<<RE: Re[2]: Employer File Update for Decennial Census >>
Several of you have responded to my question on what is to be done with
journey-to-work coding, including two responses from the Census. I've
attached a response I sent directly to Phil Salopek of the Census Bureau
because I think it touches on something common to many of your agencies -
starting "fresh" with a new database to review when many of you have put in
a lot of effort during the 90's to put together a geocodable listing on your
Many of your comments made references to presentations and discussions at
the annual TRB meeting held earlier this month. I did not go to TRB this
year and no doubt many other MPO staffs were not there or made it to these
discussions. I don't know if others have already asked the kind of
questions I'm asking or not, but let me know if you see any problems with
the issues I'm raising - or if you think they're not serious problems at
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