The TRB Subcommittee on Census Data for Transportation Planning, ABJ30(1)
has several activities planned for the 2015 TRB meeting.
The TRB poster session, "Applications for Small-Area American Community
Survey and Census Transportation Planning Package Data: New Data, New
Challenges," has been scheduled for Monday, January 12, 2:00 pm - 3:45 pm.
The session will be in Convention Center Hall E. We have a wide range of
topics and posters representing MPO's, academia, and both the public and
private sectors.
The Census for Transportation Planning Subcommittee meeting has been
scheduled for Wednesday, January 14, 10:15 am - 12:00 pm. The session will
be in the Marriott Marquis, Liberty K. Several authors from the poster
sessions will be presenting on aspects of their work.
We will have more information and a subcommittee agenda closer to the
conference date. I look forward to seeing you there!
*Mara Kaminowitz, GISP*GIS Coordinator
*Baltimore Metropolitan Council*
Offices @ McHenry Row
1500 Whetstone Way
Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21230
410-732-0500 ext. 1030