Within a limited budget, USDOT chose to work with only one software platform
for the digital TAZ submission process for CTPP 2000. After reviewing the
recent NARC GIS survey, and from communications with MPOs and State DOTs on
GIS platforms, we selected ArcView as the platform.
USDOT is not requiring the use of TAZ-UP for the submission of TAZ boundaries.
We are working with the Bureau of the Census to define the file
specifications needed to submit ASCII files for TAZs, so that any GIS package
can be used. However, we are requiring the use of TIGER/Line 98 for the base,
since the Census Bureau must tie the boundaries back to the "real" TIGER file.
In addition, as you see in the letter, we will also have a paper process, if
Because the TAZ boundary submission is very similar to that for Voting
Districts, it is likely that other vendors who are developing Voting
District programs for submittal to Census can assist you. We understand that
Caliper has a voting district program.
Elaine Murakami
Federal Highway Administration
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