State Departments of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning
As announced earlier this week, all the CTPP 2000 Part 3 files
(journey-to-work flow data) are now available in ASCII format for
downloading from the BTS TranStats website at Unlike Parts 1 and 2, only these ASCII
files will be available for Part 3 in a preliminary version for review by
the State DOTs and MPOs. The reason for this is that we will not have a
revised version of the CTPP Access Tool (CAT) software that can handle the
Part 3 flow data soon enough to be used in the review.
We encourage you to download the ASCII files for your area and evaluate the
data as soon as you can. To assist you in your review we have provided a
data dictionary, Microsoft Access template, and dbase specs file for Part
3. The files in Part 3 are more manageable than the previous CTPP 2000 data
because there are fewer tables and the records are therefore shorter.
However, there are large numbers of records in some of the files so the
databases can still be quite big. Errors that come to our attention based
on review of the ASCII files will be fixed before the CAT software version
of the data become available. We expect to distribute the CAT software
version of the final Part 3 data late this summer. Stay tuned to the CTPP
listserve for details.
--Phil Salopek
Chief, Journey to Work and Migration Statistics Branch
U.S. Census Bureau
(301) 763-2454