From: U.S. Census
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 9:23 AM
To: Weinberger Penelope
Subject: U.S. Census Bureau Releases 2012 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates
[ACS Banner]
U.S. Census Bureau Releases 2012 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-Year Statistics
We are pleased to announce the release of the 2012 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-Year statistics, the most relied-on source for up-to-date social, economic, and housing information every year. The survey is the only source of local statistics for most of the 40 topics it covers, such as educational attainment, occupation, language spoken at home, nativity, ancestry and selected monthly homeowner costs. The statistics are available for the nation, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, every congressional district, every metropolitan area, and all counties and places with populations of 65,000 or more.
To find statistics for your area, please visit the Census Bureau's American FactFinder<…>.
To learn more about this release, visit our 2012 Data Release page<…>.
In addition, the Census Bureau released today a set of American Community Survey Briefs<…>.
These short reports supplement detailed tables with additional analysis on three key topics. These include the following:
* Poverty: 2000 to 2012<…>
* Household Income: 2012<…>
* Mitigating the Loss of Private Insurance with Public Coverage for the Under-65 Population: 2008 to 2012<…>
The ACS provides reliable statistics that are indispensable to anyone who has to make informed decisions about the future. These statistics are required by all levels of government to manage or evaluate a wide range of programs, but are also useful for research, education, journalism, business and advocacy. If you have questions about this survey, please call our Customer Services Center at 1 (800) 923-8282.
Thank you,
American Community Survey Office
U.S. Census Bureau
Many of the presentations are now available at the APDU website. You might like to look at the session on Social Media, but the topic of the greatest interest to the CTPP community is about ACS.
Jim Treat from the Census Bureau discussed ACS activities:
1. ACS Data Users Group has been established. (Note: Ed Christopher from FHWA is our transportation data representative to this group.)
2. Data release schedule:
a. 1 year 2012 ACS: Sept 19, 2013
b. 3 year 2010-2012 ACS: October 24.
c. 5 year 2008-2012 ACS: December 5.
d. New product will be 3-year comparison profiles of non-overlapping years: 2007-2009 with 2010-2012.
3. Census API -over 3500 developer keys have been distributed. Census developers forum has over 900 members.
4. ACS Content review.
a. The Census Bureau has identified 18 criteria on which to determine whether questions should be kept or discarded.
i. 12 of the measures are on utility and quality
ii. 6 of the measures are on difficulty.
b. Federal agencies will be asked to submit "clear documentation" to justify "their" questions this fall. (Note: this type of request seems to be happening with more frequency. USDOT submitted a big package of justification to OMB for the journey to work questions in ACS in September 2012).
c. Beginning in January 2014, there will be an on-line survey of non-federal data users on ACS Content.
On Sept 25, APDU will be conducting a webinar on Statistical Disclosure Control. Tom Krenzke from Westat and Clara Reschovsky from the Metropolitan Washington COG will be discussing the methods applied to the ACS data for the CTPP production.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
Hi Everyone -
I know that some of you are interested in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX), especially as it includes information on vehicle ownership, maintenance costs. The geographic level is large, as the sample is small.
In the CEX microdata, the (residence) geography includes: region, state, CMSA, urban/rural status, and population size of the area.
Vehicle data include: make, model year, purchase date and price
Costs includes: fuel, purchase costs, lease costs, auto rentals, insurance, state registrations, prop taxes on vehicles, and other costs (e.g cost of repairs, tolls, veh inspection cots).
The unit of measurement in the CEX is a "consumer unit" which is interchangeably called a "household." It is an individual or group of individuals who live together and make joint expenditure decisions.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
From: Ryan, Jay - BLS []
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 7:05 AM
Subject: 2012 Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) data tables and microdata release
I am pleased to announce that the 2012 Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) data tables and microdata will be released today-our earliest release date ever. The news release is posted here<>. The tables and public-use microdata will be posted later today. The 2012 CE public-use microdata are available on the web at no charge. The 2007 - 2011 public-use microdata files are also on the web and we plan to post earlier years back to 1996 (all the years available as SAS datasets) over the coming year as program resources are available. Earlier years can still be purchased on CD.
