* THE REST OF THE NEWS: House hearing rescheduled
* STAKEHOLDER SPOTLIGHT: School Boards endorse Latino census campaign;
Latino Congreso resolution; and more.
Rep. Carolyn Maloney
(D-NY) today introduced a bill (H.R. 4621) that aims to curtail "look
alike" direct mail that "deliberately attempt[s] to confuse people into
opening envelopes by imitating official Census documents," according to
a press release from the long time member of the House census oversight
subcommittee. Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-NY), chairman of the committee
with jurisdiction over the Census Bureau and Rep. William "Lacy" Clay
(D-MO), chairman of the Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and
National Archives are original cosponsors of the measure. The "Prevent
Deceptive Census Look Alike Mailings Act" would require any mailing
marked "Census" on the outer envelope to identify the name and address
of the sender and would amend a current law governing deceptive
mailings, that requires a disclaimer that the item is not from or
affiliated with the federal government, to cover mailings that bear the
word "Census." The legislation "will give Postal Inspectors a much
needed tool to crack down on the widespread, deceptive mail pieces sent
by scam artists and some partisan groups who try to exploit the U.S.
Census for their own purposes," Chairman Clay said. The bill gives the
Postal Service authority to pursue appropriate remedies to stop mailings
that do not comply with the new requirements. The sponsors noted that
mailings purporting to be official government documents or related to
the upcoming decennial census have been sent to households "ranging from
Georgia to Colorado to Montana."
The Republican National Committee (RNC) has come under fire recently
from survey researchers,census experts, and members of Congress for an
issues survey and fundraising appeal labeled "Congressional District
Census" and bearing a "census tracking code" on the outside envelope.
(See February 6th Census News Brief
for additional information on the mailing.) H.R. 4621 was referred to
the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
The Census Bureau has agreed to release, by May 2011, block-level
information on the location of group quarters facilities, such as
prisons, which would allow state and local legislatures to redraw
district lines without including inmates, according to a statement from
the nonprofit Prison Policy Initiative
(PPI). The PPI has been documenting the effects of the census residence
rule governing prisoners on the redistricting process; the organization
produces the Prisoners of the Census newsletter. Under residence rules
that govern where people are counted in the decennial census, prisoners
are counted at their place of incarceration on Census Day, not at their
home address. A growing number of advocacy organizations, including the
Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, Demos, NAACP Legal
Defense and Educational Fund, National Coalition on Black Civic
Participation, and Unity Diaspora Coalition,are pressing for a change in
the prisoner rule, arguing that the frequent placement of prisons in
rural counties with otherwise small populations artificially inflates
political representation for these areas. Several states legislatures,
including New York's, are considering proposals to remove prisoners from
the population base used for state redistricting. The PPI reported that
Census Director Robert Groves reached an agreement with census oversight
subcommittee Chairman Clay to release detailed information on the
location of group quarters, including prisoners, much earlier than in
previous censuses, to allow interested legislatures to consider the data
in the redistricting process. The PPI and other prisoners' rights
advocates also have urged the Census Bureau to collect a home address
from inmates, who are counted during the Group Quarters Enumeration
operation in April. PPI executive director Peter Wagner called the
agreement "an important step toward recognizing the need for improved
data on incarcerated populations so that states can end the practice of
prison-based gerrymandering." National Coalition on Black Civic
Participation executive director Melanie Campbell said the current
residence rule "punishes [prisoners'] families and can have staggering
effects on poor and minority communities. "Earlier in the decade,
Congress requested a report from the Census Bureau on the possibility of
counting prisoners at their pre-incarceration address, instead of
at prison locations. The report
is available on the Census Bureau's web site.
RESCHEDULED House hearing on paid media campaign: The House Subcommitee
on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives (Committee on
Oversight and Government Reform), chaired by Rep. William "Lacy" Clay
(D-MO), has rescheduled its hearing (originally set for February 10) to
review the 2010 census paid media campaign, with a focus on the targeted
campaigns to reach historically hard-to-count communities. The hearing
is now scheduled for February 24, at 10:00AM in Room 2247 Rayburn House
Office Building. Invited witnesses include Census Director Robert Groves
and representatives of national advocacy organizations engaged in census
outreach to hard-to-count population groups.
