This press release came out of the census bureau on Monday. I just now
clicked on the link and the page was not accessible. Maybe
tomorrow??? It's embargoed until Thursday so that may be the problem. The
press can get it through the special press password site.
Patty Becker
>To: census-bureau-alert(a)
>X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.11 July 24, 2002
>Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 16:28:20 -0500
>X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on LNHQ08MTA/HQ/BOC(Release 5.0.11 |July
>24, 2002) at
> 03/03/2003 04:28:21 PM
>From: census-bureau-alert-admin(a)
>Subject: [census-bureau-alert] EMBARGOED UNTIL: 12:01 A.M. EST, MARCH 6,
>2003 (THURSDAY)
>Sender: census-bureau-alert-admin(a)
>X-BeenThere: census-bureau-alert(a)
>X-Mailman-Version: 2.0.13
>Reply-To: pio(a)
>X-Reply-To: census-bureau-alert(a)
>List-Help: <>
>List-Post: <>
>List-Id: Press Media Information <>
>Public Information
>(301) 763-3691/457-3620 (fax)
>(301) 457-1037 (TDD)
>e-mail: <2000usa(a)>
> Census Bureau Releases County-to-County Worker Flow Files
> The Commerce Department's Census Bureau today released county-level
> data for the nation,
>the 50 states and the District of Columbia that show where people worked
>and where they
>resided at the time of Census 2000.
> The Census 2000 County-to-County Worker Flow files, compiled from
> responses to long-
>form questions on where people worked, allow users to sort based on the
>county of residence or
>the county of work. These files also allow users to look at the number of
>people who work in a
>county and determine where they reside whether in an adjacent county or
>in another state.
> User instructions: The files have been created in two formats Excel
> spreadsheet and
>ASCII (plain text). The Excel files and the uncompressed ASCII files may
>be viewed with
>browser software. The Excel files are accessible via word processing,
>spreadsheet or database
>programs. The ASCII files may be imported into various software applications.
> To view the data, click "Excel" or "Uncompressed" for the row that has
> the state and sort
>order you want. To download an Excel or uncompressed ASCII file, hold down
>the shift key and
>click on the underlined link.
> The compressed ASCII files are not viewable; they were compressed for
> faster downloading.
>To download one of the compressed ASCII files, click on "Compressed" for
>the row that has the
>state and sort order you want. For information on using PKZIP/PKUNZIP,
>click on the "PKZIP
>information page" link. For documentation, click on the "record layout" link.
> All the products are available at
> -X-
>census-bureau-alert mailing list
Patricia C. (Patty) Becker 248/354-6520
APB Associates/SEMCC FAX 248/354-6645
28300 Franklin Road Home 248/355-2428
Southfield, MI 48034 pbecker(a)
Nandu et all,
The 2000 County-to-County Worker Flow File will be available tomorrow
THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2003. The press has access to it on the embargo site
and will be publishing their stories tomorrow. You will be able to see the
data yourselves sometime tomorrow morning (I don't have an exact time yet)
on the JTW page at the addresss in Nandu's email below. Any questions can
be referred to Phil Salopek or me at 301-763-2454.
Clara Reschovsky
| | "Srinivasan, Nanda" |
| | <Nanda.Srinivasan@fh|
| |> |
| | Sent by: |
| | owner-ctpp-news@chri|
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | 03/05/2003 10:52 AM |
| | |
| |
| To: "hubsmtp.gwhub.\"HailaM(a)\"" <IMCEAGWISE-hubsmtp+2Egwhub+2E+22HailaM+40bcdcog+2Ecom+22(a)>,|
| <ctpp-news(a)> |
| cc: |
| Subject: RE: [CTPP] new data release? |
The flow data they are talking about is COUNTY-COUNTY Worker Flows. They
will be available for public access at the CB website ( from noon on
Wednesday, March 6, 2003. I think that the product is put on an
"embargoed" website for the press to access it a bit earlier.
Nanda Srinivasan
-----Original Message-----
From: HailaM(a)
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 10:29 AM
To: ctpp-news(a)
Subject: [CTPP] new data release?
We just got a call from the local paper. They got a press release from the
Census that states that the county-to-county worker flow data will be
available as of midnight tonight (Tuesday).
I went to the Census and the TRB websites and could find nothing about
not even a copy of the press release. Does anyone know about this?
Haila Maze
Phil Salopek (Census Bureau) corrected me on the release date for the county-county worker flows. The data will be released some time on Thursday (March 6, 2003).
Nanda Srinivasan
The flow data they are talking about is COUNTY-COUNTY Worker Flows. They will
be available for public access at the CB website
( from noon on
Wednesday, March 6, 2003. I think that the product is put on an "embargoed"
website for the press to access it a bit earlier.
Nanda Srinivasan
-----Original Message-----
From: HailaM(a)
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 10:29 AM
To: ctpp-news(a)
Subject: [CTPP] new data release?
We just got a call from the local paper. They got a press release from the
Census that states that the county-to-county worker flow data will be
available as of midnight tonight (Tuesday).
I went to the Census and the TRB websites and could find nothing about this,
not even a copy of the press release. Does anyone know about this?
Haila Maze
We just got a call from the local paper. They got a press release from the
Census that states that the county-to-county worker flow data will be
available as of midnight tonight (Tuesday).
I went to the Census and the TRB websites and could find nothing about this,
not even a copy of the press release. Does anyone know about this?
Haila Maze