Dear Colleagues,
I hope this message finds you well. We are a group of transportation
researchers, and we would like to invite you to participate in an anonymous
survey, which will only take one or two minutes to complete.
As many of you are aware, many journals today place significant emphasis on
methodological advancements, including algorithms, machine learning, and
AI. This trend has even extended to journals that traditionally focused on
policy analysis and addressing practical transportation problems. While
these innovations are valuable, we believe this shift may create challenges
for researchers whose expertise lies in policy, planning, and solving
real-world transportation issues. These researchers may find it
increasingly difficult to navigate the changing expectations of journals
that prioritize new methods over practical, problem-driven research. In
light of the rise of large language models, such as ChatGPT, it becomes
even more crucial for researchers to craft and ask the right questions.
Developing new, impactful research questions and addressing critical
real-world issues is essential to advancing the field, just as much as
developing novel methodologies. Both dimensions of research—innovative
problem-solving and methodological contributions—are necessary for the
continued growth and relevance of transportation studies.
The purpose of this survey is to gather insights from researchers in the
transportation field about the common challenges and experiences
encountered in publishing research papers. The information you provide will
play a crucial role in informing the development of a new research journal
focused on addressing transportation policy and problems (which might be a
little different from traditional policy or planning journals). We highly
value your input and sincerely appreciate your time and expertise in
contributing to this important initiative.
Your responses will remain confidential and will only be used to understand
trends within the field and help refine the scope of the proposed journal.
Please click the following link to participate:
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not
hesitate to contact us at jacktransportation_ai(a)
Thank you for your participation.
Best regards,
Hello AED20 Friends,
The virtual midyear meeting of the Urban Transportation Data and
Information Systems Committee will be held on July 12 from 3-5 PM Eastern.
Please hold this date. More information of the agenda and a Zoom link will
be provided closer to the meeting.
Mike Fontaine
Chair, AED20
Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council
Virginia Department of Transportation
434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)
Hello everyone-
Please see the announcement below from TRB about theTRB Emerging
Transportation Leaders Networking Challenge.
Chair, AED20
Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council
Virginia Department of Transportation
434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jenkins, Gary <GJenkins(a)>
Date: Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 10:09 AM
Subject: FW: Announcing TRB's first 4-Week Networking Challenge for young
To: Jenkins, Gary <GJenkins(a)>
Dear Committee Chairs
Please share the announcement below with your committees.
*Gary Jenkins*
202-334-2311* | * gjenkins(a)
*From:* Davenport, Patrice <PDavenport(a)>
*Sent:* Thursday, February 10, 2022 15:18
*To:* TRB AllStaff <TRBAllStaff(a)>
*Subject:* Announcing TRB's first 4-Week Networking Challenge for young
Good Afternoon,
You may have seen the calendar listing that TRB will be hosting a Virtual
Careers in Motion Networking Fair
<> next Thursday, February 17,
2022 from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (EST). All jobseekers who create an
account are welcome to attend the event, whether they are recent graduates,
seasoned executives, or at any other career level. With nearly 100
jobseekers currently registered, the virtual environment provides space to
accommodate many more. To garner additional interest and participation
(particularly from young transportation professionals), we will be rolling
out an exciting initiative called the* 4-Week TRB Emerging Transportation
Leaders Networking Challenge* starting next Monday on 2/14/22. I hope you
will help spread the news!
The 4-Week Challenge is ideal for professionals who are 35 and under, and
looking to expand their network through engagement with the broader TRB
community. This Challenge is designed to give future leaders in
transportation a social and professional development boost early in the
year, through different focused activities each week. The first week of the
Challenge kicks off with the virtual Career Fair! We will enter
participants who complete the final Challenge questionnaire into a drawing
to win a free year of TRB webinars.
The landing webpage for the Challenge is the same as the calendar event
page for the Virtual Career Fair. The link will include details about the
networking Challenge slated to begin Monday, February 14, 2022, and end on
Friday, March 11, 2022:…
As the Challenge progresses, we hope to see increased engagement with our
committees and with other resources, including TRB’s Critical Issues in
Transportation. Please feel free to send me any feedback or reflections
about the Challenge over the next several weeks.
I also want to shout out the TRB Communications Team who has provided
amazing creative insight and strategic support.