The Board of Directors of theNational Association of School Boards
endorsed the ya es hora ¡Hagase Contar¡ 2010 census campaign. Research
has shown that children, especially under age five, are missed
disproportionately in the decennial census. The 2010 National Latino
Congreso unanimously approved a resolution calling for full
participation in the 2010 census. The resolution also urged greater
spending on outreach to hard-to-count communities, called on the
Department of Homeland Security to halt "anti-immigrant enforcement
measures" during the census, and warned that a census undercount might
require a statistical adjustment. Census Director Groves told Congress
during his confirmation hearing last year that he would not support the
use of statistical methods to adjust the 2010 census, saying the Census
Bureau had not prepared for such a contingency. One thousand Latino
leaders and activists attended the 4th National Latino Congreso in Los
Angeles earlier this month. In a written statement, Lillian
Rodriguez-Lopez, President of the Hispanic Federation, urged President
Obama to take steps to halt raids, firings, and deportations during the
census, "to dispel any fears that the immigrant community have" about
participating in the decennial count.
The City of Portland and Multnomah County, Oregon, announced that its
Census Complete Count Committee had awarded $140,000 in mini-grants to
local community organizations and nonprofits conducting outreach in
hard-to-count and low response communities. The local governments
partnered with private foundations and businesses to raise funds for the
Complete Count program. The United Way of the Columbia-Willamette will
administer the grants, which will fund projects involving more than 25
organizations serving targeted populations. Multnomah County
Commissioner Deborah Kafoury said the grants "will ensure specific
outreach and assistance in completing the Census in communities of
color, with seniors and people who are disabled, and for those who are
experiencing homelessness." Portland Commissioner Nick Fish noted the
importance of census data for funding education, transportation,
housing, emergency food and shelter, and senior citizen programs.
RESCHEDULED: The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)has
rescheduled its webinar on "How To Be Involved in the Indian Country
"to discuss strategies for reaching American Indians and Alaska Natives
with effective census messaging. Send an e-mail to tdeal(a)ncai.org
[mailto:tdeal@ncai.org]if you would like to participate in the February
17th (2:00PM EST) event. NCAI also is hosting a census art competition.
The Latino Census Network, a project of the National Institute for
Latino Policy (NiLP), is a national clearinghouse for census issues
facing the Latino community. Sign up
to receive news articles, political commentary, notices of Latino
community census events, and other relevant information.
The Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network's Nonprofits Count! campaign is
offering two new posters for nonprofits and other organizations and
businesses that serve hard-to-count communities to display in their
lobbies and windows. Visit http://www.nonprofitscount.org/
to order a free poster.
2010 Census Website
The Census Bureau's new 2010 census website offers useful basic
information on the census process, as well as sample questionnaires,
information on job opportunities, and in-language materials. Add it to
your "Bookmarks" bar to track mail response rates daily for your state
and locality starting in late March.
2010 Census en Espanol Website
New official 2010 census Spanish language website. 2010 Census Jobs
Visit this web page to download a Census Practice Test and find
information about the application process and a Local Census Office near
The Census Project
the Census Project website for previous Census News Briefs, fact sheets,
and a weekly blog in support of an accurate 2010 census. Become a fan
of the Census Project on Facebook at
Census 2010 Interactive Hard To Count Mapping Site
This new mapping site, developed by the City University of New York
Mapping Services at the Graduate Center, allows users to pinpoint
hard-to-count census tracts and identify the socio-economic
characteristics that contribute to difficult enumeration conditions,
allowing advocates to target outreach and tailor messages.
Leadership Conference Education Fund
The LCEF 2010 Census campaign offers fact sheets, a toolkit, data on the
census undercount, and promotional materials to reach historically
hard-to-count communities.
