Apologies for cross postings!
Please see trbcensus.com/CallforPosters2016.html<http://trbcensus.com/CallforPosters2016.html> for more information.
Stacey G. Bricka, Ph.D.
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
From: Mara Kaminowitz [mailto:mkaminowitz@baltometro.org]
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2015 1:31 PM
To: mkaminowitz(a)baltometro.org
Subject: ABJ30(1) Call for posters: Uses of Multiple Data Sets for Transportation Planning
The Census Data for Transportation Planning Subcommittee of the Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee, ABJ30(1) invites you to submit posters for a session focusing on the innovative use of multiple data sets including Census data for transportation planning and related applications. Posters will be displayed at the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, January 2016. Authors of the most innovative posters may be invited to present at the subcommittee meeting.
Abstracts are due Friday, September 11, 2015. More information, including what to send and who to send it to, can be found at trbcensus.com/CallforPosters2016.html<http://trbcensus.com/CallforPosters2016.html>
Mara Kaminowitz, GISP
GIS Coordinator
Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Offices @ McHenry Row
1500 Whetstone Way
Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21230
410-732-0500 ext. 1030
Apologies for cross-postings - please see below for a call for presentations for an upcoming webinar on the use of multiple census data sets for transportation planning. This webinar is co-sponsored by the CTPP Program and ABJ30's Subcommittee on Census Data.
Please contact Jim Hubbell directly (cc'd here) if any questions.
Happy Monday-
Stacey G. Bricka, Ph.D.
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a)chrispy.net [mailto:ctpp-news-bounces@chrispy.net] On Behalf Of Jim Hubbell
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 10:23 AM
To: ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net
Subject: [CTPP] Call for Presentations - Webinar: Use of Multiple Census Data Sets for Transportation Planning
Data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau is used to develop various products that support transportation planning. Examples include the American Community Survey (ACS), Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP), Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD), and Economic Census County Business Patterns. In order to address increasingly complex planning issues such as equity, multi-modal mobility, economic development and livability, transportation planners often incorporate data from multiple sources for their analyses.
The CTPP Program and TRB Census Subcommittee will jointly sponsor a webinar on Thursday, August 13, 2015 from 2:30-4:30 pm ET on the use of multiple census data sets for transportation planning. The goals of the webinar are to:
* Identify and highlight innovative uses of Census data sets
* Demonstrate how different Census data sets can be used in conjunction with one another for analysis
* Improve understanding of advanced Census data applications
* Share challenges and lessons learned with the Census data user community
To submit a presentation for consideration, please send an abstract/summary of 500 words or less to Jim Hubbell (jhubbell(a)marc.org<mailto:jhubbell@marc.org>) by 5:00 PM ET on Friday, July 3, 2015. Presentations should be around 15-20 minutes in duration.
Jim Hubbell, AICP
Transportation Planner
Mid-America Regional Council
600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105-1659
816.701.8319 voice
816.421.7758 fax
I am out of the office until 06/15/2015.
I will have limited access to emails.
Note: This is an automated response to your message "[ABJ30-Friends] Call
for Papers on Bicycle and Pedestrian Data for TRB 2016" sent on 6/6/2015
5:43:34 PM.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
I am out of the office until 06/15/2015.
I will have limited access to emails.
Note: This is an automated response to your message "[ABJ30-Friends] Call
for Papers on Bicycle and Pedestrian Data for TRB 2016" sent on 6/6/2015
5:43:34 PM.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
The Vermont Transportation Research Center is conducting the 5-10 minute survey of planners at state and local agencies about climate change adaptation in the transportation sector. We are interested in responses from those agencies that are not very active in adaptation planning as well as those state and local agencies that are. This important and timely survey is one component of Vermont's partnership with the new national US DOT UTC at University of California Davis.
To participate, professionals at state or local planning agencies can visit the website: https://rsgresearch.com/climateplanning
The survey will assess:
1. how agencies are planning for extreme weather threats;
2. which climate trends are potential threats to the transportation system in different regions; and
3. what challenges limit agency efforts.
Many thanks for your consideration,
Lisa Aultman-Hall, Ph.D.
School of Engineering
Transportation Research Center
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405
802 656 1245
[cid:image001.png@01D0A077.EDD165A0]<https://sites.google.com/site/bikepeddata/> Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Subcommittee<https://sites.google.com/site/bikepeddata/>
Call for Papers on Bicycle and Pedestrian Data for TRB 2016
The TRB Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Subcommittee (ABJ35(3)) seeks research papers for presentation and/or possible publication on aspects of bicycle and pedestrian data.
