Registration is now open for the 2016 TRB Tools of the Trade Conference:
"Tools of the Trade is a national conference providing practical techniques for
transportation professionals in small (under 50,000 residents) and medium-sized (50,000 to
250,000 residents) communities. All practitioners, researchers, academics and others
involved in the transportation community are encouraged attend. The conference is
sponsored by the Transportation Research Board Committee ADA30, the Federal Highway
Administration, the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments, and the South
Carolina Department of Transportation."
I will be moderating two sessions on travel demand modeling applicable to small and
medium-sized communities. Some of the other sessions cover performance based planning,
scenario planning, freight planning, and Big Data (for small areas). The conference will
be held in historic Charleston, South Carolina on September 12-14, 2016. We hope to see
you there!
Robert G. Schiffer, AICP
Discipline Leader, Modeling, Southeast/Gulf Regions
1441 Maclay Commerce Drive Suite 101 Tallahassee FL 32312-3908
Phone: (850) 878-5001
Cell: (850) 570-8958<>
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