For those who could not make the annual meeting we talked a little about
the future of the committee leadership and membership. On the
membership side, we are all up for rotation April 14, 2008. What this
means is that some members will have to rotated off as they have served
out their 3, three-year terms while the others will be considered for
reappointment. I will send out details on that process a little later.
What I really wanted to get to is the committee leadership. Along with
the committee rotation comes my rotation and ultimate "official"
departure. A chair can serve 2 consecutive three-year terms and I am in
my last year of my last term. Added to this I am just finishing up my
12th year as a committee member which means I was extended one term
beyond the maximum committee member life span of 3, three-year terms.
In short, I gotta go. Or put another way, my "rein of terror" is coming
to end.
The big step for the committee is to find a new chair. TRB has guidance
on this and I have attached what the TRB Leadership Guide has to say on
the matter. The bottom line is that I am notifying everyone that we
need a new chair and I am looking for your nominations or thoughts for
the new chair. Self nominations are certainly welcome and in fact that
is what I did. Since Tom and I will be openly discussing this, it is
ultimately a TRB staff decision, you can let your thoughts be known to
either Tom or I or both.
Here is the link to the Leadership Guide which is the bible for TRB
chairs. Chapter 5 talks about committees, their responsibilities and
what a committee chair might be getting themselves into. The job does
take a certain time commitment but I have also found it very rewarding.
Finally, the next chair does not have to come from inside the committee
so if know someone who would be good and interested please feel free to
pass this along or have them contact Tom and/or me.
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461