Urban Data Committee Members and Friends
Attached is the agenda for the Urban Data Committee. Although the
agenda looks rather full keep in mind that there is a lot room built
into it for discussion. Please note that our committee will be meeting
Tuesday morning, which is different day from last year. I would also
like to draw your attention to our "Members Activities" round robin and
encourage you to bring any materials or handouts that you would like to
share with the group on activities that may be of relevance to the
group. Over the years I have gotten good feedback on this portion of
the meeting and of course, it's success depends on your participation.
I did not want to bury with a long list of activities the committee is
involved with but instead would encourage you to go to the TRB
Interactive Meeting Planner (http://trb.org/meeting/) and enter the key
name ABJ30 (that is the committee number) and take a look at what comes
up. It will be a list of activities that the committee has either
organized or is a partner in sponsoring. I know that there are a lot of
time conflicts but I please make an effort to attend at least one other
committee event besides our annual meeting.
I'll look forward to seeing in a few weeks.
Ed Christopher, Chair ABJ30 urban Data and Information Systems Committee
Resource Center Planning Team
Federal Highway Administration
19900 Governors Drive
Olympia Fields, Illinois 60461
708-283-3534 (V) 708-574-8131 (cell)
708-283-3501 (F)
To: TRB Joint ADUS Subcommittee of AFD30 and ABJ30
The Subcommittee, AFD30(1), is meeting on Monday, Jan. 22, at 10:15
AM-12:00 PM, in the Hilton, Dupont room.
If you have any agenda items to suggest, please send them to me.
ADUS-related activities at the TRB annual meeting:
Sunday 1/21/2007
124 Linking ADUS, Performance Measures and Freeway Operations to Improve
Mobility, 8:30am - 12:00pm, Hilton, Monroe East
Monday 1/22/2007
340 Traffic Data Collection, Shoreham, on Monday, 2:30 PM-5:00 PM
390 Vehicle Detection and Classification, Marriott, Monday, 7:30 PM-9:30
398 Agile Data Standards Development: Pipe Dream or Possibility?
Hilton, Monday, 7:30 PM-9:30 PM
Tuesday 1/23/2007
Urban and Statewide Data Committees, ABJ20 & ABJ30, Hilton, Tuesday 8:00
AM -12:00
Highway Traffic Monitoring Committee, AFD30, Marriott, Tuesday, 1:30
PM-5:30 PM
Wednesday 1/24/2007
634 Highway Traffic Monitoring Data Quality, Shoreham, Wednesday, 8:00
AM-9:45 AM
Ralph Gillmann
Chair of the Joint ADUS Subcommittee
Acting Chief, Travel Monitoring & Surveys Division
Federal Highway Administration
We have a Poster Session that could use a moderator. Is anyone
interested? Attached is a PDF showing the papers and presentations that
will be part of the session.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Presiding officers for posters?
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2006 08:43:07 -0400
From: "Palmerlee, Thomas" <TPalmerlee(a)nas.edu>
A number of committees are designating presiding officers for poster
sessions. Here are some general duties and a version of guidelines are
attached. It seems to be a good idea. Let me know if you want to add
presiding officers to any of your poster sessions.
A presiding officer will record missing authors, relative level of
attendance, poster quality (including degree of compliance with TRB
guidelines), and to make certain the session signs and poster board
location labels are in their proper place (though TRB staff has primary
responsibility for the last item).
If anyone is interested in this let me know and I will pass your
interest along..
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Improving Coordination among the TRB Data and Safety Committee
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 16:24:32 -0400
From: "Palmerlee, Thomas" <TPalmerlee(a)nas.edu>
To: <Simon.Washington(a)asu.edu>,<pisarski(a)ix.netcom.com>,<ben(a)ksdot.org>,<edc(a)berwyned.com>,<coutod(a)michigan.gov>,<curtis.clabaugh(a)dot.state.wy.us>,<psh(a)ornl.gov>,<jzmud(a)nustats.com>,<johns003(a)tc.umn.edu>,<mgardner(a)fugro.com>,<harvey.miller(a)geog.utah.edu>,<ritchey(a)battelle.org>,<s-tucker(a)tamu.edu>,<scott.drumm(a)portofportland.com>,<reg(a)iastate.edu>,<gary.spring(a)merrimack.edu>,<mcneil(a)ce.udel.edu>,"Vandervalk
Anita " <avandervalk(a)camsys.com>
CC: "Palmerlee, Thomas" <TPalmerlee(a)nas.edu>
With recent activities like the Integrating Roadway, Traffic and Crash
Data Peer Exchange and Information Technology Committees Improving
Highway Safety through Crash Data Systems, safety is becoming a bigger
part of our portfolio. Rick Pain and I met to discuss improving
cooperation and coordination among the TRB data-related committee and
those involving safety, which he staffs.
We thought that some sort of joint section subcommittee would be a good
mechanism. Rick is checking with relevant committees on his side,
including the Safety Data, Analysis and Evaluation (ANB20) to gage their
interest. By this email, I am doing the same thing with all my
committees. If you are interested in working more closely with the TRB
safety committees, let me know and we will try to start a dialogue.
For those on the CTPP listseve bear with me for the duplicate post. As
you can see there is a problem statement wending its way through the
TCRP process that could use your comments. The details are provided
below. I would especially hope that the transit interests on the
committee give it some special attention.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [CTPP] We Need you Help---PLEASE Comment
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2006 13:28:38 -0500
From: Ed Christopher <edc(a)berwyned.com>
To: ctpp-news maillist <ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net>
This past summer I worked with several TRANSIT planners and developed a
research problem statement calling for a "guidebook on using ACS and
other census data for transit planning." The official tittle is #32
Census Data for Transit Systems Planning (07-H-03). The problem
statement was submitted to the Transit Cooperative Research Program
(TCRP) of the National Academies of Sciences
In trying to find out the status of the proposal I just learned that of
all the projects submitted, 41 have passed the initial screening phase
and have been recommended for funding consideration. Of the 41
projects, about 10 will be selected and COMMENTS are being sought from
the community at large.
On October 10-20 the TCRP Oversight and Project Selection (TOPS)
Committee will meet to select the FY07 problem statements. Specifically,
comments are sought on the following aspects of the individual problem
statements: 1) the merits of the problem statement and 2) any ongoing
work of which you are aware that would create a potential duplication of
Your comments would then be made available to the TOPS Committee at the
October meeting. Comments will be accepted through Sunday, October 15,
2006. To submit comments, send an email to
tcrp(a)nas.edu with the subject "Comments on Problem Statements." Be sure
to identify the problem statement(s) being commented on.
Here is the URL to the 41 problem statements and further information on
call for comments.
Feel free to call me with any questions, etc. But most of all please
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
ctpp-news mailing list
Can anyone help David with his request, see below? In particular I was
thinking that Cath Lawson, Shawn Turner or Carl Petty might know of
something specific. Besides, this might be a break from papers. So far
of the 51 papers we are playing with there are 53 of the 192 outstanding
reviews turned in.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Corley [mailto:rcorley@siue.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 2:41 PM
To: Murakami, Elaine
Subject: Speed data for urban commercial vehicles.
I am an mechanical engineering student working on my senior project. I
looking for speed profile data for a commercial vehicle driving a
typical urban route. Specifically I am looking for something like a
text file with the speed of the vehicle sampled twice a second.
Is this data available from your organization?
If not, do you know where I might find such data?
Thank you
David Corley
Southern Illinois Univeristy Edwardsville.
SIUE Web Mail
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Speed data for urban commercial vehicles.
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 09:47:54 -0700
From: "Murakami, Elaine" <Elaine.Murakami(a)fhwa.dot.gov>
To: "David Corley" <rcorley(a)siue.edu>
CC: "Ed Christopher" <edc(a)berwyned.com>
Sorry for the delayed response, but I have been having trouble with my
Most of the work I have done has used GPS, so it is limited to 1-second
intervals. Also, most commercial fleet management software uses GPS, so
has a similar limitation. You will probably have a lot of difficulty
finding a public dataset with sub-second data, combined with GPS,
because it would most likely need to be tied to the OBD. You best bet
is to find someone at EPA ( I just left a voice mail for someone at EPA
in Ann Arbor). IF (big IF) they have something like that you and your
professor would need to sign a confidentiality agreement to have access.
Another potential source is the California Air Resources Board.
You could try Bob Leore at Transport Canada, who did a presentation in
Minneapolis at the NATMEC conference on combining OBD-II and GPS. I
didn't attend his presentation, did not get a copy of his ppt, so I
don't know if he has implemented any data collection, and if so, on what
vehicles. I don't have his email address, and it wasn't on the
conference list of attendees! I'm sure you can find it.
