TO: State Data Center listserv; Census Transportation listserv
FR: Chuck Purvis, SF Bay Area Regional Data Center
We've uploaded our SAS code to help in analysis of the new demographic profile #2, 3,
and 4 data. Our very simple SAS code, and the edited California CSV files, are at:
Essentially, we edited the California CSV files to include two additional records: a
variable name record, and a dummy record that gives correct dimensions to the numeric and
string variables. The variable names that we use ARE THE SAME AS the Census Bureau's
DP234 documentation, that is dp2001-dp2102, dp3001-dp3107, and dp4001-dp4100. (That's
309 different variables, not including the geographic identifiers!)
In these SAS jobs, these variable names are then reset to more mnemonic variable names,
and then are exported into CSV files using PROC EXPORT. In addition, we subset the
California places to extract Bay Area only places.
We are using SAS Version 8 on PCs.
In addition, we've created a new page examining the transportation-related data from
DP234. (That's because our interests are as the MPO - transportation planning agency
for our region.) Interesting trends and results!…
Hope this helps!
Chuck Purvis, MTC Oakland
Charles L. Purvis, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner/Analyst
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
101 Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94607-4700
(510) 464-7731 (office)
(510) 464-7848 (fax)
Census WWW: