This was posted to the ACS Data Users forum by Mark Mather of the Population Reference Bureau.  He writes:



"The Census Bureau is planning to discontinue the production of all 3-year ACS data, according to their 2015 budget justification document:

"The Census Bureau proposes to terminate permanently the “3-Year Data” Product. The Census Bureau intended to produce this data product for a few years when the ACS was a new survey. Now that the ACS has collected data for nearly a decade, this product can be discontinued without serious
impacts on the availability of the estimates for these communities.""



The paragraph in question is on pg. CEN 106.  Mark's post is at


Mara Kaminowitz, GISP
GIS Coordinator
Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Offices @ McHenry Row
1500 Whetstone Way
Suite 300
Baltimore, MD  21230
410-732-0500 ext. 1030