Nonprofits Count
Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network's 2010 census campaign features fact
sheets, a toolkit, posters and swag, and state-specific resources to
help nonprofits promote census participation. Check the website for
information on webinars on important census topics.
ya es hora ¡HAGASE CONTAR¡
and promotional materials, in Spanish and English, targeting the Latino
National Urban League
This Census Information Center web page includes links to demographic
information on the Black population, job opportunities, and other 2010
census materials.
Asian American Justice Center
and information, including in-language census forms, targeting the Asian
American and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations.
Indian Country Counts
information, events, job listings, and tools for the American Indian and
Alaska Native populations.
Census News Briefs are prepared by Terri Ann Lowenthal, an independent
legislative and policy consultant specializing in the census and federal
statistics. All views expressed in the News Briefs are solely those of
the author. Please direct questions about the information in this News
Brief to Ms. Lowenthal at TerriAnn2K(a)aol.com
[mailto:TerriAnn2K@aol.com]. Please feel free to circulate this document
to other interested individuals and organizations. Ms. Lowenthal is a
consultant to the nonpartisan Census Project, organized by the
Communications Consortium Media Center in Washington, DC. Previous
Census News Briefs are posted at www.thecensusproject.org
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
*In this issue* President Unveils FY2011 Budget Proposal
Stakeholder Spotlight
New Resources for Census Advocates
President Obama sent his Fiscal Year 2011 (FY2011) budget proposal to
Congress today, beginning the process for funding federal programs
starting October 1, 2010. The budget seeks *$1.267 billion for the U.S.
Census Bureau*, a reduction of $6 billion from this year's
appropriation of about $7.3 billion, which covers the height of 2010
census operations. The budget proposes $8.95 billion in discretionary
spending for the Department of Commerce, of which the Census Bureau is a
part. 2010 census: The Administration requested $740 million in new
budget authority for the 2010 census.
In FY2011, the Census Bureau will:
- Continue processing and tabulating data collected in the 2010 census;
- Continue data collection for Census Coverage Measurement (CCM), the
post-census operation to measure the quality and coverage of the 2010
census, and conduct other "extensive evaluations;"
- Publish state population totals for congressional apportionment,
transmit detailed (block level) population counts to the states for
redistricting under Public Law 94-171, and begin releasing general data
products from the 2010 census; and
- Close Local Census Offices and Regional Census Centers.
American Community Survey: The Administration is requesting an increase
of $44 million for the American Community Survey (ACS) to begin the
process of increasing the sample size from its current 2.9 million
housing units to 3.5 million housing units; if fully implemented, the
ACS would survey 2.5 percent of the population each year. The funding
increase also would allow for improved telephone and field data
collection; 100 percent follow-up of unresponsive households in Remote
Alaska and small American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian
Homeland areas; and a comprehensive review of three-year and five-year
ACS estimates. (The ACS design includes door-to-door visits only to a
sample of unresponsive homes, with a variable sampling rate based on
mail and telephone response rates for each area in the first phases of
the survey.)
Also in FY2011, the Census Bureau will continue releasing the first
socio-economic characteristics data from the ACS for census tracts and
block groups, based on five years worth of data collection (2005-2009),
as well as one-year and three-year 2009 ACS estimates for states,
counties, cities, and other areas with populations of 65,000+ and
20,000+, respectively.
Periodic Censuses and Programs: Funding for the decennial census, which
includes the ACS, is part of the Periodic Censuses and Programs
("Periodics") account, one of two main funding categories for the Census
Bureau. The President's budget seeks $986.3 million for Periodics
(which includes the 2010 census request) in FY2011, a substantial
decrease from the FY2010 appropriation of $7.1 billion. The Periodics
account covers activities related to the census, intercensal population
estimates, and other cyclical programs. The President is proposing a $26
million initiative to continuously update the Master Address File and
TIGER digital mapping system throughout the decade, "which is expected
to produce long-run cost savings," the Administration said. The
detailed budget justification notes that ongoing updates of the address
list and maps could support a "targeted address canvassing operation (as
opposed to a 100 percent operation)" for the 2020 census.