Advances in data gathering technology have presented the opportunity to automatically collect data on non-motorized modes of travel. This presents data management opportunities and challenges. Although data collection programs for motorized travel have been operating for the last few decades, do they provide an adequate framework that is transferable to the field of non-motorized modes? What circumstances, such as the effect of weather, influence non-motorized travel and make it unique from the motorized side of travel? How can lessons learned from collecting and managing motorized data programs be leveraged in developing national, regional and local non-motorized data programs?
Similar to the call from last year, the aim of this call for papers is to expand and improve the field of bicycle and pedestrian data. Topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
Program Design
* Considerations in developing a non-motorized counting program
* Project Development (implementing policies that require installing new sites during construction, creating data program site selection criteria, implementing policies that ensure NMT [non motorized travel] data collection, etc.)
* Augmenting data with information from partner entities
* Sampling Strategies for permanent and short-duration monitoring locations
* Organizational expansion of existing programs to include non-motorized data
* Non-motorized Data Analysis and Planning Activities
* Comprehensive NMT data program evaluations
* Designing performance measures that drive decision making processes
* The integration of Transportation and Environmental considerations is NMT program design
* Alternative sensing technologies for bicycles and pedestrians
* Evaluation and experience with automatic counting equipment technologies
* Continuous, Real-Time Data
* Origin-Destination and Travel Time Technologies
* Site selection and methods for establishing continuous versus short duration count data collection locations
* Mobile devices used for data collection and associated applications
Data Handling - Adjusting, QA/QC Data processes
* Data Handling Methodologies
* Accounting for Variations (Equipment Validation, Temporal, Seasonal , Weather, etc)
* Data Publication
* Automation, Calculation, Quality Control and Management of Statistics for non-motorized data
Characteristics of the Non-Motorized Traveler
* Bicycle rider characteristics: Gender; age; income; helmet use; etc.
* Trip purpose
* Crowd sourced data (gathering trip data from mobile apps). Program experience, architecture.
* Using trip making behavior data in the planning process
* Strategies for communicating data to decision makers, clients and the public
Papers for publication and/or presentation must be submitted before August 1, 2015.
Submission of complete papers, conforming to TRB standards and format, is required for consideration. Papers may be submitted for presentation only. Each paper will be peer-reviewed according to TRB procedures. TRB paper specifications are found online (http://www.trb.org/GetInvolvedwithTRB/Public/GetInvolvedSubmitPaper.aspx).
At the bottom of the TRB paper submission form, please indicate your paper is intended for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Subcommittee (#ABJ35(3)). Be sure to include this Subcommittee name and number with the paper submission.
Authors who submit papers in response to the Call for Papers should notify the coordinators (Scott Brady & Liz Stolz) with the paper number and title.
Liz Stolz Scott Brady, MS, MCP.
Ready4wellness, LLC Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
e-Mail: ready4wellness(a)comcast.net e-Mail: sbrady(a)dvrpc.org<mailto:sbrady@dvrpc.org>
Please see below for a TRB 2016 call for papers related to bicycle and pedestrian data.
As a reminder, if you plan to attend the 2016 TRB Annual Meeting, submit a paper, help with paper reviews, or organize a session you are encouraged to create or update your MyTRB profile now<https://www.mytrb.org/>. All of the Annual Meeting process will take place within the MyTRB system - please take a moment to create or update you MyTRB login now!
[cid:image001.png@01D08EE4.D0ABC4B0]<https://sites.google.com/site/bikepeddata/> Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Subcommittee<https://sites.google.com/site/bikepeddata/>
Call for Papers on Bicycle and Pedestrian Data for TRB 2016
The TRB Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Subcommittee (ABJ35(3)) seeks research papers for presentation and/or possible publication on aspects of bicycle and pedestrian data.
Advances in data gathering technology have presented the opportunity to automatically collect data on non-motorized modes of travel. This presents data management opportunities and challenges. Although data collection programs for motorized travel have been operating for the last few decades, do they provide an adequate framework that is transferable to the field of non-motorized modes? What circumstances, such as the effect of weather, influence non-motorized travel and make it unique from the motorized side of travel? How can lessons learned from collecting and managing motorized data programs be leveraged in developing national, regional and local non-motorized data programs?
Similar to the call from last year, the aim of this call for papers is to expand and improve the field of bicycle and pedestrian data. Topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
Program Design
* Considerations in developing a non-motorized counting program
* Project Development (implementing policies that require installing new sites during construction, creating data program site selection criteria, implementing policies that ensure NMT [non motorized travel] data collection, etc.)
