ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Below is our draft agenda - we will plan to keep to it as much as
possible - noting some of our guests/speakers have indicated possible
conflicts -
For planning purposes - check our TRB website details on ABJ30 and
Events Schedule for Annual Meeting
For those of you not able to join us in Washington, D.C., (and those who
will and want to get a head start on our discussions), I will be
forwarding some additional listserv messages for
confirmation/discussion/edits, etc.).
IMPORTANT ISSUES - please let me know your response to the two issues
below (either using this listserv, by emailing directly -
lawsonc(a)albany.edu or contributing to our discussion at TRB Meeting) -
First, we need input on the best option for a sustainable internet
strategy -- as we thank Chuck Purvis, previous Committee Chair, for his
generous contribution of hosting our Committee's website. Over the last
12 months, we have not been able to schedule a new host - and given the
problems with keeping a website current - please consider the following
options: should we use a "wiki" service (Shawn is trying this strategy
with the ADUS Subcommittee)? - should we use a "free" site (e.g.,
Google)? - should I "lobby" TRB staff for a user-friendly single page
TRB-hosted website that would provide a generalized format with
information on how to participate in a dedicated wiki? -- other ideas or
offers of host capability??
Second, I am hearing some concerns about travel funds for our summer
meeting - should I ask TRB staff about holding a webinar as part of our
Summer Events? This would allow more of our Members, Friends, and with
sufficient advanced notification - our target population -
transportation planners, MPOs, consultants, university faculty, and
interested citizens, to participate - let me know and I will try to get
confirmation that we could use webinar technologies.
ABJ30 Committee on Urban Transportation Data and
Information Systems
Draft Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 12, 2008, 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Hemisphere, Hilton Hotel
1:30 - 1:34 Call to Order Catherine Lawson
1:35 - 1:44 Introductions All
1:45 - 1:49 TRB Talk* Tom Palmerlee
1:50 - 2:09 State of the Committee, Chair Report Catherine Lawson
2:10 - 2:19 ABJ30(1) Subcommittee on Census Data Clara
Reschovsky/Kristian Rohanna
2:20 - 2:29 AFD30(1) Archived Data User Service Subcommittee Shawn
3:00 - 3:14 RITA/BTS Activities and Initiatives* Thomas Bolle
3:15 - 3:29 BREAK
3:30 - 3:44 The "Virtual" Project* Kim Fisher, TRB
3:45 - 3:59 NHTS Update Heather Contrino, FHWA
4:00 - 4:14 Data in Action Kuo-Ann Chiao, NYMTC
4:15 - 4:29 Travel Survey Archive Project Pavithra Parthasarathi,
University of Minnesota
4:30 - 4:44 New Tools for Analysis Nathan Erlbaum, NYSDOT
4:45 - 5:14 Special Discussion Topic Catherine Lawson and All
Are we ready for 2010? Challenges
and Opportunities for Improving Urban Transportation Data
5:15 - 5:29 Other New Business
5:30 Adjourn
*Times may vary due to other obligations
Midyear Meeting: Seattle, WA, July 19th - 21st, 2009
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph. D.
Director, MRP Program
Associate Professor
University at Albany
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400 Washington
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX