This week, the CTPP Part 1 CDs for AL, AR, CT, HI, KS, LA, MN, MS, MO, NH, and OK were mailed by the Census Bureau. As a reminder, it has been taking between a week and 2 weeks for most people to receive the CDs in the mail, even if they are being sent first-class. There are 2 remaining states: KY and SC, and they should be mailed next week.
We are going to conduct a small test of different mailing operations to see if we can identify where exactly the delay is occuring, so that when it is time to mail the CTPP Parts 2 and 3 CDs, we will not have the same problem!
Elaine Murakami
206-220-4460 in Seattle
This message may be relevant to folks who use the CTPP data on households by the number of workers in the household (e.g., Table 1-65 households by workers in household by vehicles available).
I've had a conversation with Phil Salopek (Census Bureau) about the definition of "households by workers in household" and I've confirmed this information by examining the 1% PUMS for my region.
The CTPP Access Tool program defines "workers in household" as "see the definition for workers" and "see the definition for households" which is frankly not that useful. This could be improved.
The CTPP documentation could be improved by providing a precise definition of "workers in household." It may not be what you think it is!!! The CTPP documentation is based on standard census documentation such as that from SF3. For example, the term "workers in families" is defined as the number of civilian employed with a job LAST YEAR (Question #30a on the census long form.)
It is clear that the CTPP data on "workers in household" is based on "workers at work during census reference week" and is NOT BASED ON "workers at work, plus workers with a job but not at work"
So, the values for "zero worker households" in the CTPP will include "households with no workers" PLUS it will include "households with worker(s), but the worker(s) are NOT at work LAST WEEK"
The CTPP shows 539,755 "zero worker households" in the Bay Area, at 21.9 percent of total households. The 1-percent PUMS data shows 514,617 "zero worker households" in the Bay Area, at 20.9 percent of total households. 1-percent PUMS data, using the CTPP definition of workers in households, shows 538,741 zero-worker households. This means that we have 25,000 households that have workers, but all of the workers in the household were not at work "last week" (they were all having fun watching spring training baseball....)
(For those using PUMS, the CTPP definition of workers in households is based on where ESR=1 or ESR=4, where ESR = employment status recode variable. The alternative definition of workers in households is based on where ESR=1, 2, 4, or 5, which includes the weekly absentees (ESR=2 and 5).
I am assuming that the Census Bureau will not change the CTPP 2000 data since it is consistent with the 1990 CTPP data.
My plan, for validation of our workers-in-household & vehicles-in-household model (WHHAO), is to depend on the 5-percent PUMS data to provide PUMA-level control totals, and to adjust the CTPP zone-level data (Part 1, Table 65) to match with the PUMS data.
Hope this helps,
Chuck Purvis, MTC
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Principal Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
Census WWW:
This week, the Census Bureau mailed CDs to: IA, ME, MA, NE, PA, RI, SD, VT, WY
This leaves 14 states remaining, of which 8 are already in the duplication process and will probably be mailed early next week. The Census Bureau's goal is to complete the Part 1 release by August 15.
It is still taking from a week to 10 days for people to receive their copies in the mail, but we have asked the Census Bureau to investigate.
Many people are having problems with installing the software, but our computer whiz, Nanda Srinivasan is helping everyone out. 202-366-5021.
Just as a reminder: State DOTs and MPOs have a month to review the data and talk to the Census Bureau if they find data problems. After a month, the Census Bureau will finalize the data and provide copies for general public distribution via the USDOTs Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
We do not anticipate CTPP Parts 2 and 3 to be available until late Fall 2003 and into Winter 2004.
Elaine Murakami, FHWA
206-220-4460 in Seattle
To: CTPP-News and Urban Data Committee listserv
At our TRB committee's mid-year meeting this past month we discussed a proposed committee project "Commuting to Downtown." We are hoping to have several sets of analyses complete (or at least well under progress) by the January 2004 TRB annual meeting.
The project abstract and the "protoype downtown maps and tables (San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland)" are posted here:
The preface to this abstract reads:
"The United States has invested billions of dollars in transit and highways over the past several decades. One of the issues is measuring the success of transit investments in terms of transit market share. The purpose of this research is to analyze the changes in employment trends and transit commuting to central business districts (CBD) in the United States. The results of this research may point to the obvious: that transit does well in serving commuters working in downtown America, and that high levels of employment density are associated with the highest levels, shares and success stories related to transit commuting. Data from the decennial census is used to characterize workers at CBD-of-work in the largest cities in the United States. Data can be extracted from the various "journey-to-work" datasets including the 1970 Census Urban Transportation Package (UTP), the 1980 Census Urban Transportation Planning Package (UTPP), and the 1990 and 2000 Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP)."
Much of this analysis is dependent on new data from CTPP 2000, Part 2 (data by zone-of-work or tract-of-work), that none of us have, and we all hope to have before TRB 2004.