* Augmenting data with information from partner entities
* Sampling Strategies for permanent and short-duration monitoring locations
* Organizational expansion of existing programs to include non-motorized data
* Non-motorized Data Analysis and Planning Activities
* Comprehensive NMT data program evaluations
* Designing performance measures that drive decision making processes
* The integration of Transportation and Environmental considerations is NMT program design
* Alternative sensing technologies for bicycles and pedestrians
* Evaluation and experience with automatic counting equipment technologies
* Continuous, Real-Time Data
* Origin-Destination and Travel Time Technologies
* Site selection and methods for establishing continuous versus short duration count data collection locations
* Mobile devices used for data collection and associated applications
Data Handling - Adjusting, QA/QC Data processes
* Data Handling Methodologies
* Accounting for Variations (Equipment Validation, Temporal, Seasonal , Weather, etc)
* Data Publication
* Automation, Calculation, Quality Control and Management of Statistics for non-motorized data
Characteristics of the Non-Motorized Traveler
* Bicycle rider characteristics: Gender; age; income; helmet use; etc.
* Trip purpose
* Crowd sourced data (gathering trip data from mobile apps). Program experience, architecture.
* Using trip making behavior data in the planning process
* Strategies for communicating data to decision makers, clients and the public
Papers for publication and/or presentation must be submitted before August 1, 2015.
Submission of complete papers, conforming to TRB standards and format, is required for consideration. Papers may be submitted for presentation only. Each paper will be peer-reviewed according to TRB procedures. TRB paper specifications are found online (http://www.trb.org/GetInvolvedwithTRB/Public/GetInvolvedSubmitPaper.aspx).
At the bottom of the TRB paper submission form, please indicate your paper is intended for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Subcommittee (#ABJ35(3)). Be sure to include this Subcommittee name and number with the paper submission.
Authors who submit papers in response to the Call for Papers should notify the coordinators (Scott Brady & Liz Stolz) with the paper number and title.
Liz Stolz Scott Brady, MS, MCP.
Ready4wellness, LLC Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
e-Mail: ready4wellness(a)comcast.net e-Mail: sbrady(a)dvrpc.org<mailto:sbrady@dvrpc.org>
Hi – TRB is in the process of migrating committee rosters, friends lists, and the annual paper submission and review process to the MyTRB software.
Please see below for instructions of how to activate your account and update your profile.
You can directly select ABJ30 as a committee you want to be associated with.
At this time, we cannot select subcommittees – I will let you know when that modification is made.
If you have ever registered to attend TRB or receive emails from them, that email is likely the one on file for you. If you’ve changed jobs since that time, please see below for how to get your main email updated.
If you have any questions, I’m happy to try to answer them or you can contact the MyTRB help desk directly (which may be faster for you getting answers!).
If you plan to attend the 2016 TRB Annual Meeting, submit a paper, help with paper reviews, or organize a session you are encouraged to create or update your MyTRB profile now<https://www.mytrb.org/>. All of the Annual Meeting process will take place within the MyTRB system - please take a moment to create or update you MyTRB login now!
Initial Login (Please Review Completely Before Logging In) You may already be listed in MyTRB. The system includes profiles for thousands of individuals who previously have participated in TRB activities. Therefore, for your initial login, please go to https://www.mytrb.org/ForgotUID.aspx, and enter your email address.
• If you are not in the system, you will be prompted to create a new profile.
• If you are in the system, you will receive (in about 5 minutes) an email with a link that will allow you to create a new password to access your existing information in MyTRB.
Please use your official work email address. This will help to avoid confusion, as benefits and access to certain features may be associated with your organization’s email domain.
If you believe the profile TRB has on file for you may be linked to an old email address to which you no longer have access, please contact the MyTRB help desk with both the old and new email addresses. Wait for a response from the MyTRB help desk before attempting to login.
After You Login Once you are logged into MyTRB, please take a moment to ensure that your profile is up to date. Navigation within MyTRB is controlled by the links that appear in the gray bar below the burgundy TRB header on the website. To view your existing profile, hover over “My Account” and then click on “Edit Profile.”
MyTRB Help Desk To help users, TRB has established the MyTRB help desk. The help desk can be reached at MyTRB(a)nas.edu<mailto:MyTRB@nas.edu?subject=Assistance%20Needed> or by 202-334-1738<tel:202-334-1738> from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET Monday to Friday.
Greetings - attached please find the draft agenda for the ABJ30 annual meeting, which is "TRB Monday" from 8 am to noon in the Marriott Marquis, Liberty L (M4). This will be an in-person meeting only (no call-in options).
Since this is our first year meeting in the new venue, here is a link (courtesy of Mike Fontaine) to the Marriott Marquis meeting room floor plans (press "expand all" at the top to see all floor plans).
I'm also attaching a few other items of interest:
1. A list of ABJ30 activities at TRB2015
2. Announcement of the now-annual Data Analysis Contest results
3. Agendas for some of the ABJ30 subcommittees (the Census Data Subcommittee agenda can be found here: http://www.trbcensus.com/notes/TRB2015Agenda.pdf)
Please let me know if any questions, and otherwise, we hope to see you on Monday!
