The 1970 Census Questionnaire Reference Book and the Instructions to
Respondents both include the following guidance--
"...Private auto" -- Mark "Driver..." if he drove on the last day he worked
at the address given in 29c, mark "Passenger..." if he did not drive.
(Item 29c that is referenced is the geographical location of the person's
place of work.)
-- Celia G. Boertlein
Journey-to-Work and Migration Statistics Branch
Population Division
U.S. Bureau of the Census
Washington, DC 20233-8800
phone: (301)763-2454
fax: (301)457-2481
email: Celia.G.Boertlein(a)Census.GOV
Patty Becker
<pbecker(a) To: "William Schaefer" <wschaefer(a)>, ctpp-news(a)
> cc:
Sent by: Subject: Re: [CTPP] 1970 census transportation mode to work data
02/05/2004 05:55
I am looking at a reproduction of the 1970 questionnaire. It's item 29d,
in the 15 percent sample only. It reads:
How did he [note the old sexism] get to work last week? Fill one circle
for chief means used on the last day he worked at the address given in 29c.
Driver, private auto
Passenger, private auto
Bus or streetcar
Subway or elevated
Walked only
Worked at home
Other means (specify)__________________
I would be willing to bet that all SOV respondents are in the first
category. In the rare instance of a carpool, a respondent would put
him/herself in the first category if they drove on the last day, and in the
second category if they did not. Remember, this was before the first big
energy crisis and carpooling wasn't very common back then. On the other
hand, public transit was used a lot more than it is now!
Sorry--I had a birthday yesterday and I am reminded once again that I was
indeed mostly a SOV driver in 1970.
Patty Becker
At 04:42 PM 02/05/2004, you wrote:
>The 1970 Census used "private auto-driver" and "private auto-passenger" as
>transportation modes to work versus "drive alone" and "carpool." Does
>anyone know whether private auto-driver includes only SOVs? The term
>implies that it could include those who drive, but were part of a carpool.
>The Census book I have does not define the terms. Thank you.
>Bill Schaefer
>Madison (WI) Area MPO
>ctpp-news mailing list
Patricia C. (Patty) Becker 248/354-6520
APB Associates/SEMCC FAX 248/354-6645
28300 Franklin Road Home 248/355-2428
Southfield, MI 48034 pbecker(a)
ctpp-news mailing list
We are glad to learn that distribution of the final Part 1 data will begin
soon, and that distribution of the draft Part 2 data has begun.
As a service to TransCAD users, Caliper has been organizing 2000 Census
data so that it is easy to access and use. A set of Table Chooser add-ins
for TransCAD work with SF 1, SF 3, and CTPP Part 1 data, and the new
Version 4.7 of TransCAD includes these Table Choosers as menu commands. A
new add-in has been prepared for the CTPP Part 2 data, now that some draft
ASCII files are available. We have been processing the data for states and
MPOs that send us copies of their ASCII files.
We have reformatted these Census data from the many small ASCII files (with
all the summary levels) into one file for each summary level (with all the
tables). The Table Choosers let users pick which tables they want, from a
full list of tables, from tables by organized by subject, and/or from
user-defined groups. Users can select the areas for which they want the
data, and create a geographic file with both the area boundaries and the
demographic data. They can also create just a tabular file, which can be
joined to existing geographic files.
To make the fields easier to understand and use, metadata are available in
balloon help that appears by moving the cursor over the columns headings in
a dataview. The metadata were constructed from the documentation for each
set of Census data and, for Parts 1 and 2, give the category for each
variable, the full table name, and other useful info.
When the final ASCII files are released, we will make the CTPP Part 1 and
Part 2 Data CDs available. Users in some states, such as Florida, are
already working with the draft Part 1 data. As soon as there are ASCII
files for CTPP Part 3 data we will process those as well, so we would
encourage you to release the ASCII files for all three parts as soon as
Peter Van Demark
Director of GIS Products and Training Phone: 617-527-4700
Caliper Corporation Fax: 617-527-5113
1172 Beacon Street E-mail: peter(a)
Newton MA 02461-9926 Web site:
Yes, please tell vendors this is not a list for solicitation of information that they have. I'd rather not get E-Mails from vendors, especially ones like this one.
-----Original Message-----
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a)
[]On Behalf Of ed christopher
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 8:51 PM
Cc: ctpp-news(a)
Subject: Re: [CTPP] Distribution Part 2 Data from CTPP 2000
There are two points I would like add. First, it is my understanding that
there are many other vendors who are providing ways to easily interface the
CTPP with their products as well. Since I would hope that this listserve does
not become simply a haven for product/vendor solicitation I will not mention
any other firms by name, which is my second point.
"Peter H. Van Demark" wrote:
> Phil:
> We are glad to learn that distribution of the final Part 1 data will begin
> soon, and that distribution of the draft Part 2 data has begun.
> As a service to TransCAD users, Caliper has been organizing 2000 Census
> data so that it is easy to access and use. A set of Table Chooser add-ins
> for TransCAD work with SF 1, SF 3, and CTPP Part 1 data, and the new
> Version 4.7 of TransCAD includes these Table Choosers as menu commands.
Ed Christopher
Planning and data guy
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
ctpp-news mailing list
Distribution of Part 2 from CTPP 2000 (data by place of work) has begun. As
we did for Part 1, we are distributing files only to the project sponsors,
the state Departments of Transportation and local Metropolitan Planning
Organizations, and asking them to review the data and software. After the
results of the review are in, we will begin production and distribution of
large volumes of the Part 2 CDs.
ASCII data sets for Part 2 were sent out during the preceding two weeks to
agencies who received ASCII files from us during the Part 1 distribution.
These shipments should have all been delivered by now, so if you are
expecting ASCII datasets but don't have them yet please let us know.
Shipments of the CDs with the browsing and retrieval software on them
(along with the data) began late this week. If you are a State DOT or an
MPO in any of the states listed below, we expect that you will receive your
CDs the week beginning Feb. 2. Since the Part 2 files are smaller than Part
1 we are bundling multiple states on most of the Part 2 discs. We shipped
six different CDs containing 15 states this week, bundled as follows:
CA/NV, NY/NJ, MI/IN, OH/KY, GA/SC/TN, ID/OR/UT/WA. We will continue sending
discs out next week and think there is a good chance we will have them all
in the mail by Feb. 6.
Distribution of the final version of the Part 1 data is expected to begin
in late February or early March. Additional details will be posted on this
listserve as they become available.
We do not have a firm delivery date yet for the Part 3 files
(place-of-residence by place-of-work commuter flow data) for initial
review. The flow data present significant challenges for the software
vendors to overcome. We anticipate that data will be available some time
this Spring.
Phillip Salopek
Chief, Journey to Work and Migration Statistics Branch
Population Division
Is 1970 Census data by Census Tract available digitally?
Robert B. Case, PE, PTOE
Principal Transportation Engineer
Hampton Roads Planning District Commission
723 Woodlake Dr., Chesapeake, Va. 23320
voice:757-420-8300; fax:757-523-4881
Attached is Census News Brief #17. It covers a recent Census Bureau
report on the ACS Voluntary Test, a new National Research Council report
on Census 2000, an appropriations update, and more.
Ed Christopher
The latest (january 2004) newsletter-- The Status Report, in now posted
The direct link to it is
The newsletter is in PDF only. an HTML version will be poster at shortly
Ed Christopher
Planning Specialist
Resource Center
Federal Highway Administration
19900 Governors Drive
Olympia Fields, Illinois 60461
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
My apologies for citing incorrect 1990 CTPP Table numbers in my recent email. Please use to check for correspondence.
Obviously, I should NOT try to do anything on the day before I leave for TRB!
There will be a TRB conference on research on Women's Issues in Transportation, November 18-20, 2004, in Chicago. Abstracts are due March 1, 2004 (see attached Call for Abstracts) Conference website is
The most recently held conference addressing this topic was held in 1996, sponsored by FHWA. Papers from the 1996 conference are posted at:
Several tables in CTPP 2000 include Gender:
1-02 / 2-02 Sex by Means of Transportation
1-03 / 2-03 Sex by Occupation
1-04 / 2-04 Sex by Industry
1-05 / 2-05 Sex by Class of Worker
1-06 / 2-06 Sex by Worker earnings
1-07 / 2-07 Sex by Hours worked per week in 1999
FOR PERSONS (for RESIDENCE tabulations)
1-54 Sex by Employment Status
Also, there are some tables using "age group of youngest child in the household" that may be of interest.
The Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) is another Census data resource that may be appropriate for exploring commuting by gender along with other demographic and socio-economic characteristics. Due to Disclosure Review procedures at the Census Bureau, the CTPP is limited in the number of cross-tabulation variables in each table.
I expect the CTPP 2000 Part 2 files release to State DOTs and MPOs to be complete by the end of February, and perhaps even before, so both Parts 1 and 2 should be available for small area data analysis for this topic. In addition, the 1990 CTPP included similar tables by Gender. (Part 1 tables 17 thru 21; and Part 2 tables 2 thru 6).
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
and (FHWA Liaison to this TRB Conference!)
206-220-4460 in Seattle
Attached is the agenda for the Census Data for Transportation Planning
sub-committee meeting to be held on January 14th, 2:30 - 4:00 PM at the
Hilton. Hopefully you can find the time to join us.
Also, we are presenting a poster session, #635, Analyzing and presenting
Census Data on the 14th from 9:30 to noon in the Hilton. Hope to see you
there as well!
Robert Sicko
M i r a i
19110 Bothell Way NE, Suite 202
Bothell, WA 98011
425.415.0905 - W
425.415.0935 - F