We have discontinued the public-use microdata e-mail distribution list. In order to continue to receive updates on data releases, errata (affecting past and future data), and special announcements, you need to sign up for the new email notification here<>.
Spending in 2012 was up 3.5%, which is more than twice as much as the 1.7-percent increase in prices for goods and services during the same period as measured by the CPI-U.
Percent Change
Percent Change
Average annual expenditures
Income before taxes
As always, we look forward to hearing your thoughts on the CE or the Gemini survey redesign. If you would like to be dropped from this biannual email let me know.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns:
Phone - (202) 691- 6900
Email - cexinfo(a)<>
Jay Ryan, Chief
Division of Consumer Expenditure Survey
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Washington, DC 20212
Hi CTPPers,
Brian McKenzie from the Census Bureau suggested that I contact this list-serv to ask if you would help us with some research we are doing.
Several colleagues and I from Colorado University at Boulder and the University of Tennessee at Knoxville are working on building tools and experimenting with visualization to deal with uncertainty in the ACS. Our team is conducting a survey to help guide our work. The survey is designed primarily for planners, but they we also interested in the opinions of other practitioners, policymakers, and researchers who work with ACS data. It would be great if you can spare a few minutes to help our work. The survey will take 15-20 minutes, but some people complete it more quickly than that.
If you are interested in helping us out, you can access the survey from this link:
We'd be very grateful if you can spare the time to help us understand your needs.
The Mapping Uncertainty in ACS Data Research Team
PO Box 7916, CANBERRA BC 2610, Australia
CRICOS Provider no. 00100G
This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it and notify the sender. Views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and are not necessarily the views of UNSW.
Hi All,
I know you have all been watching this space and eagerly anticipating the first release of CTPP small area data from the American Community Survey. Well, despite heroic efforts, the data and software are not ready for an August release as earlier hoped.
The CTPP five year data product is coming, here is some information on it. Updates and info will be published here
A fully executed product is expected around October 2013. As of this writing (August 2013), the US Census Bureau has delivered data to the software vendor and the vendor is processing it. Beta testing of the data and software is in process having begun in early August. We have encountered several problems getting the data fully loaded into the software and so have delayed the release for about eight weeks. We would rather have a fully functioning product with robust beta testing, over one that does not work and gives us inaccurate results!
CTPP based on 5-year ACS - 2006 - 2010; residence based, workplace based, and flow data for geographies ranging from the Census TAZ or tract to the nation.
Tables include means of transportation univariate and crossed with travel time, household income, vehicle availability, age, time leaving home, and (new) presence of children, minority status, number of workers in household and median household income. A complete list of available tables can be found here: CTPP tables-5YR List public.xlsx<…>
There are plans for an API, and plans to make large files (entire states, for example) downloadable are under development.
A new data access software is being developed for the 5-year data, it will include the 3-year data, and eventually, we hope to include both older and future data sets, so they can be found in one easy place. The software will allow for table manipulation - so you can get a table looking the way you like before download, download formats will include tables, .shp files, .gml and .TAB files. The software has a robust mapping component.
A fully executed product is expected around October 2013. As of this writing (August 2013), the US Census Bureau has delivered data to the software vendor and the vendor is processing it. Beta testing of the data and software is in process having begun in early August. We have encountered several problems getting the data fully loaded into the software and so have delayed the release for about eight weeks.
Penelope Z. Weinberger
CTPP Program Manager
This "free" webinar might be of interest to some on this list. The statistical disclosure control processes being discussed are what has been done to safe guard our CTPP 5-year ACS data tabulations. The method applied to our data was developed by Tom Krenski who is presenting. Also, Clara R will be responding from our collective transportation perspective.
if the the flyer below does not come through out list serve software just go to the registration link which has a description.
