
  • 2560 discussions

FW: U.S. Census Bureau Releases 2012 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates
by Weinberger Penelope
11 years, 3 months

Short summary of key points from Jim Treat's presentation at APDU (Association of Public Data Users)
by Elaine.Murakami@dot.gov
11 years, 3 months

FW: 2012 Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) data tables and microdata release
by Elaine.Murakami@dot.gov
11 years, 4 months

Survey to Inform Research and Tools on Uncertainty in ACS Data
by Amy Louise Griffin
11 years, 4 months

Update on the delay of CTPP five-year data product
by Weinberger Penelope
11 years, 4 months

Fwd: Webinar: Government Data and Confidentiality: Compatible Companions With the Help of Statistical Disclosure Control
by Ed Christopher
11 years, 4 months

CTPP 06-10 - Is it coming?
by Jonathan Lupton
11 years, 4 months

AUTO: Bruce Spear is out of the office. (returning 08/25/2013)
by Bruce Spear
11 years, 4 months

TRB Call for NHTS Posters
by Krishnan Viswanathan
11 years, 4 months

CTPP 5-year data product?
by Seidensticker, Dan
11 years, 4 months
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