In FY2011, the Census Bureau will continuing preparing for the 2012
quinquennial Economic Census and Census of Governments, both conducted
in the years ending in "2" and "7." 2011 is the second year of the
five-year cycle for both activities. Data collection occurs in 2013,
reflecting 2012 activities and information. The President requested
$113 million for the Economic Census, which covers the manufacturing,
mining, retail and wholesale trade service, construction, and
transportation industries.
Economic statistics: The Census Bureau's second main funding category
is Salaries and Expenses (S & E). The S & E account covers ongoing
surveys, including the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)
and Quarterly Financial Surveys, to collect important demographic,
economic, and social data. The budget proposes $280.4 million for
Salaries and Expenses, an increase of $21 million over this year's
funding level of $259 million for discretionary programs. (The S & E
request also includes $30 million in mandatory spending for surveys on
income and health insurance required by federal law, bringing the total
request to $310 million.)
The Administration's S & E request includes $5 million for an initiative
to "improve an important measure of poverty" by expanding research and
production capacities to "supplement the official poverty measures with
annual, alternative measures of poverty from the [Bureau of Labor
Stastistics'] Current Population Survey." The budget also proposes a $9
million initiative to expand the Census Bureau's administrative records
infrastructure, in an effort to make greater use of these records across
various statistical programs.
Bureau of Economic Analysis: The Census Bureau is one of two statistical
agencies under the Commerce Department's Economic and Statistics
Administration (ESA). The second agency, the Bureau of Economic
Analysis (BEA), produces key economic statistics, including Gross
Domestic Product (GDP), that support U.S. monetary and fiscal policies,
trade negotiations, business planning, and personal savings and
investment decisions. The President requested $113.2 million for BEA
and ESA for FY2011, roughly $16 million more than the FY2010 $97 million
funding level. The budget summary says that the additional funding will
allow BEA to "develop new data series on key economic sectors (such as
manufacturing and retail trade) and household consumption," giving
policymakers "more timely, detailed, and robust data" on the nation's
Editor's note: This Census News Brief is based on information released
today about the President's budget request. We will keep stakeholders
informed and refine this information as more details become available in
the coming weeks.
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund has prepared an
"interim assessment of the [Census] Bureau's programs and outreach plans
to Asian Americans." AALDEF, which launched a census campaign last
summer that includes advocacy, multilingual community education, and
legal advice, sent its report and recommendations to Census Director
Robert Groves last week.
Based on a six month review of Census Bureau preparations for the 2010
census, AALDEF said the agency "generally has been responsive to the
needs of Asian Americans," but noted some "problem areas" related to the
hiring of Asian partnership specialists, concerns about confidentiality
of census responses, and access to translated materials. AALDEF'S press
release and report are available at
Voto Latino, a youth civic engagement organization, launched its "Be
Counted, Represent!" campaign in New York State, using multi-platform
web, mobile, direct and traditional media initiatives to "elevate the
census in the minds of Latinos," according to the group's press
announcement. The campaign builds on the idea that "Latino youth are
pivotal household influencers," said Voto Latino Deputy Director Josh
Norek, who noted that younger Latinos are familiar with government
processes, speak English, and consume mainstream media. The campaign's
web site, BeCountedRepresent.com, will launch on February 2.
The University of Michigan is sponsoring a contest to promote student
participation in the 2010 census. The university will award monetary
prizes for short videos designed to encourage college students to answer
the census. The director of Michigan's Institute for Social Research,
James S. Jackson, said in a statement announcing the contest that videos
can help convey an "important message that for college and university
students, their census residence is their dorm, apartment, or rented
housing - not their parents' home." More information about the contest
is available at http://census.umich.edu
The Census Bureau has posted the 2010 Census Paid Media Buy List on its
2010 census web site, detailing media outlets that will broadcast or
display advertisements for the 2010 count. In addition to the general
audience communications campaign, there are ads targeting historically
hard-to-count populations: Black; Latino; American Indian and Alaska
Native; Asian; and Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and emerging
populations. The Census Bureau is advertising in 28 languages. Access
the list at http://2010.census.gov/partners/materials/paidbuy.php
The southern Florida Caribbean American community launched a new web
site for its Caribbean American Complete Count Committee
(CCC). The site offers census language assistance guides in five
languages, a calendar of census events in Broward County, and Frequently
Asked Questions of interest to Caribbean Americans. The CCC is
associated with a broader 2010 census campaign for the Caribbean
community spearheaded by the Institute of Caribbean Studies
2010 Census Web Site
The Census Bureau's new 2010 census web site offers useful basic
information on the census process, as well as sample questionnaires,
information on job opportunities, and in-language materials. Add it to
your "Bookmarks" bar to track mail response rates daily for your state
and locality starting in late March.
