IF the TIGER reader can create the basic tiger poly layer and if it keeps
the field "polyid" then you can read the polygon attribute file into
ArcView separately as a table, do a relate on polyid (then dissolve if you
want a single poly for UA--dissolve is the Arc/Info word, forgot what
ArcView calls it). Whoops, ArcView only reads dbf, info and delimited
text. TIGER is fixed field text so you'd need to read it into Excel and
export as dbase or use some other tool of your choice to get to a dbf.
I will try to take a look at this TIGER Reader but we got Illinois SF3
Profile data today so I'm under the gun to work with it before the press
gets it (tomorrow) and then the public release Tuesday. I suspect the
reason TIGER Reader works is that that the records sizes and basic formats
in TIGER haven't changed in a while. BUT, some fields have changed--as
several others have pointed out. the UA2000 field is indeed the combo of
the old UA field and UA flag. In Arc/Info I just did a redefine--in
ArcView you need to create a new 5 character field and then do a calc into
it of the 2 fields concantenated (go into "start editing", highlight the
new field, go to field->calc and enter UA+UAFLAG--or whatever your fields
are called as long as they are character NOT numeric).
jim b
On Wed, 8 May 2002, Tom Reinauer wrote:
I tried using Tiger Reader in ArcView 3.2a and have
had no luck. The UA
data record also appears to be 1990, not 2000.
We have cross-border issues and split urbanized areas and would really like
to see the new boundaries before the Fall.
Someone out there must know of a fairly simple process(or develop a simple
process) to convert the boundary data into an ArcView shape file,
considering the proliferation of ESRI products.
Tom Reinauer, Transportation Director
Southern Maine RPC
21 Bradeen St. Suite 304
Springvale, ME 04083
FAX -2958
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kendis Willet" <kwillet(a)ardc.org>
To: <ctpp-news(a)chrispy.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 11:52 AM
Subject: [CTPP] UA conversion
So, if you are using Arcview 3.2 and ArcInfo 8.1
and are not able to buy a
third party software, a person can't process these UA boundaries off the
Census site?
Kendis Willet
GIS Specialist
Metropolitan Interstate Committee
Email: kwillet(a)ardc.org