ABJ30 Members and Friends,
Below is our draft agenda - we will plan to keep to it as
much as possible - noting some of our guests/speakers have indicated possible
conflicts -
For planning purposes – check our TRB website details
on ABJ30 and Events Schedule for Annual Meeting
For those of you not able to join us in
IMPORTANT ISSUES – please let me know your response to the
two issues below (either using this listserv, by emailing directly – lawsonc@albany.edu or contributing to our discussion
at TRB Meeting) – thanks!
First, we need input on the best option for a sustainable
internet strategy -- as we thank Chuck Purvis, previous Committee Chair,
for his generous contribution of hosting our Committee's website.
Over the last 12 months, we have not been able to schedule a new host
- and given the problems with keeping a website current - please consider
the following options: should we use a "wiki" service
(Shawn is trying this strategy with the ADUS Subcommittee)? -
should we use a "free" site (e.g., Google)? - should
I "lobby" TRB staff for a user-friendly single
page TRB-hosted website that would provide a generalized format with
information on how to participate in a dedicated wiki? -- other ideas
or offers of host capability??
Second, I am hearing some concerns about travel funds for
our summer meeting – should I ask TRB staff about holding a webinar as
part of our Summer Events? This would allow more of our Members, Friends, and
with sufficient advanced notification – our target population – transportation
planners, MPOs, consultants, university faculty, and interested citizens, to
participate – let me know and I will try to get confirmation that we
could use webinar technologies.
ABJ30 Committee on Urban Transportation
Data and
Information Systems
Draft Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 12, 2008, 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Hilton Hotel
– 1:34 Call
to Order Catherine Lawson
– 1:44 Introductions
– 1:49 TRB
Talk* Tom Palmerlee
– 2:09 State of the Committee, Chair Report Catherine Lawson
2:10 –
2:19 ABJ30(1) Subcommittee on Census Data Clara Reschovsky/Kristian Rohanna
– 2:29 AFD30(1) Archived Data User Service Subcommittee
Shawn Turner
– 3:14 RITA/BTS
Activities and Initiatives* Thomas Bolle
– 3:29 BREAK
– 3:44 The
“Virtual” Project* Kim Fisher, TRB
– 3:59 NHTS
Update Heather Contrino, FHWA
– 4:14 Data
in Action Kuo-Ann Chiao, NYMTC
– 4:29 Travel
Survey Archive Project Pavithra Parthasarathi,
– 4:44 New
Tools for Analysis Nathan Erlbaum,
– 5:14 Special Discussion Topic Catherine Lawson
and All
Are we ready
for 2010? Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Urban Transportation Data
– 5:29 Other
New Business
5:30 Adjourn
*Times may vary due to other obligations
Midyear Meeting:
Catherine T. Lawson, Ph. D.
Director, MRP Program
Associate Professor
University at
Geography & Planning
AS 218 1400
(518) 442-4775
(518) 442-4742 FAX