Hello TRB AED20 (formerly ABJ30) committee members and friends-
I hope everyone is staying healthy, safe, and sane throughout this pandemic.
As we discussed at the midyear meeting, there is still some uncertainty
about whether the TRB Annual Meeting will take place in person, virtually,
or as some sort of hybrid model. One thing is certain, though: the TRB
paper submission deadline remains on August 1 and we need to plan for paper
reviews. Once papers are submitted, papers will be assigned to committees
by TRB and then the committees will assign the papers to the
reviewers. The paper review period is August 15 – September 15. We must
complete the entire process by mid-September, with review results and
final session details input into the TRB system before October 1.
Given the unusual circumstances, it is hard to determine whether we will
see an increased or decreased paper load. In prior years, members received
4-5 papers to review from this committee and friends were asked to review
1-2 papers (but if you’d like to review more, we’re happy to assign more to
you!). You may receive additional reviews from different committees – we
don’t have a way of coordinating assignments across committees. Review
loads may differ this year depending on what gets submitted.
As a “high volume” committee (i.e., we receive more than 100 papers to
review each year), your assistance in reviewing papers is a critical
element as each paper needs multiple reviewers with a diversity of
experience to ensure well-rounded reviews. * To help us connect reviewers
with papers, please complete this very short survey by Wednesday July 29:*
Early completion of the survey will be very helpful for us!
A couple important reminders are:
- Please make sure your e-mail address in MyTRB (
www.mytrb.org) is
accurate. We will be using this to contact you about reviews. We will
also be using this to create our new committee mailing list
- As you receive email notifications of paper assignments, please login
to the TRB Editorial Manager and accept/decline each paper assigned as
quickly as possible. This helps us manage the review process more
Thanks in advance for your help!
Mike Fontaine, Chair AED20
Paper review chairs:
ABJ30 (general): Clotilde Minster. Charlotte Frei, and Mara Kaminowitz
Travel time, speed and reliability (TTSR) focus: Ram Venkatanarayana and
Jiaqi Ma
Urban Big Data focus: Pat Coleman
Michael D. Fontaine, P.E., Ph.D.
Associate Director
Safety, Operations, and Traffic Engineering
Virginia Transportation Research Council
530 Edgemont Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Ph: 434-293-1980 (Mon), 434-882-3201 (Tues-Fri)
E-mail: Michael.Fontaine(a)VDOT.Virginia.Gov