Notice for all agencies participating in the Workplace Update program!
This version contains added functionality to allow you to move multiple
points from one location to another within the same county. With this new
release of the software you can move a number of employers as a group,
instead of having to move each one individually. If you would like to be
able to take advantage of this new function, continue reading below.
The new version of the program, still named wup.avx, is available by direct
link to: There is also
a link to this site from the TRB Subcommittee website,
The file has been zipped, so after you download the program you need to unzip
it and copy it into the two locations where your wup.avx file is located.
These locations are usually the \Esri\AV_gis30\Arcview\Ext32 and \workup\bin
directories. (The first location is the working copy; the latter is a
backup.) These directories are normally on the C drive, but if your
installation is different you'll have to find where the wup.avx files are and
copy the new version to those directories.
Here is a brief discussion of how the new function works.
Moving Multiple Employers at One Time
A number of Work-UP users have indicated to us that they would like to be
able to move multiple employers from one location to another in the same
county in one operation. The developer has added this functionality so that
there is now a way to move a group of employers.
Moving a group of Points in Work-UP:
1. Use the Select Feature (lasso) tool or the Query Builder button to
select a group of employers you want to move.
2. Click the "M" button. This new button is located at the far right end
the button bar, the top bar of icons in Work-UP.
3. You will be prompted as in other Work-UP procedures to choose between the
geocoded and the ungeocoded files and you will also be notified how many
records you have selected.
4. Finally a window will come up asking for the address to which you want
the points moved. This address will NOT be put on the records being moved,
it is only to find the location to which you want them moved. If the address
you enter is not one that can be geocoded, you will be prompted to locate the
spot on the map as in other Work-UP procedures.
Hint: It seems to be helpful to first figure out where you want to move the
employers to, before you go through the procedure of actually selecting them.