2010 Census Web Site in Spanish
New official 2010 census Spanish language web site. 2010 Census Jobs
Visit this web page to download a Census Practice Test and find
information about the application process and a Local Census Office near
The Census Project
Visit the Census Project web site for previous Census News Briefs, fact
sheets, and a weekly blog in support of an accurate 2010 census. Become
a fan of the Census Project on Facebook at
Census 2010 Interactive Hard To Count Mapping Site
This new mapping site, developed by the City University of New York
Mapping Services at the Graduate Center, allows users to pinpoint
hard-to-count census tracts and identify the socio-economic
characteristics that contribute to difficult enumeration conditions,
allowing advocates to target outreach and tailor messages. The URL is
Leadership Conference Education Fund
The LCEF 2010 Census campaign offers fact sheets, a toolkit, data on the
census undercount, and promotional materials to reach historically
hard-to-count communities.
Nonprofits Count
The Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network's 2010 census campaign features
fact sheets, a toolkit, posters and swag, and state-specific resources
to help nonprofits promote census participation.
ya es hora ¡HAGASE CONTAR¡
Resources and promotional materials, in Spanish and English, targeting
the Latino population.
National Urban League
This Census Information Center web page includes links to demographic
information on the Black population, job opportunities, and other 2010
census materials.
Asian American Justice Center
Resources and information, including in-language census forms, targeting
the Asian American and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations.
Indian Country Counts
Region-specific information, events, job listings, and tools for the
American Indian and Alaska Native populations.
Census News Briefs are prepared by Terri Ann Lowenthal, an independent
legislative and policy consultant specializing in the census and federal
statistics. All views expressed in the News Briefs are solely those of
the author. Please direct questions about the information in this News
Brief to Ms. Lowenthal at TerriAnn2K(a)aol.com
<mailto:TerriAnn2K@aol.com>. Please feel free to circulate this document
to other interested individuals and organizations. Ms. Lowenthal is a
consultant to the nonpartisan Census Project, organized by the
Communications Consortium Media Center in Washington, DC.
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
FHWA Resource Center Planning Team
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
This paper might be of interest to people on this list. The paper is here:
>From the abstract:
"We discover and document errors in public use microdata samples ("PUMS
files") of the 2000 Census, the 2003-2006 American Community Survey, and the
2004-2009 Current Population Survey. For women and men ages 65 and older,
age- and sex-specific population estimates generated from the PUMS files
differ by as much as 15% from counts in published data tables. Moreover, an
analysis of labor force participation and marriage rates suggests the PUMS
samples are not representative of the population at individual ages for
those ages 65 and over. PUMS files substantially underestimate labor force
participation of those near retirement ages and overestimate labor force
participation rates of those at older ages. These problems were an
unintentional by-product of the misapplication of a newer generation of
disclosure avoidance procedures carried out on the data. The resulting
errors in the public use data could significantly impact studies of people
ages 65 and older, particularly analyses of variables that are expected to
change by age."
Krishnan Viswanathan
1101 High Meadow Dr
Tallahassee FL 32311
Garth--I am posting this to the Listserve since it is a common question
and its important that we update everyone. You are right that we have
been waiting for the Federal Register notice announcing the criteria
that the Census Bureau will use for defining Urbanized area. You are
equally right that it was expected in the fall of 2009. Unfortunately
it has not come out yet and we are hoping to see it by the Spring of
2010. From what I have been told it has been drafted and is wending its
way up the Census Bureau hierarchy to get all the approvals and sign
offs. for now we can sit and wait for the process to do its thing.
