This was posted today, 12/7/04, on the State Data Center listserv.
U.S. Census Bureau
Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Program News
The Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) program is an
innovative system that combines administrative data on employers and
employees with core demographic data to produce new local statistics on
workers and their industries.
The flagship product - Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI) - is possible
because of a partnership with 35 states, through their labor market
information agencies. The QWI include measures of employment, turnover,
job creation and loss, and earnings by industry and by age and sex of
worker. Available at the local level - for counties, places, workforce
investment areas, etc. - this data set makes it possible for workers and
workforce boards to better understand where the jobs are and what training
is needed and for businesses and economic development agencies to assess
workforce availability and pay.
Advanced confidentiality protection techniques ensure that the
confidentiality of the people and firms that provide the data is protected.
Redesigned Web Site
The Census Bureau launched a redesigned web site this week to provide users
with an easy-to-navigate site. It is available at
The redesigned web site adds a number of new applications and features,
introduces consistency in navigation and look and feel, builds a structure
for adding content and integration with the Local Employment Dynamics
program's state partners' web sites, and seeks to improve responsiveness to
the users.
For example, two new applications - Local Workforce and Top Industries -
have been added to provide the latest information on the composition of the
local workforce and the "hot" industries in terms of hiring and earnings.
The popular QWI Online continues to provide 8 quarterly workforce
indicators by geography, industry, and demographics. The new site also
offers a glimpse of the pilot project, On The Map, where the origin and
destination patterns of workers between home and workplace are mapped.
Featured sections such as "Quick Links", "What's New?",
"Q&A", "Did You
Know?", and "Partners Only" are included in the new web package, along
a chance to provide "Feedback" and perform a Google "Search" within
the web
The web site will be continuously upgraded in the next 6-9 months. The next
major milestone is the introduction of the mapping application between June
and September 2005. Visit for more information
about the LEHD/LED program.
The Listserve
This listserve is for those like you who have expressed an interest in the
LEHD program. Through it, we will keep you updated on the latest LEHD
research and products. If you know of others who might be interested, they
can join by going to the website at
Renée Jefferson-Copeland
Program Administrator
State and Governmental Programs
Customer Liaison Office
Census Bureau