Many of the presentations are now available at the APDU website. You might like to look
at the session on Social Media, but the topic of the greatest interest to the CTPP
community is about ACS.
Jim Treat from the Census Bureau discussed ACS activities:
1. ACS Data Users Group has been established. (Note: Ed Christopher from FHWA is
our transportation data representative to this group.)
2. Data release schedule:
a. 1 year 2012 ACS: Sept 19, 2013
b. 3 year 2010-2012 ACS: October 24.
c. 5 year 2008-2012 ACS: December 5.
d. New product will be 3-year comparison profiles of non-overlapping years:
2007-2009 with 2010-2012.
3. Census API -over 3500 developer keys have been distributed. Census developers
forum has over 900 members.
4. ACS Content review.
a. The Census Bureau has identified 18 criteria on which to determine whether
questions should be kept or discarded.
i. 12 of the measures
are on utility and quality
ii. 6 of the measures
are on difficulty.
b. Federal agencies will be asked to submit "clear documentation" to
justify "their" questions this fall. (Note: this type of request seems to be
happening with more frequency. USDOT submitted a big package of justification to OMB for
the journey to work questions in ACS in September 2012).
c. Beginning in January 2014, there will be an on-line survey of non-federal data
users on ACS Content.
On Sept 25, APDU will be conducting a webinar on Statistical Disclosure Control. Tom
Krenzke from Westat and Clara Reschovsky from the Metropolitan Washington COG will be
discussing the methods applied to the ACS data for the CTPP production.
Elaine Murakami
FHWA Office of Planning