This was posted to the ACS Data Users forum by Mark Mather of the
Population Reference Bureau. He writes:
"The Census Bureau is planning to discontinue the production of all 3-year
ACS data, according to their 2015 budget justification document:
"The Census Bureau proposes to terminate permanently the “3-Year Data”
Product. The Census Bureau intended to produce this data product for a few
years when the ACS was a new survey. Now that the ACS has collected data
for nearly a decade, this product can be discontinued without serious
impacts on the availability of the estimates for these communities.""
The paragraph in question is on pg. CEN 106. Mark's post is at…
*Mara Kaminowitz, GISP*GIS Coordinator
*Baltimore Metropolitan Council*
Offices @ McHenry Row
1500 Whetstone Way
Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21230
410-732-0500 ext. 1030