Incidentally, I am working with Mike Ratcliffe from Census Geography on
a workshop that we will be having at the GIS-T conference in April where
we will have the whole issue of Urbanized Area criteria on the agenda.
Needless to say we are both hopeful that the Register notice will
be out by then.
Garth Banninga wrote:
> Good morning:
> I was wondering if you have any new information on the Census' proposed criteria
> for determining urban cluster and urbanized area boundaries for 2010? I recall
> from both a June 2009 webinar as well as the September 2009 CTPP Newsletter that
> the proposed criteria would be published in Fall 2009. Has this occurred? If
> so, what Federal Register issue should one consult? I'd appreciate any
> clarification you could provide.
> Thanks!
> Garth Banninga, Planner
> MDOT-Planning
> Statewide Model Unit
> 425 W. Ottawa St.
> Lansing, MI 48933
> 517.335.2959
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
While the Census Bureau seeks input and comments on the criteria for delineating urban areas, the delineation process is carried out solely by the Census Bureau. We define urban areas for statistical purposes only-- for purposes of tabulating and presenting statistical data for individual urban areas and the urban and rural components of the population, housing, and land area of the nation, states, and other geographic areas. Although we are cognizant of other agencies' particular uses of our urban areas or urban/rural classification for implementing programs, we do ntake those uses into account when delineating urban areas. This has been the case since the Census Bureau first began identifying urban areas in 1910 and urbanized areas in 1950.
So, to be clear, we have no plans to release an app for delineating urban areas.
Mike Ratcliffe
Michael Ratcliffe
Assistant Chief, Geocartographic Products and Criteria
Geography Division
U.S. Census Bureau
----- Original Message -----
From: "Seidensticker, Dan" [DSeidensticker(a)cityofmadison.com]
Sent: 01/29/2010 09:17 AM CST
To: ctpp-news maillist <ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net>
Subject: RE: [CTPP] Re: 2010 Census - Urban/Urbanized Definitions
Has anyone got word of the Census Bureau releasing any GIS tools that will aid in creating the Urban Area using the criteria? It would be disappointing to spend the time coding a model only to find out there was already an app for that. Thanks.
Dan Seidensticker
GIS Specialist
Madison Area Transportation Planning Board:
A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
City of Madison Planning Unit
121 S. Pinckney Street, Suite 400
Madison, WI 53703
Voice: 608-266-9119
Fax: 608-261-9967
Email: dseidensticker(a)cityofmadison.com
-----Original Message-----
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a)chrispy.net [mailto:ctpp-news-bounces@chrispy.net] On Behalf Of Ed Christopher
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 10:01 PM
To: Garth Banninga; ctpp-news maillist
Subject: [CTPP] Re: 2010 Census - Urban/Urbanized Definitions
Garth--I am posting this to the Listserve since it is a common question
and its important that we update everyone. You are right that we have
been waiting for the Federal Register notice announcing the criteria
that the Census Bureau will use for defining Urbanized area. You are
equally right that it was expected in the fall of 2009. Unfortunately
it has not come out yet and we are hoping to see it by the Spring of
2010. From what I have been told it has been drafted and is wending its
way up the Census Bureau hierarchy to get all the approvals and sign
offs. for now we can sit and wait for the process to do its thing.
Incidentally, I am working with Mike Ratcliffe from Census Geography on
a workshop that we will be having at the GIS-T conference in April where
we will have the whole issue of Urbanized Area criteria on the agenda.
Needless to say we are both hopeful that the Register notice will
be out by then.
Garth Banninga wrote:
> Good morning:
> I was wondering if you have any new information on the Census' proposed criteria
> for determining urban cluster and urbanized area boundaries for 2010? I recall
> from both a June 2009 webinar as well as the September 2009 CTPP Newsletter that
> the proposed criteria would be published in Fall 2009. Has this occurred? If
> so, what Federal Register issue should one consult? I'd appreciate any
> clarification you could provide.
> Thanks!
> Garth Banninga, Planner
> MDOT-Planning
> Statewide Model Unit
> 425 W. Ottawa St.
