk to
work with the inclusion of GQs. Additionally, "drove alone" is much
higher when you don't include GQs. The change between 2005 and 2006 is
significant for those that "drove alone" to work, UNTIL you use the
household workers in 2006; then, the change is not significant.
I've attached a spreadsheet with my calculations. The "analysis"
worksheet explains what I found....
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you need anything else.
Kristen Rohanna
Associate Research Analyst
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
From: Andrew PICKARD []
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 2:00 PM
To: Murakami, Elaine
Cc: Srinivasan, Nanda <FHWA>; Rob CASE; kroh(a); Paul Agnello
Subject: Re: 2006 ACS data with group quarters
Elaine -
Attached is a pdf w/ some comparisons for you. The first page I just
created and is a quick look at our MSA and the city of Norfolk, which
has ~10% of its population in group quarters [I would have included a
summary for Williamsburg as well (which has about 5k gq pop of 12k total
pop in 2000 Census) but they aren't included in ACS reports yet]. The
second page is an analysis I presented to a CTPP/ACS/NHTS workshop that
VDOT, Ed, and Nanda put together last May in northern Va.
A couple general observations:
- drove alone increased about 2% region-wide and possibly up to ~10% in
Norfolk w/out gq pop
- bike or walk decreased over 1% region-wide w/out gq pop
- travel time to work increased by 0.3 minutes w/out gq pop
- the number of walkers about cut in half w/out gq pop
- pub transit decreased about 5k w/out gq pop
- work at home is much higher in 2006 ACS region-wide and for Norfolk
(not sure why this might be. any ideas?)
Nanda Srinivasan is moving to a new job! He will be starting his new job
as a Senior Program Officer at NCHRP/TRB on November 12. His new email
address will be nsrinivasan(a) His last day with Cambridge
Systematics providing technical assistance to the CTPP and NHTS programs
is November 9. We have really benefitted over the last eight years to
have Nandu on the CTPP and NHTS Team and we will miss him.
Cambridge Systematics has hired a replacement but he is not expected to
start until January 2. So, in the interim, please direct your questions
about CTPP to:
Elaine Murakami FHWA Office of Planning elaine.murakami(a)
206-220-4460 or
Ed Christopher FHWA Resource Center Planning Team edc(a)
We'll try our best to help you out, but we might not be as friendly, or
as computer savvy as Nandu!
Dear Everyone—
Please provide your input on tables for the next CTPP, based on ACS records.
AASHTO has received payment from MOST states. Andrea Ryan from AASHTO has been following up on payments of invoices. FHWA has six (or seven) states that are using the FHWA Pooled Fund program to contribute their share. FHWA is currently revising the financial administration process for the Pooled Fund program which has resulted in some confusion during the transition.
AASHTO (Ron McCready) is putting together a CTPP Advisory Board for project and fiduciary oversight. Currently, there is no contract in place with the Census Bureau for the CTPP production.
In the meantime, Jonette Kreideweis’ AASHTO SCOP Census Work Group convened a small group to work on Table Definition for the first CTPP product. The first product will use data from the first 3 years of the American Community Survey: 2005, 2006,and 2007. The geographic level of reporting is limited to residential areas with more than 20,000 population . That is, the geographic units for this tabulation are:
State, County, Place, PUMA (of residence), MCD (in 12 northeastern States), and Metropolitan Area-Principal City.
The Census Bureau is NOT releasing small geographic units (tracts, block groups, TAZ) until 5 years of ACS data have been collected. We are currently planning to use ACS data from 2006 thru 2010 for the first 5-year summary so that 2010 Census tracts can be used in the tabulation.
For the 3-year summary, MY hope is that we could have tabulations by approximately February of 2009, as the ACS standard tabulations would likely be released between Oct-Dec 2008, but this assumes that there will be a contract in place between FHWA OR AASHTO and the Census Bureau in the near future.
The highest priority is for the Home-to-Work Flows (aka Part 3) tables. Attached is a list (RED are the high priority tables). We are still working through the DETAILED variable classification lists for MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION TO WORK and for HOUSEHOLD INCOME (2007 dollars).
This is a DRAFT of the document to be sent to the Census Bureau to get approval from the Disclosure Review Board, and then to get a cost estimate for tabulation and data delivery. IF YOU HAVE RECOMMENDATION FOR CHANGES OR ADDITIONS, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!
We are now reviewing the Part 2 (Place of Work) table list and I plan to have a draft to share before Thanksgiving.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
On behalf of the AASHTO SCOP Census Work Group: Table definition subcommittee
Where I can download the 1990 SF1 and SF3 tables? I've been on the
Census web site at:
but it seems I can only download data one tract at a time. I would like
to have the SF1 and SF3 tables for our whole county (Dane County, WI) by
block and block group. Any help is appreciated, thanks.