Dear John,
The best I can do is offer names and numbers of people who did ours.
The tiger files for our urban parishes were rectified to 9" spatial
resolution panchromatic aerials by a contractor: 3001 The Spatial Data
Company. Since this is how they make money, I don't know if they will help
with advice or not, but worth a phone call (504) 733-3001
Address: 5525 Mounes St. Harahan, LA 70123.
Also, the census bureau is using our region as a test area for rectifying
all 5 parishes to the 1998 DOQQ CIR aerials. They also have hired a
contractor (everyone knows how much fun this isn't.) The census bureau
contact is: rfusaro(a)
Here is a clip from her last message:The status is that the contractors are
in the
process of extracting the vectors from the imagery. I have no idea when
the rectified TIGER/Lines are due in, as the extracted vectors go to a
different contractor for TIGER Matching and coordinate replacement. This
whole process has been incredibly slow, and quite a learning experience.
I will keep you posted as anything new occurs.
Randi Fusaro at census may be helpful, since they would like this done for
the entire country.
That's the best I can for now. If I hear of anything, I'll forward it
Best of luck,
Lynn Dupont
Regional Planning Commission
Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Bernard and St. Tammany Parishes
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