Regards, Patrice
Patrice Davenport
Director, Strategic Program Development
PDavenport(a) Phone: 202-334-2516
Cell: 310-403-3349
TRB website: <>
TRB Job Board:
Hello everyone,
I hope everyone is doing well and recovered from TRB. We have set a
date/time for the supplemental virtual Urban Data committee meeting on Feb
4 from 3-4 PM Eastern. Committee members should have received a calendar
invitation. For everyone else, the Zoom login information is included in
the attached agenda. FHWA has also provided a summary of relevant research
activities, which is also attached.
This meeting will be a refocused and streamlined version of what we did in
person at the Annual Meeting. The main objectives will be to discuss
several items where I would like input from the entire committee (TSP,
research needs, equity working group) and to hear updates from people who
were unable to be in Washington, DC. I hope many of you will be able to
join us!
Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council
Virginia Department of Transportation
434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)
Hello AED20 members and friends,
The AED20 main committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 11 from
1:30-3:30 PM in the Marriott Independence Salon ABC. Unfortunately, there
will be no dial in option, but we will be sure to distribute minutes and
handouts electronically after the meeting to those unable to attend
in person.
I've attached a few items for your review before the meeting:
1. *Meeting agenda*. Since we are limited to 1.5 hours, the meeting
will mainly focus on core committee business this year.
2. *Draft of the AED20 Triennial Strategic Plan. * We hope to get final
comments on the plan prior to submission to the section. Please review
prior to the meeting and come ready to discuss. If you can't attend in
person, please let me know if you have any comments.
3. *Minutes/slides from the midyear meeting. * Please provide any edits
if you have any.
4. *Workshop announcement.* AED20 is sponsoring one workshop and
co-sponsoring another that are focused around big data issues in
transportation planning on Sunday, January 9. Please see the attached
workshop announcement and consider attending them if you will be at TRB on
Sunday. The focus of the morning session is on using big data to answer
planning questions at a national or state scale, and the afternoon session
is focused on equity considerations when using big data.
I hope everyone has a safe and healthy holiday season. I really hope to
see many of you at TRB in January.
Mike Fontaine
Chair, AED20
Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council
Virginia Department of Transportation
434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)
Hello AED20 Members and Friends:
Please see the announcement below from Penelope. The June 2022 Conference
on Applying Census Data for Transportation call for abstracts is open
through December 17.
Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council
Virginia Department of Transportation
434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Weinberger, Penelope <pweinberger(a)>
Date: Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 11:50 AM
Subject: FW: CTPP Conference Call for Abstracts Open!
To: Fontaine, Michael <michael.fontaine(a)>
Cc: Yu, Kathleen <kyu(a)>, Reschovsky, Clara <
Good morning Michael, Kathy and Clara,
Please forward the following call to your friends and members of AED20 and
the Census Data Subcommittee,
Hello all,
I am delighted to announce the call for abstracts for the June 2022
Conference: Applying Census Data for Transportation is open now through
December 17, 2021.
To see a little more info head to:
And to submit an abstract go to:
Looking forward to seeing you in Reno!
Penelope Weinberger
CTPP Program Manager
Hello everyone,
TRB has published the program for the Annual Meeting:
I wanted to highlight some of AED20's activities at the meeting for those
that will be attending:
- Workshop: Equity Considerations with Big Data in an Urban and Regional
Transportation Planning Context. Sunday, January 09 1:30 PM- 4:30 PM ET
- Travel Data Users Forum: Skills to Pay the Bills: Are We Adequately
Preparing the Workforce for Future Data Streams? Monday, January 10 4:00
PM - 5:30 PM ET
- AED20 Main Committee: Tuesday, January 11 1:30 PM- 3:00 PM ET
- AED20(2) Urban Big Data Tuesday, January 11 7:30 PM- 10:00 PM ET
- AED20(3) Travel Time, Speed, and Reliability Tuesday, January 11 6:00
PM- 7:30 PM ET
In addition, AED20's 3 poster sessions are planned from 10:30-12:00 on
As you can see, our committee meeting will be about half the length of
normal so we will need to be efficient. I will be sending out an agenda as
we get closer to the meeting.
Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council
Virginia Department of Transportation
434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)
Hello AED20 Members and Friends,
I hope everyone is doing well. The TRB Urban Data Committee has been busy
since the Midyear meeting, so I wanted to share some information on recent
activities as well as TRB Annual Meeting information:
- *TRB registration: *TRB Annual Meeting registration is open. You can
register and reserve housing now here:
- *AED20 Committee Meeting: *We have tentatively heard that our
committee will be meeting from 1:30-3:00 on Tuesday, January 11. This will
be an in-person meeting only. TRB is restricting most committee meetings
to 90 minutes due to the need to sanitize rooms between meetings, so this
will be an efficient meeting! The final program should be available in
Mid-November, so this date/time is tentative until the final program is
- *TRB Sunday workshop: *AED20 is sponsoring a workshop entitled *Equity
Considerations with Big Data in an Urban and Regional Transportation
Planning Context* on Sunday January 9 from 1:30-4:30 [Thanks To Vijay
Sivaraman and Leta Huntsinger for leading this workshop! Please consider
attending if you will be at TRB.]
