I am comparing CTPP 2000 county-to-county flows vs. travel demand model for
a mid-sized region. There are a number of complicating issues, including:
Census work trip may not be made every day
Census work tour may be coded as other than home-based-work (HBW) trips in
trip-based model
Census only records one commute for workers with more than one job
In trying to massage the data to be as consistent as possible, I also
reviewed ES-202 and BEA county employment data. The BEA totals including
proprietors are very high, but the BEA wage and salary totals are reasonably
consistent with ES-202 data, i.e. consistently higher as they include
non-covered employment including government.
However, the CTPP flow data are not particularly consistent with ES-202 and
BEA, i.e. some counties appear to attract more commuters than indicated by
ES-202 and BEA, and other counties attract less than ES-202 and BEA (after
adjusting so the totals are the same).
Have others observed similar discrepancies? Does anyone have advice for
reconciling these datasets?
Norm Marshall
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