Now that the county-to-county commuting data is out, does anyone know when
the Census Bureau will announce the new MSA list? I read the Dec. 27,
2000, OMB Notice re: the MSA standards and it appears based upon the new
county-to-county data, Greene County will be included with Pitt County (the
central county) in the Greenville (NC) MSA.
----- Forwarded by Ron Svejkovsky/PWD/COGV on 03/25/2003 08:29 AM -----
Steve Wallace
<swallace@mapaco To: Chuck Purvis
<CPurvis(a)>> cc: ctpp-news(a)
Sent by: Subject: [CTPP] Re: Use of 2000
owner-ctpp-news@ Commuting for MSA additions
03/21/2003 03:22
The new regulations for MSA definitions state basically that an outlying
county is included if at least 25 percent of the "employed residents" work
in the central county or counties (those counties with over 50 percent of
the population in the urbanized area). Obviously the county-to-county
commuting numbers provide the number of residents working in the central
counties. However the "employed residents" is less clear. Is it from the
same source (Apples and Apples) and thereby excluding those not at work
during the reference week, or is it taken from SF3 (Apples and Oranges) and
thus "total" resident employment? We have a county that is 25.03% by the
first method and 24.73% by the second. In or out?