Hi all,
I have moved this list over to a new server. This message is just
testing to make sure the mailing list is ok with this move.
Chris Parrinello
I will be out of the office starting 05/25/2005 and will not return until
I will respond to your message when I return. Thanks!
This e-mail is for the intended recipient only.
If you have received it by mistake, please let us know by reply and then
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All -
The Census Bureau is currently mailing CTPP 2000 Part 3 (Journey-to-Work Flow) data CD-ROMs to States and MPOs along with an updated CTPP Access Tool a.k.a browser a.k.a extraction software. Before you start using your CD-ROM, please read the instructions posted at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ctpp/appxp.htm. For technical support on the software, you can continue to e-mail me at nanda.srinivasan(a)fhwa.dot.gov, or Clara Reschovsky at clara.a.reschovsky(a)census.gov
MPOs and State DOTs in the following states may have received or should expect to receive these CD-ROMs shortly. The date of mailing is shown for your reference.
Alaska - 5/10/05
Arizona - 5/2/05
Connecticut - 4/19/05
District of Columbia - 4/26/05
Hawaii - 5/2/05
Idaho - 5/10/05
Kansas - 5/2/05
Massachusetts - 4/27/05
Montana - 5/10/05
Nebraska - 5/4/05
New Mexico - 5/2/05
North Carolina - 5/5/05
North Dakota - 5/4/05
Oklahoma - 5/2/05
Oregon - 5/11/05
Rhode Island - 5/18/05
South Carolina - 5/23/05
South Dakota - 5/4/05
Vermont - 5/18/05
Washington - 5/11/05
Wyoming - 5/10/05
Thank you!
Nanda Srinivasan
More clarification on when ACS data will be available.
Areas with 65,000+ population will have annual data.
Areas with 20,000+ population will have data provided annually, using a 3-year accumulation. Therefore, 2005 thru 2007 data will be available starting in 2008. Then, 2006-2008 data will be available in 2009.
Areas with less than 20,000+ (small towns, census tracts, block groups) will require 5 years of data accumulation, but the Census Bureau says they will also make these tabulations available annually, with 5-year accumulations. Therefore, the first data available should be 2005-2009, with release in 2010. And then 2006-2010 available in 2011.
One of my concerns is that for these small areas, 2005-2009 data will be weighted to the county estimates numbers, and the 2006-2010 will be weighted to 2010 decennial census data. So, there will likely be a discontinuity at this point.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Christopher [mailto:edc@berwyned.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 9:13 AM
To: Nancy Reger
Cc: Murakami, Elaine; ctpp-news maillist
Subject: Re: [CTPP] Draft ACS Proposed Transportation-Related Tables
Nancy--I am responding to whole listserve as I bet this probably confusing to all
of us. The ACS will give us tables every year. Areas over 65K population will
get annual data while areas with 20k to 65K will get tables every 3 years and
areas under 20k will tables every 5 years. The tables that the Census Bureau (CB)
will produce are what we know as standard tabulations, like what is in SF1 and
SF3. For ACS I have also heard the "standard tabulations" refereed to a "basic
tables". These are separate from the CTPP tables which are a special tabulation
paid for by the MPOs and States.
Almost a year ago the CB put a notice in the federal register asking for
suggestions on tables to include in the ACS Standard Tabulations. The tables in
question are the transportation related tables that are getting proposed by CB
staff to their internal management and "disclosure review board" as a result of
the federal register process.
We should be excited, in a way, because at least a few of the cross tabs that we
have to pay for as the special tabulation (CTPP product) are getting proposed as a
standard tabs which means that they will enjoy all the benefits of the tables in
the current SF products. The downside is that not all the tables we would want
(or think we want) are moved over to the standard product.
What you do see that is revolutionary, is the proposed work place tables. These
are only proposed by CB staff so there is not yet guarantee that we will see them
as a standard product. This needs to be watched carefully by all of us. Another
thing that is not on the table are any flow tables (Part 3 like tables). CB staff
did not even propose any flow tables and the issues of geography, rounding and
most of all thresholds play heavily in any discussion of flow data.
As for TAZs, these are a whole different subject and not being considered by CB
staff as a tabulation geography for the "Standard" ACS tables. One thing that I
am hearing on geography that is worth tuning into is, that PUMAs are going to be a
tabulation geography for ACS. At least this is what I hear but I have not seen
anything in writing to confirm this. Maybe the CB staff on this listserve could
expound on this.
Nancy Reger wrote:
> Ed-
> Just to get this straight in my head. These are the tables we hope the
> ACS (2010) will produce that coincide with the CTPP data as we know it,
> right. The geography will vary- but no TAZ. Can you confirm my
> understanding.
> Thanks
> Nancy
> >>> Ed Christopher <edc(a)berwyned.com> 05/25/05 10:55AM >>>
> The proposed ACS tables are now posted on the http://www.trbcensus.com/
> website as well as the April Status Report
> newsletter. The newsletter will be of interest to those beginning to
> see their CTPP Part 3 with the lastest version
> of the extraction software (the CTPP Access Tool) as it arrives in the
> mail.
> The Direct link to the proposed ACS tables handed out in Irvine is
> http://www.trbcensus.com/notes/Irvine-Handout_Proposed_ACS_Standard_Tables.…
> The direct link to the newsletter is
> http://www.TRBcensus.com/newsltr/sr0405.pdf
> Chuck Purvis wrote:
> > Ed:
> > Attached are the original spreadsheets that Phil Salopek posted on
> May
> > 9th. Perhaps we should put them on the trbcensus.com home page?
> > Chuck
> >
> > **************************************************************
> > Charles L. Purvis, AICP
> > Principal Transportation Planner/Analyst
> > Metropolitan Transportation Commission
> > 101 Eighth Street
> > Oakland, CA 94607-4700
> > (510) 464-7731 (office)
> > (510) 464-7848 (fax)
> > www: http://www.mtc.ca.gov/
> > Census WWW: http://www.bayareacensus.ca.gov/
> > **************************************************************
> Ed Christopher
> 708-283-3534 (V)
> 708-574-8131 (cell)
> 19900 Governors Dr
> Olympia Fields, IL 60461
> _______________________________________________
> ctpp-news mailing list
> ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net
> http://www.chrispy.net/mailman/listinfo/ctpp-news
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
Nancy--I am responding to whole listserve as I bet this probably confusing to all
of us. The ACS will give us tables every year. Areas over 65K population will
get annual data while areas with 20k to 65K will get tables every 3 years and
areas under 20k will tables every 5 years. The tables that the Census Bureau (CB)
will produce are what we know as standard tabulations, like what is in SF1 and
SF3. For ACS I have also heard the "standard tabulations" refereed to a "basic
tables". These are separate from the CTPP tables which are a special tabulation
paid for by the MPOs and States.
Almost a year ago the CB put a notice in the federal register asking for
suggestions on tables to include in the ACS Standard Tabulations. The tables in
question are the transportation related tables that are getting proposed by CB
staff to their internal management and "disclosure review board" as a result of
the federal register process.
We should be excited, in a way, because at least a few of the cross tabs that we
have to pay for as the special tabulation (CTPP product) are getting proposed as a
standard tabs which means that they will enjoy all the benefits of the tables in
the current SF products. The downside is that not all the tables we would want
(or think we want) are moved over to the standard product.
What you do see that is revolutionary, is the proposed work place tables. These
are only proposed by CB staff so there is not yet guarantee that we will see them
as a standard product. This needs to be watched carefully by all of us. Another
thing that is not on the table are any flow tables (Part 3 like tables). CB staff
did not even propose any flow tables and the issues of geography, rounding and
most of all thresholds play heavily in any discussion of flow data.
As for TAZs, these are a whole different subject and not being considered by CB
staff as a tabulation geography for the "Standard" ACS tables. One thing that I
am hearing on geography that is worth tuning into is, that PUMAs are going to be a
tabulation geography for ACS. At least this is what I hear but I have not seen
anything in writing to confirm this. Maybe the CB staff on this listserve could
expound on this.
Nancy Reger wrote:
> Ed-
> Just to get this straight in my head. These are the tables we hope the
> ACS (2010) will produce that coincide with the CTPP data as we know it,
> right. The geography will vary- but no TAZ. Can you confirm my
> understanding.