Ed C
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Association of Public Data Users (APDU)" <info(a)>
> Date: August 28, 2013, 1:35:11 PM CDT
> To: <edc(a)>
> Subject: Webinar: Government Data and Confidentiality: Compatible Companions With the Help of Statistical Disclosure Control
> Webinar: Government Data and Confidentiality: Compatible Companions With the Help of Statistical Disclosure Control
> Confidentiality and government data go hand in hand. Get an in-depth glimpse of practical Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC) treatments that you, as a data producer, can use when working with government data to address confidentiality concerns, or you, as a data user, should be aware of. This webinar will provide practical insights to balance disclosure risk, data utility, and other issues relating to operational feasibility, budget, and timelines. The webinar will also set the stage with items to be aware of before, during, and even after data collection. Since data dissemination modes and types of access vary, discussants will also delve into the unique SDC treatments to use for various scenarios. The webinar will wrap up with additional topics from the data user perspective relating to this important issue, including communication that balances the highly technical and the somewhat less technical in terms of answering questions relating to data training and documentation.
> Presenters:
> Tom Krenzke, Associate Director, Statistics Group, Westat
> Clara Reschovsky, Survey Analyst, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
> Pricing: FREE
> September 25, 2013
> 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
> Register
> September 16 & 17, 2013 | George Washington University - Marvin Center | Washington, DC
> Full Agenda | Register Online or PDF | More Information
> APDU is a national network that links users, producers, and disseminators of government statistical data. Our members share a vital concern about the collection, dissemination, preservation, and interpretation of public data. As an association, we are committed to helping users identify public data that meet their needs and applying those data in cost-effective and appropriate ways, establishing effective two-way communication between data producers and users, and bringing the perspectives and concerns of public data users to bear on important issues of government information and statistical policy.
> This message was sent to edc(a) from:
> CREC | P.O. Box 100127 | Arlington, VA 22210
> Email Marketing by
> Manage Your Subscription
Is there any news on the CTPP data release? It was promised by August, which
will be over at the end of this week.
Jonathan Lupton AICP
Research Planner
I am out of the office until 08/25/2013.
I will be checking my email sporatically during this time, so I may not
reply to your message right away.
Note: This is an automated response to your message "ctpp-news Digest, Vol
114, Issue 5" sent on 8/24/2013 1:00:02 PM.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
Apologies for cross posting.
Just a quick reminder of our special call for posters for the 2014 TRB
Annual Meeting.
Poster abstracts are due by Wednesday, Sept 4.****
** **
Note: Stacey Bricka is sending a confirmation email upon receipt. If you
submitted an abstract and did not get a confirmation email from her, please
let her know. Also, if you submitted through the TRB system as part of the
annual paper process, please let her know your paper number so we can track
its progress through the system.****
** **
Thanks and let me know if any other questions!****
** **
*From:* Bricka, Stacey
*Sent:* Thursday, July 18, 2013 8:17 AM
*Subject:* TRB Call for NHTS Posters****
** **
* *
*Travel Characteristics Past, Present, and Future –*
*Communicating Information Derived from the National Household Travel Survey
** **
Task Force on *Understanding New Directions for the National Household
Travel Survey* (ABJ45T)****
** **
*Call Description*****
The Task Force will host a poster session at the 2014 Annual Meeting
featuring tools and strategies used to communicate National Household
Travel Survey (NHTS) data to various user groups. Of particular interest to
the Task Force are innovative means of communicating information derived
from the NHTS that convey the utility and value of these data. Featured
posters will be highlighted in Task Force findings to FHWA as effective
examples of conveying the value derived from this long-running and
comprehensive data set. A special submittal deadline for this call has been
established. Abstracts are due no later than Wednesday, September 4th.
