Pete is correct in all accounts, except that the Census Bureau Geography
Division requests that all 2010 TAZ and TAD delineation files submitted to
the Bureau be output from the TAZ delineation software (TAZ MTPS). This is
to ensure that all TAZ and TAD criteria are met, and that the files
submitted to the Bureau contain a standardized format and content.
To clarify: If you've created block equivalency files (BEFs) from the 2010
TIGER/Line shapefiles, then this process should be relatively quick and
simple: (1) import the BEF (s) in the TAZ MTPS, (2) review the TAZ/TAD
delineations, (3) run the verification checks (includes checks to identify
issues in code uniqueness, completeness, TAZs/TAD nesting, and other
possible errors/anomalies), (4) create output files (includes shapefiles
and BEFs) to submit to the Bureau. If you've delineated your TAZs and/or
TADs in a GIS and have the delineations in shapefiles or another GIS file
format (but have not created BEFs), you can (1) add your spatial files as a
layer in the TAZ MTPS, (2) interactively aggregate census blocks/block
groups/census tracts to create your 2010 TAZs (and then aggregate 2010 TAZs
to create your 2010 TADs), (3 run the verification checks, and (4) create
output files to submit to the Bureau.
April Avnayim
Supervisory Geographer
Geographic Standards and Criteria Branch
Geography Division
U.S. Census Bureau
(V) 301-763-9100
(F) 301-763-4710
| From: |
|"Pete Swensson" <swenssp(a)>
| To: |
| Date: |
|01/19/2011 08:09 PM
| Subject: |
|RE: [CTPP] RE: TAZ software training vs. not using the TAZ software
| Sent by: |
Mark et al:
I may have responded hastily. Elaine Murakami has pointed out correctly
that what Census most needs is a correspondence table that tells them which
Census blocks to assign to which TAZs (i.e., a “Block Equivalency File” or
BEF). The BEFs for the TAZ and TAD plans are the outputs of the TAZ
delineation software that go to Census. So maybe you can send in a BEF
directly generated from your GIS (look at all these acronyms!).
In reviewing the draft software, I see that there is an option to import
your own BEFs generated from your own GIS in a choice of formats (as a text
file, or dbf, etc.,) and then to use the TAZ software to check it for
overlapping TAZs (a block gets counted in more than one TAZ), gaps where a
block wasn’t included in any TAZ, and various other tests. So even if you
do most of your analysis outside the TAZ delineation software, there would
still be some value in using it to do some quality control checks on the
Pete Swensson, Senior Planner
Thurston Regional Planning Council
2424 Heritage Ct. SW
Olympia, WA 98502
(360) 741-2530 (direct line)
(360) 956-7575 (main desk)
(360) 956-7815 (fax)
This e-mail and any attachments are for the use of the addressed
individual. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify our
systems manager. TRPC has taken responsible precautions to ensure no
viruses are present in this e-mail, however we do not accept responsibility
for loss or damage arising from the use of this e-mail or attachments.
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a) []
On Behalf Of Pete Swensson
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 4:01 PM
To: ctpp-news(a)
Subject: RE: [CTPP] RE: TAZ software training vs. not using the TAZ
I am on the AASHTO CTPP committee, and I can answer part of your question:
You can create your own shape files, you can import them into the TAZ
delineation software for viewing, BUT you cannot submit them directly to
Census as your desired TAZ delineation. Census needs the delineations from
all the MPOs and DOTs from across the land in a single uniform file format,
which is the format of the output of the TAZ software.
The software will allow you to import your shape files so that you can
construct the TAZs with the shapes from your other software as a background
Pete Swensson, Senior Planner
Thurston Regional Planning Council
2424 Heritage Ct. SW
Olympia, WA 98502
(360) 741-2530 (direct line)
(360) 956-7575 (main desk)
(360) 956-7815 (fax)
This e-mail and any attachments are for the use of the addressed
individual. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify our
systems manager. TRPC has taken responsible precautions to ensure no
viruses are present in this e-mail, however we do not accept responsibility
for loss or damage arising from the use of this e-mail or attachments.
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a) []
On Behalf Of Flinner, Mark (DOT)
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 2:46 PM
To: ctpp-news(a)
Cc: jonathan ehrlich; Tom Faella; mark.filipi(a)
Subject: [CTPP] RE: TAZ software training vs. not using the TAZ software
Is there anything to prevent an MPO from creating their own shape files for
Census TAZ or Census TAD boundary/ Block Equivalencies assuming they have
already obtained 2010 TIGER boundary sets?
Also, we am planning a Census TAZ delineation workshop on February 7th to
discuss issues associated with nesting model TAZs within Census TAZs given
the relatively low populations of most of our MPO model TAZs. I had hoped
to acquaint people with the software environment prior to the training
sessions at the end of the month but understand that we are not a testing
state. I also expect a discussion of the complexities of obtaining CTPP
special tabulation data then needing to reallocate the data to model TAZ
geographies. Is there anything you can share with us to assist in these
areas? I have also received a question of what other uses (besides the
one-time use of obtaining CTPP data) the census TAZ and TAD geographies
have beyond the census year. LEHD On the Map comes to mind… other uses?
Thank you.
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a) []
On Behalf Of Elaine.Murakami(a)
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 5:25 PM
To: ctpp-news(a)
Subject: [CTPP] TAZ software training: WEB ONLY scheduled for Friday, Feb
25 and Monday, Feb 28
As you know, TAZ delineation by State DOTs and MPOs will occur very soon,
with software distribution in March/early April and files returned to the
CB by mid-July. The software is being tested by volunteer State DOTs and
MPOs starting from Friday, Jan 14 thru Feb 2. Thank you to all the
volunteers! We do not need any additional software testers.
We have two web training events scheduled. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
Please make sure that you capture the full http:// address, in case the
listserv breaks it up. You need the address including webconfid=22433, or
I have reserved 300 spaces for each day, so there should be enough room for
everyone. If you are unavailable on those days, the sessions will be
recorded and available for later viewing. The same training will occur on
each day, so please sign up for only one.
The web meeting software has been upgraded, therefore, the email with the
confirmation of your registration will have a link to check the
functionality on your computer.
Friday, 2/25/2011, from 10 a.m. – noon EASTERN:
Registration URL:…
Monday, 2/28/2011, from 2 - 4 p.m. EASTERN:
Registration URL:…
Question: why is the time to do this only 3 months?
Answer: For the TAZ and TAD delineation, it is important to be able to use
the TIGER files with the 2010 geography and 2010 population counts. The
2010 population counts will be released to the public on a flow basis
starting in March 2011, so we have to wait until these data are available
to begin TAZ and TAD delineation. If the 5-year CTPP using 2006-2010 ACS
records will be tabulated for TAZs and TADs, the TAZ and TAD delineations
need to be completed quickly and returned to the CB Geography Division
(GEO) 3 months after the agencies receive their files (no later than July
This provides GEO with sufficient time to QC the submissions, produce the
necessary files so that ACS records will get TAZ/TAD identifiers, and
create TIGER/Line shapefiles for TAZ/TAD geography. If the TAZs and TADs
are not delineated within this time frame, the CTPP tabulation could be
delayed for another year, that is, Fall 2013.
Question: are there strict thresholds on either residential population or
workplace population?
Answer: No. The software will give a warning message, but will still
allow you to define TAZs below the recommended “threshold.” (The FAQ will
include more discussion about this topic.)
We are working on an FAQ document on TAZs and will post it on the AASHTO
CTPP page.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
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