Happy New Year-
Stacey G. Bricka, Ph.D.
Research Scientist and Program Manager
Mobility Management
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
505 E Huntland Dr, Suite 455
Austin, TX 78752
Tel 512.407.1123 | Fax 512.467.8952
To ABJ30 Committee Members and Friends:
TRB will conduct a webinar on December 15, 2014, from 2:00pm to 3:30pm ET that will introduce the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' (AASHTO) data principles<http://planning.transportation.org/Pages/Data.aspx> and how they can be applied through data business planning within various agencies.
Participants must register in advance of the webinar, and there is a fee for non-TRB Sponsor or non-TRB Sustaining Affiliate employees. A certificate for 1.5 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) will be provided to attendees who register and attend the webinar as an individual. This webinar has been approved by the American Institute of Certified Planners for 1.5 Certification Maintenance Credits.
Webinar Presenters
* Jack Stickel, Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities
* Gregory Slater, Maryland State Highway Administration
* Ron Vibbert, Michigan Department of Transportation
* Kyle Schneweis, High Street Consulting
Moderated by: Anita Vandervalk, Cambridge Systematics
Webinar Outline
* PART 1: Introduction to AASHTO's principles and state highway administration practices
* PART 2: Alaska data business plan
* PART 3: Data business planning from an asset management perspective
* PART 4: Data management - Self assessment tool
* PART 5: Question and answer session
The first 60 minutes of the webinar will be for presentations and the final 30 minutes will be reserved for audience questions. The Registered Continuing Education Program (RCEP) categorizes this webinar activity as relating to health, safety, and welfare including core technical.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
* Summarize AASHTO's data principles; and
* Apply the data principles through business plans at state or metropolitan planning organization (MPO) agencies.
To ensure that you receive notices about upcoming webinars, please subscribe to the TRB Transportation Research E-Newsletter<http://www.trb.org/Publications/PubsTRBENewsletter.aspx>.
Registration Information
There is no fee for employees of TRB Sponsors<http://www.trb.org/Finance/Sponsors.aspx> or TRB Sustaining Affiliates<http://www.trb.org/Finance/SustainingAffiliates.aspx> who register using their work email address. In addition to employees of TRB sponsor organizations, the following are eligible to receive complimentary webinar registration:
* TRB and National Academies employees;
* Chairs of TRB standing committees, sections, or groups;
* Members of the media;
* Employees of tribal governments; and
* Members of Congress or their staff.
Other sites must pay $89 per site. View our pricing page<http://www.trb.org/ElectronicSessions/ConferenceRecordings.aspx> for details.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Professional Development Hour Information
A certificate for 1.5 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) will be provided to Professional Engineers (PEs) who register and attend the webinar as an individual. For groups, only the person that registers and attends the session will receive a PDH certificate.
Individuals registered as Florida PEs are required to email Reggie Gillum, RGillum(a)nas.edu<mailto:RGillum@nas.edu?subject=Question%20about%20TRB%20webinar%20on%20December%2015,%202014>, with their license number.
Please check with your licensing board to ensure that TRB webinar PDHs are approved by your board.
This webinar was developed in June 2014. TRB has met the standards and requirements of the Registered Continuing Education Program (RCEP). Credit earned on completion of this program will be reported to RCEP by TRB. Certificates of Completion will be issued to individuals who register for and attend the entire webinar session. Complaints about registered providers may be sent to RCEP, 1015 15th Street, NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20005. Website: www.RCEP.net<http://www.rcep.net/>.
American Institute of Certified Planners Certification Maintenance Credits
This webinar has been approved by the American Institute of Certified Planners for 1.5 Certification Maintenance Credits. Please make sure that you register for this session and log-in using the link that TRB provides to your email account. We use this as your record that you attended this session. TRB only maintains the records of attendees who use their email address to log into the webinar, and cannot verify attendance of individuals who view the webinar without personally logging into the session.
To report your CM credits, visit www.planning.org/cm<http://www.planning.org/cm>
1. Login using your ID# and password
2. Select My CM log
3. Select Add Credits
4. Under Browse you have the option of searching by Date, Provider, or Distance Education and using the search box to type in the name of the event or activity and clicking go
5. A pop-up box will appear. If this is a multi-part event you will have the option to select from a list of activities
6. Please rate, add a comment (optional), and click on the Ethics statement and answer
7. Click submit and the CM credits should appear in your CM log
If you have problems reporting your CM credits or have general questions about the CM program, please contact AICPCM(a)planning.org<mailto:AICPCM@planning.org>.
Registration questions? Contact Reggie Gillum at RGillum(a)nas.edu<mailto:RGillum@nas.edu?subject=Question%20about%20TRB%20webinar%20on%20December%2015,%202014>.