Following are details on this call and the associated submission process. **
** **
Since 1969, the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) has surveyed
Americans on their travel behaviors and patterns, generating an
unparalleled compilation of longitudinal travel characteristics for the
nation. The legacy of this national data collection and dissemination
effort has resulted in a wide variety of applications for a diverse array
of users. NHTS users mine this data to inform decision makers, educate the
public, support research, and enhance model development. It serves as a
unique platform for analyzing past, present, and future travel trends and
provides essential input for many different processes.****
** **
The Task Force on *Understanding New Directions for the National Household
Travel Survey *(ABJ45T) is charged with understanding ways in which the
data are used and can be improved, and evaluating impacts of potential
changes in survey methodology on different user groups. During its
investigations the Task Force realized the challenge of communicating the
value of NHTS data and ways in which it can be successfully used to support
a myriad of uses including transportation planning and analysis,
demographic research, public and policy maker education, trend analysis,
and public health policy, to name but a few.****
** **
The Task Force decided to identify and showcase at the 2014 Annual Meeting
a select few examples that demonstrate creative ways of communicating the
value of this important data set. Recognizing the role of visual media in
today’s communications, the Task Force is soliciting posters or other
graphic means of visualization and communication that convey the utility
and value of the NHTS and the data it yields. In keeping with the theme of
the 2014 meeting – Celebrating Our Legacy, Anticipating Our Future – the
Task Force is interested in illustrating the diversity of uses and
applications supported by the NHTS and the longitudinal value of this
long-running survey in developing this poster session.****
** **
*Poster Session Guidelines*
Those selected for this session will prepare a poster for presentation at
the 2014 Annual Meeting in January. *Participants are not required to
prepare a paper to be eligible*. Each presenter will be provided with a
table and a 4’ x 8’ vertical panel for displaying posters and other
materials. An electrical connection will be available at each station.
Telephone and internet connections will not be available. TRB's guidelines
for poster presenters are available at
. Presenters are expected to attend and participate in this session.
Presentation teams are welcome. The Task Force is working to create an
innovative poster / discussion format, details of which will be finalized
during the session planning process. It is anticipated that this will be a
dynamic and highly interactive session.****
** **
*Submission Instructions*
A special deadline for abstract submittals has been established. Interested
candidates should submit an abstract explaining their project and poster
concept by 11:59 pm PDT on*Wednesday, September 4, 2013*. The abstract
should be no more than a single one-sided page in length (approximately 500
words) and include:****
** **
**· **Contact information (name, agency/organization, phone number,
email address)****
**· **Title of your proposed poster for use in the Annual Meeting
**· **Explanation of the project, research or process using NHTS data
and how the data were used;****
**· **Ways in which visualization or other graphic communication tools
were deployed and the role this played in the project, research or process;*
**· **Any innovative discoveries or lessons learned about
communicating NHTS data that can be useful to FHWA and other users; and****
**· **Preliminary description of the information to be conveyed in
your poster.****
** **
You are welcome to include links to on-line materials that illustrate
visualization or graphic communication concepts described in your abstract
but this will not substitute for the information requested in the abstract.*
** **
The Task Force will not consider sales presentations on products or
** **
Abstracts should be in a PDF format and submitted to:****
** **
Stacey Bricka****
** **
Include the term “*NHTS Poster Abstract*” in the subject line.****
** **
*Selection Process*****
A session-development subcommittee will review all abstracts to identify
those that most effectively demonstrate innovative communication techniques
conveying the value of NHTS data and its use. The Task Force hopes to
identify posters representing a diverse array of uses and applications.
Abstracts that support the 2014 Annual Meeting spotlight theme,
“Celebrating Our Legacy, Anticipating Our Future” are encouraged.****
** **
Applicants will be notified in mid-September of their selection.****
** **
*For More Information*****
Questions about the poster session or the abstract submittal process should
be directed to:****
** **
Stacey Bricka****
Krishnan Viswanathan
5628 Burnside Circle
Tallahassee FL 32312