- *AED20 webinar next week: *A working group from AED20 developed a
webinar that is being presented next week: *Designing and Implementing
Smart Cities*, October 28 1:00-2:30 Eastern [Thanks to Charlotte
Frei, Angshuman Guin, Jinghua Xu, Zak Patterson, and Robert Kluger for
organizing! Please consider attending, but note that there may be a fee
depending on whether your employer is a TRB sponsor]
- *NCHRP Statement: *Also, we have an NCHRP statement that has been
submitted for funding consideration entitled *Assessing Big Data Privacy
and Utility Trade-offs for Transportation Agencies*. [Thanks to Zak
Patterson, Vince Bernardin, Bilal Farooq, Samiul Hasan, Godwin Badu-Marfo,
and Kara Selke for all of their hard work getting this ready.]
TRB relies on volunteers to make the program run, so I do want to
acknowledge all the hard work that many of you have put into the committee
over the last year. I hope that I will see many of you in person this
Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council
Virginia Department of Transportation
434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)
Hi Everyone-
Penelope shared the information below on the AASHTO Committee on Data
Management and Analytics virtual annual meeting on October 5-6. This looks
like a great agenda, and best of all registration is FREE and open to
anyone interested.
Please consider attending if you have time. Thanks again to everyone for
your efforts with paper reviews over the last month!
Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council
Virginia Department of Transportation
434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: SOCORRO BRISENO <cbriseno(a)>
Date: Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 1:27 PM
Subject: Fwd: Data Committee annual (virtual) meeting
To: peggi.knight(a) <peggi.knight(a)>, Michael Fontaine
<michael.fontaine(a)>, kviswanathan(a) <
kviswanathan(a)>, sparker(a) <sparker(a)>,
chad.baker(a) <chad.baker(a)>, aconway(a) <
aconway(a)>, Yinhai Wang <yinhai(a)>, panastas(a) <
panastas(a)>, kevin.gilson(a) <kevin.gilson(a)>
Cc: Stacey Bricka <stacey.bricka(a)>, Frank Broen <
frank(a)>, James Hall <jhall1(a)>, Gary Jenkins <
gjenkins(a)>, tpalmerlee(a) <tpalmerlee(a)>,
pweinberger(a) <pweinberger(a)>
Hi All,
Sharing information about the upcoming AASHTO data committee meeting
(Penelope's email below contains all the details). Looks like there will be
great discussion and plenty of opportunity for collaboration.
---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Weinberger, Penelope" <pweinberger(a)>
To: "cbriseno(a)" <cbriseno(a)>
Cc: "Palmerlee, Thomas" <TPalmerlee(a)>, "Knight, Peggi" <
Date: 09/27/2021 7:00 AM
Subject: Data Committee annual (virtual) meeting
Good Morning Coco,
I am hoping you will forward this to the Data Science and Information
Section Committee Chairs and that they will forward it to their members.
Next week, Oct 5th and 6th, the Committee on Data Management and Analytics
of AASHTO is holding their annual meeting, virtually, via Zoom. The agenda
is chock full of compelling topics, speakers and presenters. The stated
purpose of the conference is to provide a platform to vet issues and
challenges and to engage in generating fresh strategies and solutions for
harnessing the vast transportation data world.
Attendance is free and open to all interested parties.
An agenda is here:…
And registration is here:…
Penelope Weinberger
Transportation Data Program Manager
Hello AED20 members and friends -
Thanks to everyone who submitted their Annual Meeting paper reviews last
week. We have two papers where we need last minute reviews before the end
of this week. Please let me know if you have time to review a paper before
9/24. The papers where we need reviews are:
22-1460: Exploration of a Network Screening Methodology for Travel Time
Unreliability Considering Spatio-Temporal Contexts
22-4064: Electric Taxi Dispatch Problem on the Charging Trip
Thanks in advance!
Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Director / Virginia Transportation Research Council
Virginia Department of Transportation
434-293-1980 (W) / 434-882-3201 (C)