To State DOTs and MPOs who will be delineating TAZs and TADs for the
Many of you have been sending corrections to the TAZ contact databases
over the last couple of weeks. Thanks so much for your attention to
this matter. If you haven't done so already, please convey your
changes/updates to Ms Liang Long, liang.long(a)
The Census Bureau Geography Division has told us that they are likely to
use a data download system to transmit the TAZ delineation software and
the county files to you. This system will be password protected.
There will still be some agencies for which this approach may not be
feasible, and in those cases, a mailout will be used instead.
Don't forget the workshop on ACS data at TRB annual meeting, on Sunday,
January 23 at the Hilton, Columbia Hall 6 from 9:00 a.m. - noon. Hope
see you there.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
Nathan Erlbaum of NY State DOT has provided some links that may help you when the first small area data are released from the ACS (2005-2009).
Note: the smallest geographic unit will be census tract (2000 geography). Block Group data will be released later in Summary File format.
From: Erlbaum, Nathan (DOT) []
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 5:01 AM
Subject: FW: ACS 2005-09 comparisons with 2000 SF3
FYI. This may help next week when the 5-year ACS data are released.
It appears that the Census Bureau has updated its guidelines for comparing the 5-year 2005-09 ACS data to 2000 data. When I checked this link today (, I noticed that it included the 5-year data, which had been missing when I last checked just a week or so ago.
Also, the Bureau provides a variable-specific drill-down tool here:… Pretty neat.
Dear Colleagues (apologies for cross-posting for those who also subscribe to TMIP-L),
The study team for NCHRP 8-79 (Developing Transportation Data Products from the American Community Survey That Comply With Disclosure Rules) is looking for small and medium-sized MPOs to participate in the second phase of research into the impact of disclosure-avoidance techniques on the resulting data usability for transportation planning and travel demand modeling of the 5-year ACS-based CTPP tabulations. The team is interested both in small and medium-sized MPOs who maintain their own travel demand forecasting models, and MPOs who perform sketch-planning modeling using the methods from NCHRP Report 365. Participation would include production of a nominal amount of travel model output.
Please contact me off-list at rroisman(a)<> if you represent a small or medium-sized MPO and would like to assist the research effort, or know of some good candidate agencies. Thank you for your time.
-Rich Roisman
Richard I. Roisman, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner
VHB | Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Transportation | Land Development | Environmental Services
8300 Boone Boulevard, Suite 700
Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: 703.847.3071 x5233 | Fax: 703.847.0298 | Mobile: 202.744.2377
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Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. | 101 Walnut St | Watertown, MA 02472 | 617.924.1770
The reference webinar is for the media but when I went to the web page
it appeared that anyone could join.
American Community Survey
2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates -- On Dec. 14, at
9a.m. EST, the Census Bureau will hold a Web conference to present data
covering more than 40 topics, such as income, poverty, educational
attainment, commute to work, foreign-born population, language spoken at
home, ancestry, occupation, number of vehicles available and housing
costs. These estimates will be available for the nation, all 50 states,
the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, congressional districts,
counties, places and metropolitan areas and census tracts and block
groups. There will be a pre-release technical webinar Dec. 8. Media
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
4749 Lincoln Mall Drive, Suite 600
Matteson, IL 60443
Hi Everyone - at the risk of redundant postings, I am forwarding notice
that the new and improved 2009 NHTS dataset has been released and is
available at the ORNL webpage listed below. Last week (Dec 1-2) there
was a server crash, which prevented people from accessing the new data,
but things are working more smoothly today (I tested it).
I highly recommend using the user-friendly on-line table generator for
simple analyses. It will automatically use the correct weights. You
can start with a "frequently asked for" table, click on the "wrench"
symbol, and then modify the table, e.g. to subset for a specific
geographic area. For example, by clicking on variable descriptors and
values, the software will create code such as HHSTATE EQ "FL" to
limit the table to only records in Florida.
