The following message was posted on the State Data Center Listserv this morning. The
5-percent PUMS data will probably be released over the next 6 weeks.
A couple of the provided links don't work. They might work tomorrow.
The Public Use Microdata Sample files for Rhode Island, Vermont, and
Wyoming will be released to the public on August 6, 2003 at 12:01 AM.
There is no embargo period for these data.
The data can be accessed on 8/6/03 at:
The PUMS tech doc in TXT format is on the Customer Liaison Office's
website at the following URL:
Chapter J-Equivalency files is forthcoming.
The PUMS files will be released on a weekly flow basis beginning this month
through September 2003. This is end date is subject to change. I do not
have a "look ahead" list of planned state releases at this time. I will
let you know when this information becomes available.
For more information on PUMS refer to the product description at:
CLO will provide the network with copies of the CD-ROMs for the leads,
coords, and affiliate organizations in each state during the August through
September time period.
Renée Jefferson-Copeland
Customer Liaison Office
Census Bureau