This project is intended as a voluntary effort by persons with best access to historical journey-to-work datasets, namely, the MPO staffs in large metropolitan areas. Eventually it would be great to have data for all CBDs in cities with population of 250,000+. My hope is that urban data committee members will be the most eager to participate (New York, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Seattle, San Francisco, Sacramento) and others have already voiced an interest (Atlanta.)
What can be started now is assembling historical journey-to-work data for your CBDs, and mapping of each CBD. Some of this may be tough to impossible, for example, the 1970 UTP or the 1980 UTPP for your area may not be archived or accessible. At the very least we would want to examine changes between 1990 and 2000. In addition, there may be university researchers who can pitch in to assemble and reduce the historical data, or to help on the cartography.
At the committee meeting we discussed the need to have "multiple definitions of CBDs" for the largest cities: e.g., the San Francisco financial district compared to the greater San Francisco CBD; the Chicago "loop" versus the greater downtown, etc.
Any persons interested in contributing to the project just drop me an e-mail.
That's about all for now!
Chuck Purvis, MTC
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Principal Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
Census WWW:
The following message was posted on the State Data Center Listserv this morning. The 5-percent PUMS data will probably be released over the next 6 weeks.
A couple of the provided links don't work. They might work tomorrow.
The Public Use Microdata Sample files for Rhode Island, Vermont, and
Wyoming will be released to the public on August 6, 2003 at 12:01 AM.
There is no embargo period for these data.
The data can be accessed on 8/6/03 at:
The PUMS tech doc in TXT format is on the Customer Liaison Office's
website at the following URL:
Chapter J-Equivalency files is forthcoming.
The PUMS files will be released on a weekly flow basis beginning this month
through September 2003. This is end date is subject to change. I do not
have a "look ahead" list of planned state releases at this time. I will
let you know when this information becomes available.
For more information on PUMS refer to the product description at:
CLO will provide the network with copies of the CD-ROMs for the leads,
coords, and affiliate organizations in each state during the August through
September time period.
Renée Jefferson-Copeland
Customer Liaison Office
Census Bureau
We have started a new web page that provides our local (San Francisco Bay Area) data users with access to the CTPP documentation, and data in GIS and CSV formats. The page is here:
What can be very helpful to others in the country is the section of this page that provides links to ALL of the CTPP documentation that came on our California CD (received 7/9/03).
I also have links to the SAS programs provided by the Census Bureau, and my MTC SAS programs to extract data from these SAS databases.
I also constructed a new spreadsheet that lists all 11,444 variables in the CTPP Part 1 dataset, with the "SAS variable labels" provided by the Census Bureau as a column in the spreadsheet. It's 179 pages in length, but it may prove to come in handy....
We are uploading these CTPP documentation to our agency's web site, given the difficulties that federal agency staff have in uploading certain document types (PDF, XLS, DOC) to federal web sites.
Ed and I will also update the web site to provide links to the CTPP documentation stored on our web site....
Hope this helps.
Chuck Purvis
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Principal Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
Census WWW:
The software allows you to BATCH PROCESS and EXPORT files into different formats - MS Excel, CSV, Text, D-Base, Shape, HTML, and ASCII. To do this, "Create a session" (as explained in your installation advice and question 9 on anticipating the CTPP).
At the stage when you get a screen called "Open Session Table" click on cancel. Then click on File-Open Session Manager.
Click on the session you just created, and then on Export. This option allows you to export ALL SELECTED TABLES into one of the formats (MS Excel, CSV, Text, D-Base, Shape, HTML, and ASCII). There are read me files associated with D-Base (Table name.dbt file), Shape (Table name.dbt), and ASCII.
The other option is to order an ASCII file from Census Bureau (Contact Clara Reschovsky - Clara.a.reschovksy(a)
The rule of thumb I would use is:
1. If you are trying to browse a few tables, OR some numbers OR data quickly for one or a few TAZs, use the CTPP Access Tool. You can also use the software to make quick maps, summary reports etc. Although the software may not look intuitive in the beginning, it is VERY useful, and powerful once you get a hang of it.
2. If you are MORE COMFORTABLE looking at the data in other softwares, try exporting the tables as shown above.
3. If you are an EXPERT programmer, and are much more comfortable writing your own code, then order the flat ASCII files from Clara.
As always, you are welcome to call me at 202-366-5021 for any help!
Nanda Srinivasan
-----Original Message-----
From: dabrams(a)
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 3:48 PM
To: Murakami, Elaine; ctpp-news(a)
Subject: RE: [CTPP] CTPP2000 Part 1 State released (UPDATE)
We have installed the CD for New Mexico. However, there seems to be no way
to access the data except with the browser. Prior to release of the CD
there was a table of the CTPP 2000 Standard Tabulations: Description of
Variable Category Labels. It would be very useful to directly access the
variables listed in that table in a format similar to other census files
that can be directly read into SAS or Excel.
Does anyone know how to get to the data?
Dave Abrams
Albuquerque MPO
-----Original Message-----
From: Murakami, Elaine []
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 12:39 PM
To: ctpp-news(a)
Subject: [CTPP] CTPP2000 Part 1 State released (UPDATE)
Here is the list of Part 1 CDs which have been mailed to States and MPOs as
of July 31, 2003.
Note: CA is being re-done (TAZs were missing in first release) and should
be mailed by today (08/04).
We have been finding that it is taking 10-12 days from the posted mail-out
date to arrival to the West Coast, and the Census Bureau is trying to
determine if there is anything they can do to expedite this.
If you have problems installing the software, please call Nanda Srinivasan
at 202-366-5021, and he will try to help you.
As noted in previous posts to the CTPP listserv, the Census Bureau is
providing the States and MPOs a 30-day window to review the data and to
convey any problems back to them for correction. If you find errors, please
notify Clara Reschovsky at: clara.a.reschovsky(a) 301-763-2454
When the data are "finalized," CD copies will be made available through
the USDOT's Bureau of Transportation Statistics, and eventually available
thru on-line data access.
Maybe you would prefer to have the zipped ASCII file of the entire dataset for your state. If so, please contact Clara Reschovsky at the Census Bureau, as noted in the prior email, and she will send it to you on CD. Chuck Purvis of MTC has made SAS programs for CTPP Part 1 available. I believe his email to the listserv was posted last week.
If you only want one or two tables from Part 1, you should use the EXTRACT command in the CTPP Access Tool, and you can save your data to many different formats, including .csv, .dbf, .xls, etc. SAS is NOT one of the formats.
-----Original Message-----
From: hubsmtp.gwhub."dabrams(a)" [mailto:hubsmtp.gwhub."dabrams(a)"]
Sent: Mon 8/4/2003 3:46 PM
To: Murakami, Elaine; ctpp-news(a)
Subject: RE: [CTPP] CTPP2000 Part 1 State released (UPDATE)
We have installed the CD for New Mexico. However, there seems to be no way
to access the data except with the browser. Prior to release of the CD
there was a table of the CTPP 2000 Standard Tabulations: Description of
Variable Category Labels. It would be very useful to directly access the
variables listed in that table in a format similar to other census files
that can be directly read into SAS or Excel.
Does anyone know how to get to the data?
Dave Abrams
Albuquerque MPO
We have installed the CD for New Mexico. However, there seems to be no way
to access the data except with the browser. Prior to release of the CD
there was a table of the CTPP 2000 Standard Tabulations: Description of
Variable Category Labels. It would be very useful to directly access the
variables listed in that table in a format similar to other census files
that can be directly read into SAS or Excel.
Does anyone know how to get to the data?
Dave Abrams
Albuquerque MPO
-----Original Message-----
From: Murakami, Elaine []
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 12:39 PM
To: ctpp-news(a)
Subject: [CTPP] CTPP2000 Part 1 State released (UPDATE)
Here is the list of Part 1 CDs which have been mailed to States and MPOs as
of July 31, 2003.
Note: CA is being re-done (TAZs were missing in first release) and should
be mailed by today (08/04).
We have been finding that it is taking 10-12 days from the posted mail-out
date to arrival to the West Coast, and the Census Bureau is trying to
determine if there is anything they can do to expedite this.
If you have problems installing the software, please call Nanda Srinivasan
at 202-366-5021, and he will try to help you.
As noted in previous posts to the CTPP listserv, the Census Bureau is
providing the States and MPOs a 30-day window to review the data and to
convey any problems back to them for correction. If you find errors, please
notify Clara Reschovsky at: clara.a.reschovsky(a) 301-763-2454
When the data are "finalized," CD copies will be made available through
the USDOT's Bureau of Transportation Statistics, and eventually available
thru on-line data access.
Here is the list of Part 1 CDs which have been mailed to States and MPOs as of July 31, 2003.
Note: CA is being re-done (TAZs were missing in first release) and should be mailed by today (08/04).
We have been finding that it is taking 10-12 days from the posted mail-out date to arrival to the West Coast, and the Census Bureau is trying to determine if there is anything they can do to expedite this.
If you have problems installing the software, please call Nanda Srinivasan at 202-366-5021, and he will try to help you.
As noted in previous posts to the CTPP listserv, the Census Bureau is providing the States and MPOs a 30-day window to review the data and to convey any problems back to them for correction. If you find errors, please notify Clara Reschovsky at: clara.a.reschovsky(a) 301-763-2454
When the data are "finalized," CD copies will be made available through the USDOT's Bureau of Transportation Statistics, and eventually available thru on-line data access.