Have fun! For additional information about the NHTS, please contact
Adella Santos, the NHTS Program Manager
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
From: National Household Travel Survey []
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 7:02 AM
To: nhts(a)
Subject: [NHTS] Enhanced 2009 NHTS data (Version2)
The Federal Highway Administration is pleased to announce the
availability of the enhanced 2009 NHTS data (Version2) for the
transportation community and the public. For the last 6 months, the
enhancement team has worked with all partners and all involved to
deliver this enhanced version of data for both national coverage and
add-on localities. The enhancement of the original V1.0 data was
centered on methods of processing outliers; and at the same time, FHWA
capitalized on the opportunity to use the 2008 ACS for population totals
which was not available during the preparation of Version 1.0.
The V2.0 data file is now available on the Online Analysis Tool for your
use and to download ( ). In the following weeks
FHWA will also append the Nielsen's Claritas neighborhood
characteristics data and the fuel consumption (MPG) data from the Energy
Information Administration as an added value to V2.0. The Code Book
browser and the User Guide will be updated and available by early
Adella Santos, FHWA NHTS Program Manager
Travel Monitoring & Survey Division
FHWA, Office of Highway Information
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Room E83-426
Washington, DC 20590
Today, I got a query of where to find older CTPP messages, and I thought
it might be useful to everyone.
Here is the link:
For those of you who are State DOT and MPOs, don't forget that your
updates/corrections to the TAZ delineation contact list are due to Ms.
Liang Long liang.long(a) by December 10. The lists are posted at
on the AASHTO CTPP page:
We need to provide the complete list to the Census Bureau Geography
Division in a couple of weeks, so your prompt attention to this is most
Hope to see some of you at TRB in Washington, DC.
Also, hope to see you in Reno at the TRB Conference on Transportation
Planning Applications. We will have a data workshop on Sunday May 8,
2011. Registration is not yet
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
Hi All,
Below is a request from Matt Hardy, Program Director of Planning and
Policy at AASHTO. If you are so inclined please answer his survey.
Penelope Weinberger
CTPP Program Manager
It's just as bad to not make a plan as to blindly follow the one you
already have.
From: Hardy, Matthew
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 10:07 AM
To: Subject: Survey on Transportation and Land Use Modeling Tools
I am pursuing a PhD in the School of Public Policy at George Mason
University where I am currently finishing my dissertation work. The
topic of my dissertation is how simplified integrated transportation and
land use modeling tools can be used to support transportation and land
use planning. As part of my research, I put together a survey to better
assess what role integrated transportation and land use modeling (ITLUM)
tools can play in the metropolitan planning decision-making process.
Recent surveys indicate that many states, jurisdictions, and
metropolitan planning organizations are looking at implementing ITLUM
tools. However, there are a number of ITLUM tools available to
practitioners ranging from simple sketch planning tools to complex
microscopic simulation tools. There are benefits and limitations to
using any type of ITLUM tool. Selecting a specific tool to use is often
a tradeoff among many different factors. The purpose of this survey is
to gather expert opinion on the use and application of ITLUM tools as it
relates to the metropolitan planning decision-making process.
You can access the survey here:
Please complete the survey by January 11, 2011.
If you could forward this survey to your colleagues I would appreciate
it. I am trying to get as diverse a response rate as possible. I believe
the topic of my research will be of interest to SCOP members and I look
forward to sharing the results of my research with you.
Thank you.
Matthew H. Hardy
Program Director for Planning and Policy
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(202) 624-3625
This in an invitation to a webcast sponsored by the I-95 Corridor Coalition that may be of interest to the many data geeks on the CTPP listserv.
Please see the information at the end for how to RSVP, and get the webcast link.
To: MPO representatives
From: Mary Ameen & Todd Westhuis, I-95 Corridor Coalition , Travel
Information Services Program Track Committee (TISPTC) Co-Chairs
Re: INVITATION to a Webcast on the Use of Archive Data for Planning
and Operations Performance Measures sponsored by the I-95 Corridor Coalition
Learn how outsourced probe data is being used for performance measures and
planning at various levels - national, regional, and specific MPOs.
The Travel Information Services Program Track (TISPTC) is inviting you to
participate in a webcast titled "The Use of Archive Data for Planning and
Operations Performance Measures" on Thursday, December 2, 2010 from 1:00 PM
to 2:30 PM (EST).
Shawn Turner (Texas Transportation Institute) - Use of Private Sector Speed
Data for Historical Performance Monitoring: Lessons Learned from National
and State-Level Analyses. His presentation will include lessons learned
through TTI's three most recent projects/applications: 2010 Urban Mobility
Report (to be released in early December 2010); Texas DOT's 100 Most
Congested Roadway Segments; and, Minnesota DOT's Pilot Project for Statewide
Reporting. Shawn will also discuss key insights that will help public
agency staff more easily procure and use private sector speed data in their
agency's planning and performance monitoring processes.
Michael Pack (University of Maryland CATT Lab) - I-95 Corridor Coalition
Vehicle Probe Project (VPP) Dashboard & Data Download Tool. Michael will
explain this tool that was developed for North Carolina's VPP Performance
Measures project and incorporates incident data through RITIS (Regional
Integrated Transportation Information System) with real-time and archived
data and provides access to raw data for report development beyond scope of
this application. Michael will also review the data that is being collected
and the performance measures that can be calculated.
Andrew Meese (Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments) - Use of the
Vehicle Probe Project data for Congestion Management Process Support. More
specifically, Andrew will review MWCOG's efforts regarding their use of the
VPP data in the Congestion Management Process (CMP), speed validation in
travel forecasting models, and speed distribution for air quality modeling.
Andrew will also discuss the advantages and caveats and the potential future
uses of the Vehicle Probe Project data by his agency.
If you plan to participate in this webcast, please RSVP to
nhrebien(a) (or Natalia Hrebien at 610.228.0207) by Monday, November
29, 2010 and she will register you for the webcast and forward to you the
conference call information and webcast link.
Should you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Bill Stoeckert
at 774.207.0367 or Karen Jehanian at 610.228.0211.
We look forward to your participation!
While you are still waiting for the CTPP full data release with the
access software (scheduled on December, 2010), don't forget FHWA
prepared and released the county-to-county and place-to-place flow
tables prior to full data's formal release. The flow tables are for
Total Workers and for 18 categories of Workers by Means of
Transportation. County level data also included CTPP 2000 data but
categorized only by 8 transportation modes. We have NOT included the
CTPP2000 for Place-to-Place data files because of difficulties in
matching FIPS codes for Places between 2000 and the current CTPP. These
two files are published in CS FTP sites:
Also, transportation profiles using ACS 2005-2007 and CTPP2000, which
give people a quick transportation snapshot of their areas are also
published at AASHTO CTPP website.
Liang Long
Federal Highway Administration
Room 74-440
1200 New Jersey, SE
Washington, DC 20590
tel 202 366 6971
fax 202 493 2198
e-mail liang.long(a) <>
The Census Bureau released the 2009 ACS (1 year) data in late September.
This is the first time that sub-county (Place) totals were added to the
weighting procedure. Therefore, you may see some large differences
between 2008 and 2009 ACS 1-year results, based on this new method.
(The previous weighting method was restricted to county level data.)
I attended the Washington State Data Center meeting on Nov 5, and the CB
reported that there were large differences in Detroit and Omaha, for
We have previously reported that the lack of sub-county estimates was
problematic for some cities. Please see our CTPP profile sheets using
2005-2007 ACS
where we recommended that you might want to use independent city totals
as controls. So, we hope that that use of sub-county controls will help
the ACS in the long run, but in the short run, it is probably not a good
idea to make a year-to-year comparisons with 2008 and 2009 ACS 1-year
In general, my recommendation is to use 3-year ACS tabulations when
possible, because of the increased number of unweighted survey
Other news: The CTPP (using 2006-2008 ACS) will be going into software
beta-test this week. This round of CTPP, with more than 200 tables,
will use a web-based data access system. The tabulations are
restricted to geographic units with more than 20,000 residential
Selected home-to-work flow tables (county-to-county and place-to-place)
are available on the Cambridge Systematics ftp site:
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning