Dan, I am responding to the whole list because of the importance of your
question. The very short answer is no, but.... There always is a but.
In terms of specific work it is looking like TAZ development will not
take place until late summer/fall 2008. Coming just before TAZ
development will be a Census program to redifine Tracts and Block
Groups. The organizational and technical processes for defining these
geographies will be different. Regarding the organizational process ie
who developes the boundaries, the Census Bureau is overhauling the old
arrangements. They will be calling for broader participation of
regional and local agencies, and FHWA will be encouraging the MPOs and
state DOTs to be engaged in the process. This has been done to varying
degrees in the past. The CB is also developing a software approach
which I would like to think we in CTPP land helped pioneer with our 2000
TAZ-UP software.
Before I get to far ahead of myself, the point is that it would be wise
to plan on some staff time through out calendar 2007 for staying plugged
in and preparing for what is to come. Having budgeted some staff time
will also allow time for looking and learing how to work with ACS data.
This is becoming ever so more important with data being released every
year. However, in the middle to the end of 2008 the bulk of more
techincal work in terms of TAZ (and other geography) deffinition will be
upon us.
Also, remember that the first 3-year data (tables for areas with more
that 20,000 people) will begin coming out in August 2008. Next year,
August of 2007, you will still have the tables for areas over 65,000
people like you did this year.
Another consideration is the AASHTO CTPP pooled fund. ASHTO is just now
finishing up on getting all the committment letters for the states so
that the planning work, research, training materials and the
devleoplment of customized data products can start moving in preperation
and onset of ACS data and activities. Regarding the pooled fund (or
consolidated purchase as some call it) in some states the state DOT
might be requesting the MPOs to pick up a share of the cost. This would
have to be bugeted for ASAP. So far, I only know of only one state that
might be doing this, California. Indiana has already signed the
commitment letter and is on board. For more infoation on the poled fund
and what each state has been asked to pony up see
http://www.TRBcensus.com/SCOP/docs/pooled_fund/pooled-fund.pdf. For
even more detail on the consolidated purchase se
http://www.TRBcensus.com/SCOP/ you will find more detail on the pooled
Let me stop here in case I raised more questions that people want to ask
and before I confuse the matter.
Dan Avery wrote:
Are there any activities that MPO's should be including
in their UPWPs regarding assistance to the Census
Bureau in FY 08 (July 2007 to June 2008)? In the past
we have assisted with address files, journey to work
info, tract and block group boundaries, etc. and we are
often caught in mid-year without appropriate funding
identified in our UPWP. Do you know what activities may
be planned for this time period? Thanks for any
assistance and information.
Dan Avery
Co-Chair Indiana MPO Council
Dan Avery
Executive Director, NIRCC
fax 260.449.7682
Ed Christopher
708-283-3534 (V)
708-574-8131 (cell)
19900 Governors Dr
Olympia Fields, IL 60461