> Thanks
> Nancy
> >>> Ed Christopher <edc(a)berwyned.com> 05/25/05 10:55AM >>>
> The proposed ACS tables are now posted on the http://www.trbcensus.com/
> website as well as the April Status Report
> newsletter. The newsletter will be of interest to those beginning to
> see their CTPP Part 3 with the lastest version
> of the extraction software (the CTPP Access Tool) as it arrives in the
> mail.
> The Direct link to the proposed ACS tables handed out in Irvine is
> http://www.trbcensus.com/notes/Irvine-Handout_Proposed_ACS_Standard_Tables.…
> The direct link to the newsletter is
> http://www.TRBcensus.com/newsltr/sr0405.pdf
> Chuck Purvis wrote:
> > Ed:
> > Attached are the original spreadsheets that Phil Salopek posted on
> May
> > 9th. Perhaps we should put them on the trbcensus.com home page?
> > Chuck
> >
> > **************************************************************
> > Charles L. Purvis, AICP
> > Principal Transportation Planner/Analyst
> > Metropolitan Transportation Commission
> > 101 Eighth Street
> > Oakland, CA 94607-4700
> > (510) 464-7731 (office)
> > (510) 464-7848 (fax)
> > www: http://www.mtc.ca.gov/
> > Census WWW: http://www.bayareacensus.ca.gov/
> > **************************************************************
> Ed Christopher
> 708-283-3534 (V)
> 708-574-8131 (cell)
> 19900 Governors Dr
> Olympia Fields, IL 60461
> _______________________________________________
> ctpp-news mailing list
> ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net
> http://www.chrispy.net/mailman/listinfo/ctpp-news
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
Attached are the original spreadsheets that Phil Salopek posted on May
9th. Perhaps we should put them on the trbcensus.com home page?
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Principal Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
www: http://www.mtc.ca.gov/
Census WWW: http://www.bayareacensus.ca.gov/
Duane R. Verner, AICP
Urban Planner
URS Corporation
1600 Perimeter Park Drive
Morrisville, North Carolina 27560
Office phone: (919) 461-1100
Direct phone: (919) 461-1228
email: duane_verner(a)urscorp.com
----- Forwarded by Duane Verner/Morrisville/URSCorp on 05/25/2005 07:34 AM
Ed Christopher
> To
Sent by:
ctpp-news-bounces cc
@chrispy.net ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net
Re: [CTPP] Draft Proposal for
05/23/2005 10:09 Transportation-Related Data
PM Productsfrom ACS for 2004 and
Do you think it would be possible for someone to repost the spreadsheets to
the list listserve? I went to the archive but could not read the files.
"Murakami, Elaine" wrote:
> Dear Everyone--
> I know that reviewing this spreadsheet might seem tedious, but I
encourage you to review it and provide your comments via the listserv, or
to me directly. The current status is that the residence-based tabulation
have been approved by the DRB for 2004 ACS data. The workplace-based
tables are still draft, and have not yet been approved by the DRB.
> Any comments that we provide now will not likely change the 2004 data
tabulation, but could be considered for the 2005 ACS data tabulation. This
is IMPORTANT because the 2005 ACS data is the first data from "full
> One comment on this set that arose at the TRB Census conference held May
11-13, was to add to the AGE breakout "65 to 74" and then "75 and over".
This is because more people are continuing to work after age 65 and we need
to start tracking these trends.
> I noticed that several tables include "earnings" but there are no tables
using "household income" as a variable. Do you want something that
cross-tabulates a Journey-to-work variable with household income? e.g.
Household income * Means of transportation to work, or household income * #
of Vehicles.?
> To get the spreadsheets, please use the CTPP listserve archives at:
http://www.chrispy.net/pipermail/ctpp-news/ to find Phil's attachments from
his May 9th email.
> Elaine Murakami
> elaine.murakami(a)fhwa.dot.gov
> FHWA Office of Planning
> 206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ctpp-news-bounces(a)chrispy.net
> [mailto:ctpp-news-bounces@chrispy.net]On Behalf Of
> phillip.a.salopek(a)census.gov
> Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 12:20 PM
> To: ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net
> Subject: [CTPP] Draft Proposal for Transportation-Related Data Products
> from ACS for 2004 and Beyond
> I will be delivering a presentation this week in Irvine CA at the
> Transportation Research Board Conference, "Census Data for Transportation
> Planning: Preparing for the Future." I've put together a handout to go
> along with the presentation which outlines the transportation-related
> content in some new and/or revamped ACS data products. These proposals
> have not received final approval yet, so are still subject to change. But
> I've been asked to post them to the listserve to reach a wider audience.
> The bottom line is that the standard products from ACS will have a lot
> tables on the characteristics of workers than have been previously
> in either the ACS or in the decennial census. And for the first time
> there will be data tabulated by workplace geography in a standard Census
> Bureau data product. The handout does not cover all products from ACS,
> two new types of products ("selected population profiles" and "subject
> tables") and a major revision to the detailed tables (to be called "base
> tables" in the future). You should print out the various worksheets to
> at them, since there is useful information in the headers and footers
> does not show up when you are just looking at the sheet on the screen.
> --Phil
> (See attached file: Irvine-Handout_Proposed_ACS_Standard_Tables.xls)
> _______________________________________________
> ctpp-news mailing list
> ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net
> http://www.chrispy.net/mailman/listinfo/ctpp-news
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
ctpp-news mailing list
Dear Everyone--
I know that reviewing this spreadsheet might seem tedious, but I encourage you to review it and provide your comments via the listserv, or to me directly. The current status is that the residence-based tabulation have been approved by the DRB for 2004 ACS data. The workplace-based tables are still draft, and have not yet been approved by the DRB.
Any comments that we provide now will not likely change the 2004 data tabulation, but could be considered for the 2005 ACS data tabulation. This is IMPORTANT because the 2005 ACS data is the first data from "full implementation."
One comment on this set that arose at the TRB Census conference held May 11-13, was to add to the AGE breakout "65 to 74" and then "75 and over". This is because more people are continuing to work after age 65 and we need to start tracking these trends.
I noticed that several tables include "earnings" but there are no tables using "household income" as a variable. Do you want something that cross-tabulates a Journey-to-work variable with household income? e.g. Household income * Means of transportation to work, or household income * # of Vehicles.?
To get the spreadsheets, please use the CTPP listserve archives at: http://www.chrispy.net/pipermail/ctpp-news/ to find Phil's attachments from his May 9th email.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning
206-220-4460 (in Seattle)
-----Original Message-----
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a)chrispy.net
[mailto:ctpp-news-bounces@chrispy.net]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 12:20 PM
To: ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net
Subject: [CTPP] Draft Proposal for Transportation-Related Data Products
from ACS for 2004 and Beyond
I will be delivering a presentation this week in Irvine CA at the
Transportation Research Board Conference, "Census Data for Transportation
Planning: Preparing for the Future." I've put together a handout to go
along with the presentation which outlines the transportation-related
content in some new and/or revamped ACS data products. These proposals
have not received final approval yet, so are still subject to change. But
I've been asked to post them to the listserve to reach a wider audience.
The bottom line is that the standard products from ACS will have a lot more
tables on the characteristics of workers than have been previously produced
in either the ACS or in the decennial census. And for the first time ever,
there will be data tabulated by workplace geography in a standard Census
Bureau data product. The handout does not cover all products from ACS, just
two new types of products ("selected population profiles" and "subject
tables") and a major revision to the detailed tables (to be called "base
tables" in the future). You should print out the various worksheets to look
at them, since there is useful information in the headers and footers that
does not show up when you are just looking at the sheet on the screen.
(See attached file: Irvine-Handout_Proposed_ACS_Standard_Tables.xls)
A couple of weeks ago Elaine Murakami and I participated in a 1.5 hours
webcast from Portland State University. I did an overview of CTPP 2000
while Elaine covered the National Household Travel Survey and its online
table generator. You can view the webcast at
In addition to our little show there are about 50 other presentations
from their Seminar Series posted going back to 2002.
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461