> Lansing, MI 48933
> 517.335.2959
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
ctpp-news mailing list
ctpp-news mailing list
Dear CTPP community:
Perhaps you have an idea for a data-related (or any other) project that
could be funded under this FHWA solicitation (see the list of priority
topics below).
"FHWA strongly encourages cost sharing under any contract that may
result, and can offer cooperative agreements if the proposer can offer a
cost share of 50 percent from non-federal sources of funding...The FHWA
strongly encourages proposals that offer a significant non-federal
matching funds or in-kind resources. Cost reasonableness and realism
will also be considered in the overall selection process."
FHWA Office of Planning
Transformational Changes and Revolutionary Advances for Transportation
FY 2010 Transportation Planning Broad Agency Announcement Number:
Proposals Due by: February 15, 2010
The FHWA Office of Planning is soliciting proposals for research and
development projects that could lead to transformational changes and
revolutionary advances for transportation planning in the United States.
The objective of this Broad Agency Announcement (Solicitation Number
DTFH61-10-R-00013) is to advance the practice and application of
transportation planning among state, regional and local transportation
planning agencies in response to significant changes in the planning
process and to identify new tools, techniques and approaches that
respond to national transportation planning priorities.
The FHWA is accepting pre-proposals through February 15, 2010.
Proposals may be in one or more of the following transportation planning
focus areas: (1) Tools and Techniques That Support State and local
Planning Capacity Building, (2) Tools and Techniques That Support Tribal
Planning Capacity Building, (3) Global Climate Change and Air Quality,
(4) Congestion Management, (5) Safety Planning, (6) Public Involvement,
Environmental Justice, Visualization in Planning, and (7) Freight
Planning. A copy of the notice is posted on FedBizOpps.gov at
https://www.fbo.gov <https://www.fbo.gov> (search for solicitation
number DTFH61-10-R-00013).
Good day,
I am out of the office as of January 11th. I will return back on January 25th. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Andy Pickard at 757-420-8300 or apickard(a)hrpdcva.gov. Thank you and have a pleasant day.
Benito O. Pérez
Transportation Engineer
Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization
723 Woodlake Drive
Chesapeake, VA 23320
Tel: 757-420-8300
Fax: 757-523-4881
I will be out of the office for several days, and plan to return on Jan.
>>> ctpp-news 01/24/10 20:44 >>>
Would you mind changing my email and contact information for this
I tried to log in but there were problems. I am sorry we didn't get a
chance to catch up at TRB.....Thanks.
Maren Outwater
Resource Systems Group, Inc.
917 E. Spooner Rd.
Fox Point, WI 53217
From: Ed Christopher [mailto:edc@berwyned.com]
Sent: Thu 12/31/2009 7:41 AM
To: ctpp-news maillist
Subject: [CTPP] Latest "Status Report" Newsletter
The most recent CTPP newsletter is now available. It can be viewed as a
PDF at http://www.trbcensus.com/newsltr/sr1209.pdf
Contained in the newsletter are articles on the latest information about
the CTPP program from AASHTO; an overview of some beginning steps
underway in the TAZ delineation process; highlights of the 2010 Census
(Remember to be counted this April); an article on commute differences
by gender; a brief list of employment data sources as well as a review
of of a TRb paper dealing with model-based synthesis of household travel
survey data.
An HTML version of the newsletter is also available at
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
ctpp-news mailing list
All e-mail correspondence to and from this address are subject to the
Washington State Public Records Act, which may result in monitoring and
archiving, as well as disclosure to third parties upon request.
The most recent CTPP newsletter is now available. It can be viewed as a
PDF at http://www.trbcensus.com/newsltr/sr1209.pdf
Contained in the newsletter are articles on the latest information about
the CTPP program from AASHTO; an overview of some beginning steps
underway in the TAZ delineation process; highlights of the 2010 Census
(Remember to be counted this April); an article on commute differences
by gender; a brief list of employment data sources as well as a review
of of a TRb paper dealing with model-based synthesis of household travel
survey data.
An HTML version of the newsletter is also available at
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443