Well, the ACS data is what it is - can't get around that. The sample
size is smaller than that used for the 2000 Decennial Census sample
survey (the equivalent of about 12% versus about 16%), so there are
indeed many who are dissatisfied with the resulting higher margin of
error. This dissatisfaction is probably increased because Census did
not report the margin of error until the ACS came along, in the past
allowing Census users (myself included) some degree of blissful
ignorance of the actual level of uncertainty. At the small area level,
notable error rates actually have been in the sample data all along.
Whether it will "not be good" at the block group level will depend on
how good it has to be for your purposes, and on what data element you
are measuring (e.g., smaller percent margin of error for SOV rates than
for bicycle commuters).
Block groups are of comparable size nationwide, for small communities
and large, ranging in the 2000 Census from about 600 to about 3000 and
averaging about 1200 (the 2000 Census geography will be that used in the
2005-09 ACS product). The ACS block group data consequently will be of
comparable utility for small communities and large, since it is the size
of the block group that counts, not the size of the community. One
exception to this rule: Census uses higher sampling rates in low
population areas (e.g., small towns and small rural counties) so that
they can get a large enough sample to achieve statistical significance
when they have to report data for small political jurisdictions.
Bottom line: for better or worse, ACS 2005-09 block group data is all we
will have in the next few months with small area socio-economic and
journey-to-work characteristics, unless one has the resources to do
one's own surveys. As Ed Christopher pointed out, the 2010 block data
also will be available for our use in delineating new TAZs, though it
will be limited to basic demographic information, dwelling counts, and
owner vs. renter vs. group quarters.
Pete Swensson, Senior Planner
Thurston Regional Planning Council
2424 Heritage Ct. SW
Olympia, WA 98502
(360) 741-2530 (direct line)
(360) 956-7575 (main desk)
(360) 956-7815 (fax)
This e-mail and any attachments are for the use of the addressed
individual. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify
our systems manager. TRPC has taken responsible precautions to ensure
no viruses are present in this e-mail, however we do not accept
responsibility for loss or damage arising from the use of this e-mail or
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a)
[] On Behalf Of Allen, Robert
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 7:19 AM
To: 'ctpp-news(a)'
Subject: RE: [CTPP] RE: TAZ delineation for CTPP (2006-2010)
The information that I have been receiving through the Texas
Transportation Institute has been that the 2005-2009 ACS data will not
be good at the block group level, at least not for places like Abilene,
TX (pop. appx. 120,000). If you have been getting different
information, I would very much like to know, as it is very important due
to the timetable for our current travel demand model update.
Robert R. Allen, AICP
Abilene MPO Transportation Planning Director
400 Oak Street, Suite 102, Abilene, TX 79602
Office (325) 676-6243
Fax (325) 676-6398
Cell (325) 513-4615
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a)
[] On Behalf Of Pete Swensson
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 3:36 PM
To: ctpp-news(a)
Subject: RE: [CTPP] RE: TAZ delineation for CTPP (2006-2010) tabulation
I'll just jump in. I am on the CTPP Oversight Committee that prepared
the "Business Rules" for delineating the TAZs for which Census will
report the data.
Census has been collecting journey to work data through the American
Community Survey nationwide since 2006 that will go into the CTPP
2006-2010 tabulation. They need all of us FIRST to delineate our TAZs
for them to create the tabulation. So you won't be able to wait to see
the data first in order to determine how best to delineate your TAZs.
Sometime around December of this year, the 2005-2009 5-year dataset will
come out, providing data down to the block group level (2000 census
block group geography), and you may find that useful in determining how
you want to delineate your TAZs. It won't be exactly what you are
looking for geographically, the standard tables will not be as
specifically tailored to transportation modelers, and the data won't be
benchmarked to this year's decennial census like the 2006-2010 dataset
will. But it may give you some useful data.
Pete Swensson, Senior Planner
Thurston Regional Planning Council
2424 Heritage Ct. SW
Olympia, WA 98502
(360) 741-2530 (direct line)
(360) 956-7575 (main desk)
(360) 956-7815 (fax)
This e-mail and any attachments are for the use of the addressed
individual. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify
our systems manager. TRPC has taken responsible precautions to ensure
no viruses are present in this e-mail, however we do not accept
responsibility for loss or damage arising from the use of this e-mail or
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a)
[] On Behalf Of Curt Hutchings
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 12:20 PM
To: ctpp-news(a)
Subject: [CTPP] RE: TAZ delineation for CTPP (2006-2010) tabulation
Please excuse my ignorance. I have had questions about how the Census
Dept. would collect TAZ data for the Census. I have been waiting for
information like you have provided below. Can you give me any
additional information? We are in the process of modifying our TAZ
structure now and want, If possible to use the new information in this
count. Any thoughts?
From: ctpp-news-bounces(a)
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 10:32 AM
To: ctpp-news(a)
Subject: [CTPP] TAZ delineation for CTPP (2006-2010) tabulation SCHEDULE
At our monthly CTPP Technical meeting last week, April Avnayim of the
Census Bureau Geography Division, gave us an update on the TAZ
delineation software schedule.
November 2010: agencies verify contact names by reviewing file at
Cambridge Systematics ftp site, and report any changes to Liang Long.
December 2010: final delivery of software by Caliper to CB
February 2011: web-based training coordinated with FHWA
January thru March 2011: delivery of software and Census 2010 data and
geographic files on a rolling basis.
Each state will get 3 - 4 months to delineate their TAZ and TADs and
return the files to the Census Bureau.
July 2011: all files MUST be returned to CB Geography Division.
Please note: TAZs for CTPP tabulation do not necessarily match the TAZs
for your travel demand model. Because the ACS sample is small, some
agencies are planning to make the TAZs for CTPP LARGER than their model
TAZs, e.g. combining their model TAZs together. Also, TAZs for CTPP are
census block equivalencies. You will NOT be able to modify the TIGER
segments (which was possible in the CTPP2000). Finally, agencies are
NOT required to define TAZs or TADs. If you do not define TAZs, then
census tracts will be used as the default geography for CTPP (2006-2010)
tabulation. However, even if you do not define TAZs, we recommend that
you create TADs (population threshold of 20,000) by combining census
tracts together.
The TAZ business rules are posted on the FHWA webpage: