----------- Sorry for crossed
essages --------------
Dear Urban Mobility Professional,
As you are aware I have been doing research regarding the Y2K problem in
relation to the mobility branch. In the Urban Mobility professional (UMP:
http://www.mobility-net.com/ump/issue1.htm) I already mentioned that so far
little attention has been given to the Y2K problem in relation to Urban
Mobility which means that a lot of companies/organizations are not Year 2000
The articles published in the UMP confirm this statement. For example the
article written by Martyn Emery about the study on the infrastructure
robustness of the Greater London Area in the context of the Year 2000
Computing Crisis, in which he concluded that the Greater London Area scored
a 49 out of 100 in their scale for Year 2000 readiness.
It is therefore that I explicitly ask you as being an Urban Mobility
Professional, to subscribe and participate in the Y2K Forum-discussion
http://www.mobility-net.com/forum/) (NEW: Mailinglist functionality
included) and maybe contradict the fears Mr Martin Bangemann told a news
A lot of people don't seem to be worrying their pretty heads about it"
(Reuters, February 25, 1998).
I am looking forward to see your reactions.
Cindy Kerckhoffs