I will CC Ed Christopher who chairs the TRB urban data committee.
Maybe he knows of some other possibilities. Or, you could try posting
your query on the TMIP listserv.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning (Wash DC)
Many of the data programs which we have grown to know and love (NHTS,
HPMS, travel monitoring, highway statistics, etc) were under Chip's
domain as well as FHWA policy analyses like Truck Size and Weight. For
the curious, here is the web site for the policy shop
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FW: Announcement of Key Leadership Change from J. Richard Capka
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 10:48:44 -0500
From: "Christopher, Ed" <Ed.Christopher(a)fhwa.dot.gov>
To: <edc(a)berwyned.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:10 AM
Subject: Announcement of Key Leadership Change from J. Richard Capka
Charles (Chip) Nottingham, the Federal Highway
Administrations (FHWA) Associate Administrator for Policy and
Governmental Affairs, assumed the position of Chairman of the
Surface Transportation Board on August 14.
During the past 4 years, Chip has provided exceptional
leadership as the senior policy, legislative, and
congressional affairs manager for the FHWA. Among his many
accomplishments, he successfully coordinated the team that
played the key role in enabling Congress to pass, and the
President to sign the surface transportation reauthorization
Please join me in wishing Chip well in his new position.
It is time for a quick update on TRB papers. This year I am doing
something that I have learned that several other committees do. I am
sending around the list of Papers assigned to the committee and asking
for volunteers. Of course, I will also be making assignments as I don't
expect every paper to be fully subscribed. Attached is the list of
papers we have so far. Its only 21. I emphasis "so far". Yesterday,
due to the excessive demands on the TRB servers, TRB extended the
deadline another day and I am sure that TRB staff is waiting for things
to settle down before they take another run at their committee
If you see a paper that you would like to review let me know as soon as
possible. Also, if you see a paper and you know of someone not on the
committee who is a particular expert in the area and interested let me
know that too. As in years past, I expect to be pulling in reviewers
from outside the immediate committee to assure that we have the proper
expertise reviewing.
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
I snagged this off the TMIP listserve and thought I would pass it along.
I would encourage folks to take a look at the STEP website and provide
their research ideas where appropriate. There ae so many ways where
data fits into this.
Subject: Feedback on FHWA Research Program
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 16:21:50 -0400
From: Fred.Ducca(a)DOT.GOV
The purpose of this message is to update you on the status of the
Surface Transportation Environment and Planning Cooperative Research
Program (STEP). Section 5207 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible,
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)
established the STEP program. The goal of the STEP is to improve
understanding of the complex relationship between surface
transportation, planning, and the environment.
The STEP program will be the primary source of funding for TMIP.
By September 15, 2006, FHWA invites stakeholders to review the
implementation strategy and provide suggested lines of research that may
be pursued during fiscal year 2007 via the STEP website at:
http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/HEP/STEP. For example, stakeholders who have an
interest in the "Tools to Support Environment and Planning" emphasis
area might suggest that it is important to research ways to implement
tour-based travel forecasting models or to integrate freight forecasting
models within MPO forecasting procedures. Access to the STEP Emphasis
Areas can be found by clicking on Strategies, then on STEP Emphasis
The STEP website and feedback system are available now, so please
provide comments at your earliest convenience.
FHWA does not seek specific, detailed research proposals and discourages
researchers from submitting proposals of that nature. Specific research
work statements, if pursued under the STEP, would be crafted by FHWA,
after careful consideration of stakeholder views.
Please share information about the STEP implementation strategy and
Web-based feedback system with other stakeholders. We look forward to
your feedback regarding this important cooperative research program.
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
One of the issues presented to the TRB committees at the recent summer
meetings was the strategic planning process which TRB is doing. As part
of that effort we have been asked to provide input on the following
Please take some time to answer the questions and respond to me by
August 11 and I will compile them and turn them in.
1. What does TRB do best?
2. What could TRB do better?
3. What else can TRB do to meet the needs of your committee?
4. Do you feel that constituencies in your committees areas of interest
are adequately represented and involved in TRB?
5. If the answer to the above question is no, what constituencies
should TRB reach out to in order to improve the representation of your
committees areas of interest?
6. What should TRB do to stimulate greater involvement by those in your
committees areas of interest?
7. Please list any specific issues that TRB should address or new
directions that your committee would like to see TRB pursue in the
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461